Wednesday, November 10, 2021


Changing your fitness routine is a fundamental approach towards receiving the best results from your program. If you periodically change the intensity, frequency, and duration of your workouts, chances are, your body will deliver peak performance.

Let's say you want to lose weight, or sculpt and define muscles, increase flexibility or endurance -- each of these demands specificity in your routine. Specificity in fitness training pertains to getting fit for a specific sport or receiving the desired result from your program. Not all exercises deliver the same results for your body.
For example, if you want to lose weight, you should rev up your metabolic engine by increasing your aerobic conditioning for more stamina. If you are trying to gain muscle density, you can lift weights or try resistive exercises to develop hypotrophy and a more defined physique.  Loosening up stiff muscles with Yoga and Pilates workouts is a phenomenal way to achieve greater flexibility.  Trying a comprehensive, progressive, and periodized approach to your fitness program alongside the guidance of a wellness coach is the BEST way to maximize your results.

A good trainer knows how to monitor when, how long, and how often you change your routines. They suggest that you go outdoors for a nice long walk in nature or motivate you to get in the workout room to train with some weights.  They can guide you through relaxing stretches and meditation to help you prevent strain and injury while you mold your body, mind, and spirit into the best version of yourself.

Do you need a trainer?  Give us a call today, and we'll help you find the perfect person for your specific needs.  Click here and give us your contact info, and we'll set up a time to tailor a program just for you.

By: Clarita



Feeling sluggish? Are you exercising but not making any headway with your progress? Have you hit a plateau with your weight lossThanksgiving is here; how are you supposed to reach your health and fitness goals?

Simple, change your routine. Prepare your meals well in advance, make a shopping list of fresh fruits & vegetables and eliminate processed foods, all of which can shift that blockage into progress and transformation.  

One of the main culprits of a sluggish metabolic response is the consumption of processed sugar.  The key to driving your metabolism and delivering the best energy into your system is to eat a balanced diet of complex carbohydrates, organic proteins, and healthful fats.  

Why not use this Thanksgiving to eliminate simple carbs like soft drinks, candy, and white sugar from your recipes?  Begin anew and stock your refrigerator with free-range turkey, organic veggies from your local farmer's markets, and create nutritious desserts from fresh fruits.

It will be easy enough to extend these healthy Thanksgiving meal choices beyond the holiday; the advantage, "pre-cooked" and sufficient food to last you and the rest of the family for days to come.  Who said you have to gorge and feel stuffed after that traditional turkey meal?  "You must eat ALL your food," says your old brain. On the contrary, your body functions much better when you eat several small meals throughout the day.         

Remember, as you shop for this year's dinner, you can choose a nutritious and delicious Thanksgiving. Read the labels on packaged foods, and avoid processed sugars, corn syrup, and all the "ose's" (sugar molecules ending in "ose," think glucose.)  

Real (natural) foods don't have labels; they are your best choice for lowering sugar intake.  Also, processed and refined foods are devoid of healthful fiber and nutrients, which debilitates the body from processing and digesting your food properly.  A healthy metabolism is a must for optimal health; it helps bridge the gap between your current plateau and your absolute best.

By: Clarita

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Sit'n'Fit Body Systems

The human body is a miraculous machine built to last, survive, and thrive.  That is if we take good care of it.

Today we are faced with the threat of COVID at every turn.  The fear of catching it is stressing us out and one of the worst things for our bodies is continuous negative stress.

I want to point out that stress is not inherently harmful.  Stress hormones are sometimes good; they signal the body to be on high alert.  Cortisol mediates the stress response, regulates metabolism, inflammation, and immune function.  Since your adrenal glands make cortisol, it's essential to stimulate that system by regularly exercising.  Exercise stimulates adrenaline in the body and gives you energy.  And finally, Norepinephrine increases your awareness and aids in your survival.

So, what makes stress a bad thing?  An overdose of these hormones coursing through your body for an extended period throws off your balance; you no longer live in homeostasis, a balanced state of mind and body.  You will consistently feel like you are in fight or flight mode. 

Today's session is going to touch upon the 11 systems of our body.

  1. The Circulatory/Cardiovascular System. I'll integrate some cardiovascular exercises into our Sit'
    class to stimulate your heart and blood vessels. 
  2. The Digestive and Excretory System.  We'll concentrate on using our abdominal and lower pelvic floor muscles to stimulate the intestinal and rectal areas.  That will get things moving smoothly through and out of our bodies. 
  3. The Endocrine System. We'll place our concentration on different energetic portals (glands) that release essential hormones and set off the chemical messages that cause physiological responses to create homeostasis, that balanced state I always talk about.  
  4.  The Integumentary and Exocrine System.  Our skin is the largest organ in our body.  We are going to work up a sweat, flush out and excrete fluids from within to without, stimulate our skin to look younger and more vibrant, keep temperature control, and help regenerate and push out the cells to grow our hair and nails.  
  5. The Immune and Lymphatic System.  If there was ever a time to focus on improving your immune system, it is NOW! I have been preaching since day one about making your body an UNDESIRABLE host for COVID.  Your body is exceptionally acute at ferreting out rogue cells and calling upon the lymphatic system to flush out the unwanted guest.  
  6. The Muscular System.  We cannot move without it.  And let us face it; taking action is the only way to get from point A to point B.  If you want to get rich, find the right guy or gal, or find God through meditation, you have to DO something to achieve your goal!  Go, Go, Go get it!  Move to it.  
  7. The Nervous System.  This system is your conductor; it processes the stimulus you receive from within and outside your body.  Nerves send signals to the brain and tell it to move by contracting the muscles!  
  8. The Renal and Urinary System.  Our Kidneys are our filtration systems that help rid the body of toxic waste through urine.  
  9. The Reproductive System.  We are co-creators in this Universe; we stimulate the continuation of humanity through procreation. Today's class will help you find that creative power stored within YOU, that connects each one of us to the World Community.  
  10. The Respiratory System.  Breath is life; without our lung's ability to take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide back into the world, the cycle of life implodes.  Sit'n'Fit teaches you how to breathe correctly and maximize the amount of oxygen you take into your body.  
  11. The Skeletal System.  Our bones maintain our form and act as pulleys and levers to help you get around in the world.  Regular exercise improves bone density because of the constant stress of contracting muscles attached to your bones via the tendons.  That continuous tug ques the body to strengthen and stimulate bone growth and density through the regeneration of cells. That is why we will flex, stretch, tighten, and release our muscles throughout this session.   

So, are you ready to Sit'n'Fit with your body systems, ready for take-off?  Today is an incredibly special session because I’m sharing it with everybody, not only my Sit’n’Fitgroup.  And there will be a lucky winner who will receive a FREE copy of my book; "I AM" Imagination, Action, Memorization - The Way To Your Absolute Best.

In it, I explain how you must predetermine your life through the power of imagination.  Imagination is to dream something out of nothing.  It can feel so real that if you take action and memorize the feelings you derive from moving towards your goals, ultimately, you will manifest that dream.

I Challenge you guys to join my Sit’n’Fit Group so you can start your journey to becoming your Absolute Best!

Check out the Units in the group, I have plenty of videos you can follow until we go live on Facebook Events each Sunday at 11:00 AM Pacific Time.  And who knows what fun gifts and prizes I will be sharing!  You will have to stop by and check us out.

Go to Facebook Events for our Sunday session at 11:00 AM Pacific from here to the end of the year!

Sit'n'Fit is sponsored by Absolute Best.

See you there.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

There's More to Sit'n'Fit Than Meets the Eye

Tomorrow, we'll be doing more Sit'n'Fit and mixing in some Barre-work!

I look forward to Sunday mornings with you and find that my week revolves around conjuring up the fun and straight-forward workouts I will do with you to help you optimize your health -- body, mind, and spirit. I strive to reach as many of you as possible by offering a variety of exercises that will strengthen, stretch, tone, and firm your arms, legs, derriere, and abs.

Recently, I joined a 21 Day Meditation Group focusing on abundance. It has given me pause and time to reflect on everything that is going on with COVID and the civil unrest that is infiltrating our everyday lives. These events have a purpose, whether they seem justified for occurring or not, they test our strength and fortitude as human beings. Our reactions towards them will determine the trajectory of our future. Will we elevate ourselves to higher consciousness, or wallow in the darker realms of our underworld?

The thing I am absolutely sure of is that we are now pushing boundaries. We will either bend and give with the forces placed upon us, or we will break. Just like the body, we can press them to the brink and build up strength and flexibility. However, if we aren't adequately warmed up, have not gradually increased the load of stress on our muscles, we will injure ourselves.

'Sundays with Clarita' workouts are built to teach you proper development by giving you a strong foundation, from core exercises to Yoga, Pilates, and more. The consistency of weekly classes helps your muscles cultivate strength, power, and resilience. These are all qualities that transcend the physical and meld into your psyche.

Now, more than ever, your body requires your attention. Your immune system must be on high alert, and your mind must stay sharp. That's how we will elevate ourselves to higher consciousness and not wallow in the darker realms of our underworld. It takes all the energy you can muster to stay on track with your physical goals, contemplate your soul, and stabilize your mental intelligence to navigate the current state of affairs we are all witnessing at this time.

Have faith and believe that you will develop into a compassionate and highly conscious individual and that these times are the backdrop for the victorious resurrection of your best self.  

I would love to see your comments below.  How are you enjoying these classes?  Don't hesitate to request the types of fitness workouts you would like me to bring to these Sundays with Clarita on MyAbsoluteBest Facebook Live

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Sit'n'Fit Workout Sundays with Clarita

Click the video below to watch last week's class!
 Next lesson, Sit'n'Fit!
Sunday, June 7th, at 11:00 am Pacific.

June 7th, Sundays with Clarita on Facebook Live will debut my Sit'n'Fit workout. Years ago, I developed a Yoga/Pilates class where the exercises are done while sitting on a chair. Many of you have experienced my classes utilizing the chair as a prop for the barre, and you have done some of my core exercises which were initially developed for my Sit'n'Fit classes.

This upcoming seated workout will focus on pushing the boundaries of your strength and flexibility.  It cuts across all fitness levels, whether you have a limited range of motion, weakness in your joints and muscles, or are incredibly flexible and robust. Sit'n'Fit will help you reach new heights no matter where you fall on the scale.

We all want to break the barriers that bind us, the physical pain we experience from injury or weakness from muscular and/or emotional fatigue. Are you feeling defeated as you watch in horror while today's current events unfold? Witnessing the level of toxicity coming from the underbelly of society is like watching puss spew out of an infected wound. It is ugly.

Change is not always pretty. The body, any-body, whether it is human or societal, is designed to organically push out infection and disease and fight to regain homeostasis, balance, and harmony. We are on the brink of transforming our society, and metamorphic pain is inevitable.  We must discard the old societal body to make way for the new; pain is part of the process. 

If you want to change your physical appearance, lose weight, and tone your body, you must feel the pain of muscle strain and psychological discipline. You can not transform into a new you without going through some discomfort.

We can seize the day, this moment, and change our world. However, it must start with YOU taking a moment to transform yourself first. Make your life the best it can be body, mind, and spirit, so you do not slither down to the pits of despair, ugliness, laziness, apathy, and ignorance.

When the pain in your heart is ignored, the potential for your greatness is dwarfed. When inaction and complacency become acceptable, you retreat into fear and doubt. When you purposely hold back the expression of your importance, your life's potential becomes limited. And when you suppress your genuine desire, you become exasperated and depressed.

Yoga, breath, movement, positive thoughts, and healthy foods feed your systems to better cure the plagues of a diseased body, heart, and mind. These disciplines cultivate a sturdy form that can go out in the world to exemplify the dynamic nature of goodness and grace.

Come to my Sundays with Clarita at 11:00 am on MyAbsoluteBest Facebook Live page. I will teach you how to start your journey into becoming your best self. The change you want to see in your society has to begin from within, you must change yourself first.

Beginners, as well as seasoned Yogis, will find this to be a fascinating workout. I hope to see you there.  Don't forget to subscribe and like our YouTube channel so we can continue bringing you quality workouts.

Peace and Love.


P.S.  Comment below and start a conversation about this blog.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Summer Fun is Here!

Sundays with Clarita @myabsolutebest Facebook Live

How is COVID19 going to affect your summer this year?  That is a hard question to answer, and I’m sure it will be difficult to predict which lessons we will have to learn through this season.  No summer camp for the kids!  What will you do?  Accept that from here on out, you cannot go “back” to get to the future.  You must learn to live in this new world as it presents itself today.  This summer, as you and your kids get ready for the beach, you will put on bathing suits and, of course, the new required beach attire, masks!  What a bizarre way to worship the sun!  There is so much to worry about during this pandemic, and now, you must worry about the tan lines on your face?

I do not know how you can avoid a two-toned face; however, I know how you can obtain an absolutely toned body.  I AM Absolute Best’s owner, trainer, and master presenter.   Come to my Sunday’s with Clarita Facebook Live classes at 11:00 am @myabsolutebest page and get fit with me.  My commitment throughout this transition to Stage 2 is to share exercises that will tone and shape your arms, legs, glutes, and flatten your tummy.  That way, you can look simmering hot this summer, even with that funny looking tan on your face! 
If you commit to working out regularly, eating right, and taking time to meditate and clear your mind, your summer spirit will burst through like a ray of sunshine.  And trust me, no one will be looking at your two-toned face.   Your new body will be the talk of the town.  Your new look will inspire a new attitude and will empower you to continue to commit to your health and wellness.  Believe in your strengths, recognize your faults, change the things you can, accept the limits of your environment, and condition yourself to understand how to maximize your efforts through these difficult times.  That is how you transition into the best summer season ever.  It sounds simple, although I know it is not.  Developing a positive attitude takes discipline, time, and energy.  You must want it bad enough to suffer through the machinations of change.   

We are all vulnerable to the micro and macro viruses that surround us.   Creating a healthy environment within and around us is the best defense against them.  My mission is to guide you to wellness by optimizing your health, body, mind, and spirit – together, all under one roof. 

Absolute Best “whole life warehouse” is San Pedro’s finest health and wellness center.  It is the culmination of my life’s work as a dancer, fitness expert, and entrepreneur.  We proudly host the best doctors of chiropractic, acupuncture, physical therapy, and fitness training in town.  Our beautiful studio is home to the absolute best professionals who care deeply about your community.  We are your one-stop solution to your personal health.  Come visit us today, WE ARE OPEN!

Enter, Stage 2!

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Is 2020 Going to be Your Absolute Best Year?

If you are anything like me, you have drafted your list of 2020 goals and have started your journey through this new decade. How's it going so far? What is the most essential thing requiring your focus? Is it your health? Do you need to shore up your most intimate relationships and honor your commitments to them? How about your finances and career goals? Is your passion aligned with your wealth creation? If not, how will you merge these two crucial aspects of life? These are critical questions to ask yourself. How you answer them will determine the trajectory of this year, and ultimately, this decade.

As I enter 2020, I must acknowledge that in September, I will celebrate my 64th birthdate. I have queried and consulted my mentors about my health, my business, my relationships, and my life's endeavors. The conversation always points to the creation of an "exit" strategy. How do I want to live the latter part of my life, and what would I like to leave as my legacy? If I take the best care of myself from here on out, will I live another 30 years, or maybe even reach 100 years of age? These numbers represent a long life, and my thoughts immediately go to "quality of life issues." Will I be able to run, walk, and play games with my grandchildren? Will I continue to eat and enjoy foods while celebrating with family and friends? Will I continue working in the fitness business as I have for the last 46 years? Will I continue to dance?

I don't know what tomorrow has in store for me. However, I believe that if I am strong, healthy, and energetic today, chances are that tomorrow, I will remain the same. And that's all I can do, I can take care of myself today. And because I have incorporated daily healthy habits into my life, then I will probably continue those behaviors tomorrow. Conversely, if I put off self-care today, chances are that tomorrow I will put it off again. After all, we are creatures of habit.

And what does "healthy" mean to me? First of all, daily exercise is essential to my longevity. Each day I get up, and workout with my clients or, I train on my own by dancing, doing Yoga, Pilates, or resistance training. I eat for sustenance rather than pleasure, lower my fat intake, and increase my protein intake. I drink plenty of water throughout the day, and I force myself to eat fruits and vegetables. The most important thing, though, is my daily meditation.

Daily stress will nullify healthy habits in a heartbeat. How many times have you heard stories of people who were fanatical about their health who suddenly keel over and die of a heart attack? It happens often enough to make me pause and think about how stress affects our health. Meditation is one of the remedies I use to off-set stress. Along with all the other healthy habits I incorporate into my life, I believe it is one of the most powerful tools to reduce stressors that negatively impact my body, mind, and spirit.

Which reminds me, Oprah and Deepak are starting their Perfect Health 21 Day Meditation Challenge on February 3rd, 2020. That is also the same week we will host our Mambo Mania Reunion class at the studio, which will be held First Thursday, February 6th, at 6:00 PM. Join us for both of these holistic healing events.

This is a new year, a new decade, and a chance for a new you! If you start taking care of yourself today, more than likely, you will continue to do the same tomorrow and the next day, and the next after that. What are you waiting for? And if you are someone who already takes good care of your health, what more can you do today to become your Absolute Best?

Subscribe to our YouTube channel and start doing some of the exercises we share with you.

Check us out on youtube Image result for youtube images

Peace, Love, Namaste,