Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Day 30_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

This Time-You have arrived.

You reached the finish line and you deserve to celebrate your success.  Have a party, invite your best self and acknowledge the hard work you have done.  30 days of persistent will power, discipline and true grit has made you stronger and now you can emerge into the next chapter of your life as a winner.    You have learned to set your mind towards a goal; direct you body towards healthy choices and connect your spirit to the universal power that feeds you light energy.  You have been inspired by your heart.  Deep down inside- you know the truth about yourself, who you are and what you are capable of achieving.   
This time, you will go beyond the simple machinations of getting to the gym; you will make a conscious effort to fully commit to your regime and increase the intensity of your workouts.  This time, you will hold your resolve beyond the first few weeks of a program and exercise will become a lifetime habit. This time, instead of starving yourself to shed those extra pounds, you will make healthy choices and eat 5 to 6 times per day.  This time, you will get back into those “skinny” jeans.

You will make time for yourself.   You will get that massage your body desperately needs, that facial to make your skin feel fresh and clean and take the time to stop and smell the roses.  You will take in the ocean’s grandeur and watch the sunset below the horizon.  You will feel right within your heart and know you belong in this world and have a true purpose for living. 

Hard to believe?  Yes, I know.  It’s hard.  It’s hard to push through the pain of one more push up.  It’s hard not to eat that cookie full of sugar.  It’s hard to arrange your schedule and make time for yourself.  How many times have you said “this time will be different” and then broken your commitment as soon as the going gets tough?  

I have a secret for you, throw yourself a bone every once in awhile.  My belief is that along with the discipline, you need to reward yourself along the way.  You probably didn't come into this world to become a renunciant.  If you participated in this challenge and followed my blogs, you are just like me; a person living in this world trying to do the best job possible for you, your family and your community. 

There is tremendous power in living life to its fullest, making healthy choices and sharing your gifts with the world.  You were born to “show up” and give the world your magic.  If along the way, you make a wrong turn and forget who you are and why you exist; there is a built mechanism within you to help your find your way home.  It’s called meditation.  

Sit quietly, contemplate who you really are, ask your Personal Best to guide you, think about the choices you have made and visualize the person and life you dream about.  Then, go into the day and create that life.       
Deepak and Oprah started their new 21 Day Meditation program yesterday.  Why don't you connect with them and continue the journey.  You are on the right track to becoming your Absolute Best!  Don't quit now!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Day 29_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

 Just One More Day

There is tremendous power behind the power of the collective consciousness.  Together, we are stronger. 
The totality of beliefs and sentiments common to the average members of a society forms a determinate system with a life of its own. It can be termed the collective or creative consciousness.
—Emile Durkheim (A 19th century French sociologist)

Collectively, your group journey solidifies the belief that focused energy on one goal, for 30 days, is possible.  You may not hold the same vision as others however; together, you are bound by the pillars of health, wealth and love.  These are supported by the foundation of the commitment to your individual goal.  You may not have sailed effortlessly through the challenge; many times the luring calls of the Siren may have landed you against the crashing waves and jagged rocks of failure.  Regardless, you know the course, you have the map, and you can always begin the journey again.  Each time you do, the call of the Siren becomes weaker and you become stronger. 

You get it when you get it.  “Bridging the gap between you and your Personal Best” does not happen overnight.  It takes time to develop and define your “true” self.  

The transformation from a caterpillar into a butterfly is no easy feat. A caterpillar must first digest itself by releasing enzymes to dissolve its tissues and create a liquefied soup inside its cocoon.  Within this soup, there are “imaginal discs,” or coded cells.  These cells hibernate within the larva during its incubation stages in the egg.  Once the caterpillar develops enough to build his silky cocoon, the process of metamorphosis begins.  However, the intelligence of those “imaginal discs” is what directs the transformation of that soup to morph into eyes, wings, antennae, and other biological parts of a butterfly.  Then, once the butterfly is fully formed, it takes its wings and flies.

You too carry a “coded” intelligence inside.  Thankfully, you don't have to dissolve into a soup before emerging into your fully realized self.  However, your intuition, ancestral memory, DNA, consciousness, collective consciousness, and super consciousness contain the blueprint for a magnificent self; one destined for greatness, happiness, abundance and love.  You may not realize this full potential in 30 days but, if you continue to engage with a community of likeminded individuals, take on challenges, exercise, eat right and treat yourself to holistic therapies, you will surely transform into your Absolute Best.  Soon, you will take our wings and fly. 

I want to encourage all of you to attend our closing ceremony Tuesday evening-tomorrow night at 7:00pm.  We will host an extended meditation after class to celebrate our journey together.  Even if you crashed against the jagged rocks and didn’t reach your goal, or, you didn't participate in the challenge at all; you are invited to come.  

Those of you who participated these last 29 days know that the seeds of change have been planted.  Now all you have to do is till and fertilize the soil.  Tomorrow sets the tone for the rest of your lives- you can beginning a new journey and enjoy a new way of life.   
Today, embrace the fact that you did something good for yourself these last 29 days and celebrate the fact that even though this was one little goal- you are now armed with the tools to do anything you set your mind to.  You are not alone; you will always have support from the universe, because it wants you to thrive.  You are here for a big purpose and the more you discover your true inner strength, you will rise to that calling.  You are here to share in peace and love with your brother, your community, your world.  Go out and do something great today.



Sunday, November 2, 2014

Day 28_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

The seed for growth has been planted.

Remember, you made a pledge to reward yourself at the end of the challenge.  You declared a goal, directed your attention and activity towards achieving it and even though you may not have accomplished it exactly as you envisioned, you have started the process to becoming your Personal Best.  The road to success is not a straight shot, it’s a winding road. 

Think of everything you have learned along the way:

1.      Developing a Positive Attitude
a.       Visualization exercises to direct your thinking towards you goal
2.       Learning how to set goals
a.       Making a declaration
b.      Choosing one goal at a time
c.       Having an accountability partner
3.      I AM – imagination, action and memorization.  Imagining your desired goal has been achieved, taking “action” steps towards that end and memorizing the physiological sensations of success within your body.
4.     Discipline- Being the early bird that catches the worm; showing up; and rewarding yourself along the way. Remember, exerting continuous will power depletes your resolve; much like continuous physical exercise depletes your strength.  Give yourself a break and little rewards along the way to becoming your Personal Best.  
5.      Realizing your Dream- you are in perfect harmony with creation, the universe and your life.  You are successful now.  Yes, there is always room for growth; however, you are as perfect as stardust; part of the great cosmos and beyond.  Realize this perfect moment, right now, has been orchestrated to help you grow.
6.       Meditation- “Be still” Contemplate, “Who am I?  Why am I here? What is my purpose?  Even if you take only 5 minutes a day to sit in quiet contemplation, your body, mind and spirit will converge and become as one.  You will gain an intuitive understanding of your true nature.  All will be revealed in this altered state of mind.

In just 28 days, look at how much you have accomplished.  You have come so far.  In just 2 days you will cross the finish line!   This will mark the beginning of a new journey.  You can move into your next goal with more resolve and a deeper understanding of who you truly are.  You may have to struggle to burst out of your cocoon however, once you change into that butterfly, you will spread your wings and fly.

Today, you are a winner!


Saturday, November 1, 2014

Day 27-Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

Are you open to communication with yourself?

Yesterday I rewarded myself with a decaffeinated cup of coffee and a cheese Danish, yum.  I have gone 27 days without caffeinated coffee (except I indulged in an energy drink one day when I could not keep my eyes open).  My body feels great, I feel cleansed and I have cultivated a new habit.  I drink tea now.  However, after the challenge, I am going to drink a nice cup of coffee.  “A” Being the operative word.  Too much of a good thing can also do you harm.   My mom used to say, “All things in moderation…”   

This challenge is designed to help you cultivate new habits and find healthier ways to honor your body, mind and spirit.  It’s a way of cultivating communication between the three so you can better receive the signals from your internal and external environments. 

How many times have you lost at the game of life because of miscommunication?  How many times have you neglected to listen to the messages your body sends you?  How about in your relationships- How many times have you misunderstood what was being said or others misunderstood what you said?  How many times have you kept quiet and pushed emotions down into your body?  And how many times have you shouted words of anger only to feel the pain of those words in your heart?  I am sure it’s been too many to recall.

The biggest shame of all is when you shut down and refuse to receive the signals the universe is sending you.  Those hidden messages you receive from your subtle energy field which communicate to you that you are part of a bigger picture- that you are not alone.  There is a great force surrounding you and safely carrying you through all the trials and tribulations of your life.  However, you get so marred in the humdrum of daily living, that you simply do not realize it exists. 

It is so important to align communication between your body, mind and spirit so you can open blockages or quell excess output of these subtle energies.  These three energy sources make up who you are – you are holistic.  The intrinsic relationship between your energies can make or break your health.  If information passes freely between them and is property received, you can activate or deactivate specific functions in the body and existentially, the mind and spirit.  This system is designed to work succinctly towards health, wealth, and longevity.  Conversely, if the information is blocked because of toxic interference or improper feedback you can lose the game of life. 

When your body’s signals tell your mind that you are hurting, losing, or in need of recovery, it is best to listen.  Otherwise, neglecting these communications can break your spirit.  And once your spirit is broken, it is difficult to get back in the game.  We must be ever vigilant to withstand the negative forces of miscommunication that can pummel us against the jagged rocks of fate and cause us to doubt and fear.  
Open your heart and receive all that life has to offer.  You will be amazed at the way life treats you.
“Bridging the Gap Between you and Your Personal Best”