This Time-You have arrived.
reached the finish line and you deserve to celebrate your success. Have a party, invite your best self and
acknowledge the hard work you have done.
30 days of persistent will power, discipline and true grit has made you stronger
and now you can emerge into the next chapter of your life as a winner. You have learned to set your mind towards a
goal; direct you body towards healthy choices and connect your spirit to the
universal power that feeds you light energy.
You have been inspired by your heart.
Deep down inside- you know the truth about yourself, who you are and
what you are capable of achieving.
This time, you will go beyond the simple machinations of
getting to the gym; you will make a conscious effort to fully commit to your
regime and increase the intensity of your workouts. This time, you will hold your resolve beyond
the first few weeks of a program and exercise will become a lifetime habit. This time, instead of starving yourself to shed those extra
pounds, you will make healthy choices and eat 5 to 6 times per day. This time, you will get back into those
“skinny” jeans.
You will make time for yourself. You will get that massage your body
desperately needs, that facial to make your skin feel fresh and clean and take
the time to stop and smell the roses.
You will take in the ocean’s grandeur and watch the sunset below the
horizon. You will feel right within your
heart and know you belong in this world and have a true purpose for living.
Hard to believe? Yes,
I know. It’s hard. It’s hard to push through the pain of one
more push up. It’s hard not to eat that
cookie full of sugar. It’s hard to
arrange your schedule and make time for yourself. How many times have you said “this time will be different”
and then broken your commitment as soon as the going gets tough?
I have a secret for you, throw yourself a
bone every once in awhile. My belief is
that along with the discipline, you need to reward yourself along the way. You probably didn't come into this world to
become a renunciant. If you participated
in this challenge and followed my blogs, you are just like me; a person living
in this world trying to do the best job possible for you, your family and your
There is tremendous power in living life to its fullest,
making healthy choices and sharing your gifts with the world. You were born to “show up” and give the world
your magic. If along the way, you make a
wrong turn and forget who you are and why you exist; there is a built mechanism
within you to help your find your way home.
It’s called meditation.
Sit quietly, contemplate who you really are, ask your
Personal Best to guide you, think about the choices you have made and visualize
the person and life you dream about.
Then, go into the day and create that life.
Deepak and
Oprah started their new 21 Day Meditation program yesterday. Why don't you connect with them and continue
the journey. You are on the right track
to becoming your Absolute Best! Don't
quit now!