Sunday, July 5, 2015

Do you have a dream?

I know you do.

However, do you know EXACTLY what that dream is... or is it a vague and unclear picture?

Do you know EXACTLY what type of work makes you happy?  If you do, why are you sitting in a "job" that brings you grief and stress?

Do you know EXACTLY who in your life; family, friends and colleagues - uplift and support you? If so, why do you allow the vampires in your life to suck you dry?

Do you take TIME to care of yourself; eat right, sleep enough, and exercise?  Then why are you constantly running on empty, grabbing fast food, pulling 10-12 hour days and allowing the pounds to mount on daily?

If you want a DREAM LIFE...  Then why are you NOT living it?

I have found that most people do not use their IMAGINATION to create their ideal life.

Visualization, meditation and positive energy combined are very powerful tools.  You have to crystallize your dreams- first through the LIGHT in your mind- SEE it in your mind's eye- and then, manifest it into reality.

You remember Einstein's theory of relativity- E = mc².  Translated, it meas, energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.  What does that mean regarding your DREAMS?  It means that your dream energy, ideas, thoughts, imagination equals real energy, matter.  Your dreams become your manifested reality.  

So, whatever life you are living right now, you have conjured it up in your mind and have manifested it into reality.  If you are living anything less than your DREAM life, stop blaming the world and your circumstances because, you my friend, have created it.

So, if you want to change your life, start by changing your dreams.  IMAGINE your desired life, see it clearly, every detail of it...what you look like, how you feel, who is in it, how you make money, and how much of it is in the bank...EXACTLY.  

Then, when you wake from your meditation, convert that dream into reality - first, by writing it down.  Make it tangible and real by mapping out a plan of action that will help you construct the life of your dreams.  And, finally, take action to bring that plan to life.  


GO DREAM- RIGHT NOW!  I challenge you to meditate every day for 30 days and see what happens in your life.  Write to me and tell me how it works in your life.  I will choose a winner and you will win a FREE copy of my e-book:
I AM!  Imagination, Action, Memorization.  3 easy steps to becoming your Personal Best.


If you want to connect with me, I'm here.  Send me your contact info.  If you like my blog, share it with your friends.  Love you and thanks.