Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Sit'n'Fit Body Systems

The human body is a miraculous machine built to last, survive, and thrive.  That is if we take good care of it.

Today we are faced with the threat of COVID at every turn.  The fear of catching it is stressing us out and one of the worst things for our bodies is continuous negative stress.

I want to point out that stress is not inherently harmful.  Stress hormones are sometimes good; they signal the body to be on high alert.  Cortisol mediates the stress response, regulates metabolism, inflammation, and immune function.  Since your adrenal glands make cortisol, it's essential to stimulate that system by regularly exercising.  Exercise stimulates adrenaline in the body and gives you energy.  And finally, Norepinephrine increases your awareness and aids in your survival.

So, what makes stress a bad thing?  An overdose of these hormones coursing through your body for an extended period throws off your balance; you no longer live in homeostasis, a balanced state of mind and body.  You will consistently feel like you are in fight or flight mode. 

Today's session is going to touch upon the 11 systems of our body.

  1. The Circulatory/Cardiovascular System. I'll integrate some cardiovascular exercises into our Sit'
    class to stimulate your heart and blood vessels. 
  2. The Digestive and Excretory System.  We'll concentrate on using our abdominal and lower pelvic floor muscles to stimulate the intestinal and rectal areas.  That will get things moving smoothly through and out of our bodies. 
  3. The Endocrine System. We'll place our concentration on different energetic portals (glands) that release essential hormones and set off the chemical messages that cause physiological responses to create homeostasis, that balanced state I always talk about.  
  4.  The Integumentary and Exocrine System.  Our skin is the largest organ in our body.  We are going to work up a sweat, flush out and excrete fluids from within to without, stimulate our skin to look younger and more vibrant, keep temperature control, and help regenerate and push out the cells to grow our hair and nails.  
  5. The Immune and Lymphatic System.  If there was ever a time to focus on improving your immune system, it is NOW! I have been preaching since day one about making your body an UNDESIRABLE host for COVID.  Your body is exceptionally acute at ferreting out rogue cells and calling upon the lymphatic system to flush out the unwanted guest.  
  6. The Muscular System.  We cannot move without it.  And let us face it; taking action is the only way to get from point A to point B.  If you want to get rich, find the right guy or gal, or find God through meditation, you have to DO something to achieve your goal!  Go, Go, Go get it!  Move to it.  
  7. The Nervous System.  This system is your conductor; it processes the stimulus you receive from within and outside your body.  Nerves send signals to the brain and tell it to move by contracting the muscles!  
  8. The Renal and Urinary System.  Our Kidneys are our filtration systems that help rid the body of toxic waste through urine.  
  9. The Reproductive System.  We are co-creators in this Universe; we stimulate the continuation of humanity through procreation. Today's class will help you find that creative power stored within YOU, that connects each one of us to the World Community.  
  10. The Respiratory System.  Breath is life; without our lung's ability to take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide back into the world, the cycle of life implodes.  Sit'n'Fit teaches you how to breathe correctly and maximize the amount of oxygen you take into your body.  
  11. The Skeletal System.  Our bones maintain our form and act as pulleys and levers to help you get around in the world.  Regular exercise improves bone density because of the constant stress of contracting muscles attached to your bones via the tendons.  That continuous tug ques the body to strengthen and stimulate bone growth and density through the regeneration of cells. That is why we will flex, stretch, tighten, and release our muscles throughout this session.   

So, are you ready to Sit'n'Fit with your body systems, ready for take-off?  Today is an incredibly special session because I’m sharing it with everybody, not only my Sit’n’Fitgroup.  And there will be a lucky winner who will receive a FREE copy of my book; "I AM" Imagination, Action, Memorization - The Way To Your Absolute Best.

In it, I explain how you must predetermine your life through the power of imagination.  Imagination is to dream something out of nothing.  It can feel so real that if you take action and memorize the feelings you derive from moving towards your goals, ultimately, you will manifest that dream.

I Challenge you guys to join my Sit’n’Fit Group so you can start your journey to becoming your Absolute Best!

Check out the Units in the group, I have plenty of videos you can follow until we go live on Facebook Events each Sunday at 11:00 AM Pacific Time.  And who knows what fun gifts and prizes I will be sharing!  You will have to stop by and check us out.

Go to Facebook Events for our Sunday session at 11:00 AM Pacific from here to the end of the year!

Sit'n'Fit is sponsored by Absolute Best.

See you there.