Sunday, July 5, 2015

Do you have a dream?

I know you do.

However, do you know EXACTLY what that dream is... or is it a vague and unclear picture?

Do you know EXACTLY what type of work makes you happy?  If you do, why are you sitting in a "job" that brings you grief and stress?

Do you know EXACTLY who in your life; family, friends and colleagues - uplift and support you? If so, why do you allow the vampires in your life to suck you dry?

Do you take TIME to care of yourself; eat right, sleep enough, and exercise?  Then why are you constantly running on empty, grabbing fast food, pulling 10-12 hour days and allowing the pounds to mount on daily?

If you want a DREAM LIFE...  Then why are you NOT living it?

I have found that most people do not use their IMAGINATION to create their ideal life.

Visualization, meditation and positive energy combined are very powerful tools.  You have to crystallize your dreams- first through the LIGHT in your mind- SEE it in your mind's eye- and then, manifest it into reality.

You remember Einstein's theory of relativity- E = mc².  Translated, it meas, energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.  What does that mean regarding your DREAMS?  It means that your dream energy, ideas, thoughts, imagination equals real energy, matter.  Your dreams become your manifested reality.  

So, whatever life you are living right now, you have conjured it up in your mind and have manifested it into reality.  If you are living anything less than your DREAM life, stop blaming the world and your circumstances because, you my friend, have created it.

So, if you want to change your life, start by changing your dreams.  IMAGINE your desired life, see it clearly, every detail of it...what you look like, how you feel, who is in it, how you make money, and how much of it is in the bank...EXACTLY.  

Then, when you wake from your meditation, convert that dream into reality - first, by writing it down.  Make it tangible and real by mapping out a plan of action that will help you construct the life of your dreams.  And, finally, take action to bring that plan to life.  


GO DREAM- RIGHT NOW!  I challenge you to meditate every day for 30 days and see what happens in your life.  Write to me and tell me how it works in your life.  I will choose a winner and you will win a FREE copy of my e-book:
I AM!  Imagination, Action, Memorization.  3 easy steps to becoming your Personal Best.


If you want to connect with me, I'm here.  Send me your contact info.  If you like my blog, share it with your friends.  Love you and thanks.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

My Absolute Best Solution-3 Easy Steps to Becoming Your Personal Best

Are you still in the game?  Have you committed to my Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge?  If you haven't, you still can.  Anyone, anytime can decide to become their Personal Best.  Focus on a goal for 30 days and you CAN change your life for the better.

To help you take the challenge, I want to share insights from my upcoming book, "I AM" Imagination, Action, Memorization; the Absolute Best Solution to becoming your Personal Best in 3 easy steps.

1.  Imagination.  Imagine being the best you can be, having the best life, the best relationships, and the best job or career.  In my view, life demands fulfillment of these 3 basic desires- love, financial security, and good health.  I believe you have to stop daydreaming and actually begin manifesting your ideal life through positive and focused energy.  This energy begins with your Imagination.  You cannot build a house without a plan; you cannot build your life without a dream.  You must see the end result first- in your mind- before it can be realized.  So right now, stop what you are doing, close your eyes and see yourself living the life you deserve-see the ideal home, relationships, job or career and the exact amount of money you want in your bank account.  "If you can conceive and believe it, you can achieve it." (Napoleon Hill)  Your mind cannot differentiate between real and imagined truth. The more you imagine your success, the more you will direct your activities toward that end.  Which brings me to Step 2..

2.  Action.  You must convert your imagination into reality.  Right now, take out a piece of paper and create your first "action" step towards converting your positive energy into reality.  Write down a declarative sentence about your ideal life.  Just like a business mission statement, you want to layout a directive for your life.  My declaration merges my business with my life; "I am an excellent CEO managing a growing and financially stable wellness business designed to help people optimize their health by treating their mind, body and soul-all in one convenient location."  This declaration lends itself to all aspects of my ideal life.  In it, I declare my financial stability, my desire to relate with others and the importance of health to optimize well-being.   Your first "action" step in improving your life can be as simple as writing down your desires.  Set your "goals" in motion.  Create a list of things to do on a daily basis and go out and make things happen.  It is very important to convert your positive energy and imagination into something "tangible".  Otherwise, your dreams dissipate into the ether as potential rather than manifested reality.  And then, Step 3...

3.  Memorization.  Remember your wins, memorialize and journal them.  Write out daily "gratitude" lists, check off "things to do" and create a solid bond between your energetic vibrations and your manifested reality.  Learn to create a sense of accomplishment on a daily basis.  Your mind, body and soul remember your history, whether it is good or bad.  Increase the number of positive experiences and successes in your life and, little by little, you become a winner.  Remember what it feels like to do a good job.  Take that memory and embed the sensations felt at the time- like a code- into your cellular memory. Meditate on your wins.  Go ahead and do that right now, close your eyes and recall a time in your life when you succeeded at some goal.  How does your body feel-vibrant, exhilarated, energized?  Those emotions are part of your DNA now, they were embedded at the time of your win, yet here you are today, feeling those same emotions.  These codes are forever in your body, mind and spirit and will be handed down from experience to experience.  You can choose to feel like a winner or you can choose to feel like a looser.  You have the power to mold your future.  Create more positive experiences in your life and realize life can be a dream.

So how about it?  Are you willing to challenge yourself, pick a goal and go after it for 30 days?  If so, you can do anything you want in your life- you now have the formula for success.  It's that simple.


If you want me to help you with your challenge, click here and I will get back to you.  Please share this post with your friends if you like what you read.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Are you a Dreamweaver? Can you live your dream life?

Have you tried meditation as a solution to your problems?

Just sit quietly and breath.  Try not to think too much, just observe what happens with your body as you sit still and witness what happens.  Try not to analyse, comment, or interject, just be.  Often times you may feel no great shift during your meditation, sometimes nothing at all.  But other times, your soul unwittingly shows you that yesterday’s problems carry absolutely no weight.  And sometimes new dimensions and worlds open before you.  It is for these glorious moments you take the time to meditate.  The more you entertain this scientific method of Yoga the more your body creates pure energy.  And through that energy you become capable of creating a reality that, literally, is a dream.

You are the dream-weaver unfolding each event of your life one experience at a time.  Each experience, real or imagined leaves its imprint on your soul.  Soon, that imprint is embedded into your cellular memory and finally, when you return back to the metaphysical ether, those imprints will continue onto the next phase of your existence.  You can then choose to continuously repeat certain lessons from your life over and over again or we can choose to give yourself a pass on the subject and move on to more elevated learning.  The ultimate goal is self-realization; knowing your own truth.  
Meditation is a learned skill and practice. So continue to sit quietly and just breathe.  Feel the air enter the sinuses and then filter down the back of the throat.  Visualize the air filling up the lungs like water fills a pitcher.  This will slow your respiration, quite the heart, lower blood pressure and feed the body with oxygenated blood.  Conversely the body will force the de-oxygenated blood, back through the heart via peripheral contractions of the veins and arteries, recycling it to exchange with oxygen in the lungs.  This loop continues over and over returning the oxygenated blood back through your body.  Breath after breath respiration is an autonomic response; the body intuitively knows how to breathe affording you the experience of sitting quietly to experience its physiology.  Right now, just take a full breathe, hold it for a few seconds at the top then slowly release it.  Be in this present moment.   
Take Baby Steps
If you want to learn to dance, first you must learn the basic positions of the body and understand its capabilities; how it moves up and down, front and back, side to side, turns and twists, lifts and lands.  Then you learn to weave transitional movements from one position to the other, flawlessly, rhythmically and artistically.  It’s the same with meditation; first we learn the bio mechanics; how to take a breath in slowly and hold it, learn to quite the mind and clear the clutter of thoughts, and finally, transition your soul’s essence through different dimensions of space and time. 

You can take yourself back to your childhood or project yourself out into the future, all the while, feel your existence in the present.  It’s kind of trippy.  Some people have only experienced this feeling through the use of drugs or alcohol.  Although chemical substances may be a quicker more tentative fix for your problems, the side effects are not healthy.  Meditation, on the other hand, keeps you clear headed, pure in body, and allows you to analyze where you have been, where you are going and why you have chosen your current path.  Good, bad or indifferent, the events of your life have developed the story of “who you are.”  The cool thing is, the ending has not been written.  Every day... you get a rewrite.
So meditate, delve deeply and ask your soul to reveal the truth about you to yourself.  Then, as you experience the answers, which will be revealed as you sit in the dream-state of meditation, wake up to this reality, this material world and live out those dreams as your truth.  That way, when you look in the mirror and see that reflection looking back, you will know you are presenting your authentic self not only to you, but to the world at large.  As long as you continue to meditate, all the answers will come.

Unleash Your Power
Find your hidden strengths
Become you Absolute Best!


Friday, February 20, 2015

How are you doing with your Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge?

It's day 5 of the Challenge.  Have you seen any progress?  If you have begun the journey, gradually, transformation will occur.  Here are some basic keys to self improvement and staying on track.

1.  Declare a goal.
Improvement of your body, mind and spirit can happen if you set a course of action towards your goal, then stay on track. However, you must first determine where you want to go before taking the necessary action steps to get there.  In my estimation, most "goals" seem to fall within 3 basic categories, health, finance or relationships. Where do you want to be at the end of this 30 day challenge?  Declare whether you want to be healthier, richer, or kinder.
2.  Create Positive Energy.
All matter is formed by atoms which are made up of smaller particles called protons.  These particles have energetic charges that are either positive (protons), neutral (neutrons) or negative (electrons). The positive and neutral charges establish the "center" of the atom while the negative ones orbit around this center or (nucleolus).  So, get centered!  Negative energy exists all around you however, the essence of what holds you together as a human being is positive energy.  Learn to harness the energetic field of positive potential and unleash the power to change your life for the better.
3.  Action and Accountability.
Create massive action towards your goal.  Do something everyday that drives you towards it.  You must create measurable and tangible evidence for change to occur in your life.  If you stay in "neutral", no matter how hard you step on the gas, you will not move.  You must be in motion.  Put yourself in "drive" and you will reach your destination.  And being accountable to someone other than yourself is a great way to stay on course.  If you are in the driver's seat moving toward your goal, having a navigator will keep you on track and increase your chances of certain success.
4.  Visualize.
See the end.  Know what you will feel like, what you will look like and how people will interact with you when you reach goal.  The power of your imagination is what shapes your life.  What your mind can see and believe, you can achieve.  Meditate daily.  Visualize your ultimate life right now, this instant, this moment. Now is the only reality you have, the past is your history, and the future is always beyond your grasp.  Today is your "Present".  (The Dali Lama says so.)

Are you writing in your journal?  It helps to put your thoughts, feelings and emotions on paper.  Make the intangible- tangible.  If you haven't begun your journey into this 30 day challenge, start today.  I AM here for you. Send me a message or comment and I will help you stay on track.


Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Gauntlet has Been Thrown! Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge Kicks Off Again!

It's that time again- February 15th marks the start of our Challenge.  Take the Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge and see how to bridge the gap between you and your Personal Best!

Can you commit?  Can you discipline yourself for 30 days and do what it takes to get you to that next level of clean, healthy living?

What keeps holding you back?  Why do you keep sabotaging your success?  What is it that keeps you in a cycle of failure?   And what areas in life must you address to make you Your Personal Best?  Do you need to address your weight, your finances, relationships, or overindulges?  Whatever it is, the fix is not automatic, it takes hard work.  You must confront your demons head on.  You must open up your heart and soul and ask the the hard questions.  You must stare down your fears and declare your will to overcome them. Your lighter more brilliant self is ready to be unleashed into the world and at the end of these next 30 days, a stronger, healthier and more authentic YOU will emerge. I promise.

This 30 Day Challenge is a tradition at Absolute Best (formally Personal Best.)  We love sponsoring it and those who have taken the Challenge before have made great strides towards positive changes in their lives. Camaraderie holds us together while we traverse the emotional gauntlet sure to come while on the path.  We have found through much experience that the greatest success comes when working in tandem or as a team with others.  We are social creatures, we need the understanding, compassion and friendship of other human beings who are communally striving towards self improvement.  We can be stronger as a unified field of positive energy.    

Here is what you must do to take the challenge.
Rules and guidelines:
1.  You must declare a goal.  It can be weight-loss, financial fitness, purification of body, mind and spirit, emotional control, relationship oriented...any area of your life you feel needs improvement and attention.
2.  Find an accountability partner and share your declared goal with them.  Keep each other accountable. (ask us for an accountability contract- click here and request a free consultation)
3.  Sign a commitment contract with yourself.  (Click here for a free consultation about a commitment contract) A formal contract will strengthen your resolve.
4.  You must integrate a fitness element into your 30 day challenge.  a) Attend at least 2 or more classes per week at the studio/gym or-
b)  Subscribe to stay fit with our daily online video streaming exercises.  
5.   Keep a journal.  Log meals, enter emotional challenges and how you deal with them, describe your relationship issues, etc.  Whatever your goal, keep track of your daily progress.  Write for 30 days about your journey.  The ending will surprise you.  You will discover much about who you are, what and why triggers within your control your behaviors.
6.  Take baseline measurements of where you currently stand- ex: if you have a weight-loss goal then measure your weight, body fat %, girth measurements, etc, (ask your trainer for help in this area).  If its a financial goal- create budgets.  For relationships, write out a clear understanding of the issues that plaque you.  In all of the above examples, concentrate on yourself without comparison to others.  You can only work on improving yourself.  There is no possible way to change others unless they want to change themselves.  
7.  Declare a personal reward and treat yourself once a week to a job well done.  The big reward will come to the winners of the Challenge.  (A trip to Catalina on a private sailing yacht!  We plan to merge this Challenge winners with our last Challenge winners for the upcoming trip.  Dates TBA)

Let us know if you are in.  We are here to help.
Congratulations on your decision to become your Personal Best with our Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge.
