Day 61. Making changes in your life can be hard. It's easier to stay in your comfort zone rather than stretching towards new frontiers. Growing pains hurt but in order to achieve your goals, you must be willing to push through the tough parts of the journey. There will be times you will want to quit and go back to "life as usual." Don't be lulled into that thinking, stay sharp and on your game.
Keep focusing on why and how you eat. You eat for sustenance, strength, and vitality, that's obvious. However, in today's fast-paced world, many times our choices are driven by social pressures, budgetary limits, time constraints and the pure satisfaction of our taste buds. Allowing your meal choices to be hijacked by circumstances and unhealthy habits can destroy your health rather than sustain it. Choose fresh whole foods, minimize sugars and saturated fats, and eat proteins for cellular growth and regeneration. Mix in some fruits and vegetables daily and make colorfully pleasing meals.

Drink plenty of water too. My meal plan calls for 80 ounces of water daily, which translates to 10 cups per day. Your body relies heavily on water to transport nutrients to your cells, keep your skin hydrated, joints and tissues lubricated, body temperature regulated, toxins flushed and overall maintenance of your regulatory systems.
Our ancestors who hunted the wooly mammoth ate for survival and expended tremendous energy gathering food. Today we go to the grocery store or the drive up window and depend on the manufacturing and agricultural landscape for our food banks. Our energy expenditure versus the consumption of calories is way off balance in comparison to our ancestors. That is why I advocate exercising at least 30 minutes most days of the week.
Push weight, do resistive exercises, walk, swim, stretch, bike or run. Whatever feels best for your body. The key is to move and burn calories. You were made to exercise your body in a vigorous and energetic fashion, not to sit at a desk or a couch. No excuses, just keep doing the work, you have come this far, you may as well finish the race.

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Peace, Love, Namaste
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