Monday, July 1, 2019

Day 15 - Prep Your Foods!

Healthy Eating Hacks

I found this on YouTube, click and watch it.  It shares great ideas on how to prep your foods, so they'll be ready to go when you are.

I recommend you take the element of surprise from your menus by pre-planning them, especially your dinners; breakfast and lunch are easier to pull together.  I am not a good cook, so I make fruit smoothies, poached eggs, salads, and steamed veggies.  I leave the grilling to my husband, and for the most part, it's chicken and fish.

Stay in the produce section of the grocery store, or better yet, go to your local farmers' market and load up for the week.  There are several benefits to shopping at farmers' markets.  The food is fresher, usually, picked that very day.  You'll find more "real organic" foods without GMO.  Fresh from the farm means a higher quality of produce, and most likely, more antioxidants and phytonutrients. Your local farmer doesn't have to artificially modify his produce to prepare it for travel by truck for three days before reaching a store.  He dusts off the soil, throws it in his crates, and brings it to market. 

Fresh is best.

Don’t forget to keep drinking your water, at least eight glasses per day, and do your daily exercise.

Let me know how you’re doing.

Be the best you can be today and every day.

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