As I enter 2020, I must acknowledge that in September, I will celebrate my 64th birthdate. I have queried and consulted my mentors about my health, my business, my relationships, and my life's endeavors. The conversation always points to the creation of an "exit" strategy. How do I want to live the latter part of my life, and what would I like to leave as my legacy? If I take the best care of myself from here on out, will I live another 30 years, or maybe even reach 100 years of age? These numbers represent a long life, and my thoughts immediately go to "quality of life issues." Will I be able to run, walk, and play games with my grandchildren? Will I continue to eat and enjoy foods while celebrating with family and friends? Will I continue working in the fitness business as I have for the last 46 years? Will I continue to dance?
I don't know what tomorrow has in store for me. However, I believe that if I am strong, healthy, and energetic today, chances are that tomorrow, I will remain the same. And that's all I can do, I can take care of myself today. And because I have incorporated daily healthy habits into my life, then I will probably continue those behaviors tomorrow. Conversely, if I put off self-care today, chances are that tomorrow I will put it off again. After all, we are creatures of habit.
And what does "healthy" mean to me? First of all, daily exercise is essential to my longevity. Each day I get up, and workout with my clients or, I train on my own by dancing, doing Yoga, Pilates, or resistance training. I eat for sustenance rather than pleasure, lower my fat intake, and increase my protein intake. I drink plenty of water throughout the day, and I force myself to eat fruits and vegetables. The most important thing, though, is my daily meditation.
Daily stress will nullify healthy habits in a heartbeat. How many times have you heard stories of people who were fanatical about their health who suddenly keel over and die of a heart attack? It happens often enough to make me pause and think about how stress affects our health. Meditation is one of the remedies I use to off-set stress. Along with all the other healthy habits I incorporate into my life, I believe it is one of the most powerful tools to reduce stressors that negatively impact my body, mind, and spirit.
Which reminds me, Oprah and Deepak are starting their Perfect Health 21 Day Meditation Challenge on February 3rd, 2020. That is also the same week we will host our Mambo Mania Reunion class at the studio, which will be held First Thursday, February 6th, at 6:00 PM. Join us for both of these holistic healing events.
This is a new year, a new decade, and a chance for a new you! If you start taking care of yourself today, more than likely, you will continue to do the same tomorrow and the next day, and the next after that. What are you waiting for? And if you are someone who already takes good care of your health, what more can you do today to become your Absolute Best?
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Peace, Love, Namaste,