Our mission at Absolute Best is to bring health to the body, mind, and spirit through holistic modalities -- all in one convenient location.
Convenience and ease create a fertile ground for growth. Commitment generates action, and action gets you results. Unfortunately, all things are not convenient, nor are they easy. Sometimes, taking ourselves to the edge of discomfort, without harming ourselves or others, is how we grow.
I remember when my Mom would say, "Clean up your room before you go out to play." If I retorted, "I don't want to!" I knew the degree of my happiness would be contingent upon her reaction to that exchange. Chances were that if I didn't acquiesce, I knew misery and sadness would ensue.
It's the same thing with our health. Our internal "mother," the all-powerful knowing that lives inside us, tells us, "clean up your temple." What do we do? We weigh the consequences of not following that intuition. The balance of our health lies in our willingness to accept short term discomfort for long term wellness.
Checking off our health "to do" list can seem daunting. It can be a long list of inconvenient, laborious, and time-consuming commitments. I can think of ten things right off the top of my head:
1. Eat right, light, and balanced
2. Get 8 hours of sleep each night
3. Exercise daily
4. Meditate daily
5. Appreciate nature
6. Spend time with your loved ones
7. Manage your time wisely
8. Avoid stress
9. Bask in the sun (use sunblock for protection)
10. Be charitable and grateful
Living a healthy lifestyle is not always convenient and easy; however, at Absolute Best, we bridge the gap between you and your personal best. We pride ourselves in bringing you first-rate holistic health practitioners under one roof. Our building emanates a warm and inviting atmosphere with its beautiful offices and gorgeous studio space. The independently-owned businesses that have established themselves in our building are leading-edge professionals. All these things factor into the convenience and ease with which you can launch yourself into a healthy lifestyle today in San Pedro.
Come down and visit us. Take a look at our beautiful facility, our highly skilled professionals, and determine whether or not 2020 is the year to finally get healthy. Listen to that all-knowing voice inside of you that asks, "When are you going to clean up your act?" Commit today even though, at first, it might be uncomfortable and hard to do. Once you realize the ease and convenience of having all the elements you need to get started on the right track, a healthy body, mind, and spirit will be yours this year and always.
Peace, Love, Namaste
Check out our website, myabsolutebest.com
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Thanks, Clarita, for a great 10 to-do list.
ReplyDeleteI’m taking on:
#10 Be charitable and thankful.