Sunday, June 30, 2019

Day 14 - Imagination, Action, Memorization

So how are you doing?  Are you in complete awareness about what you are eating, how many calories you are ingesting, and the amount of daily activity you're incorporating into your day?  If you are using your journal, recording this data brings awareness to the process.  

And do you have a clear image of what your body will look like at the end of this challenge?  If not, find an inspirational picture of yourself or someone else you admire, and place it on your refrigerator.  Keep the image fresh in your mind and every day, dedicate your behaviors to the realization of that vision.

I told you we were going to start shaking things up a bit on week four. However, we still have one more week of the caloric deficit with daily exercise.  The exercise portion of the equation will not change throughout the 90-days; however, when we reach week four, we will begin to "add" extra calories into your daily meals.  We have found that if you increase your caloric intake every fourth week, it stimulates your metabolism to boost its burn rate.

Since today is the end of week two, reward yourself for having stayed committed to your goal.  You need to embrace the ease of life along with the toughness of discipline.  Be in gratitude that you have the awareness to take care of your body, mind, and spirit, and do something nice for yourself.  And, share your insights about your emotions, triggers, and progress with your accountability partner. 

Acknowledge the abundance in all areas of your life.  You are challenging yourself to lose weight, strengthen your body, and bring peace of mind to your life.  These are luxury concerns; much of the world does not have the opportunity to appropriate energy to these types of endeavors.
Embrace your bounty.   

Be your absolute best today and every day.
(310) 548-5984

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Day 13 - A 500 Calorie Meal

500 Calories is A Great Target to Set for Dinner

As we wind down week two, awareness of how many calories you consume can positively impact the results of your upcoming 30-day measurements.  Remember when we talked about your metabolic rate?  I explained that to lose weight, you needed to create a deficit in your caloric intake and an uptake in energy expenditure.  That way, your body could generate enough metabolic combustion to burn fat. 

If you want to lose one pound of fat within one week, you will need to burn 3,500 calories.  You can do that by increasing your daily exercise to expend at least 250 calories and eat 250 calories less than usual for a total deficit of 500 calories per day.

That's why I emphasized the importance of logging your exercises and food intake the first couple of weeks of this challenge.  Now you know what your body’s metabolic rate is, by merely watching the number of calories you consume daily, you get a pretty good idea of how your metabolism processes your energy.  The scale I recommended, Tanita Ironman Inner Scan, will also give you a reading on your metabolic rate.   

As we approach week three, let’s continue cutting back on calories and increasing our exercise.  Then, as we near week four, we'll change the game plan a bit.  As a result, you will see an acceleration in the weight-loss process — more on that next week.  

If the scale is not showing a consistent downward motion, do not give up.  Just keep journaling.  Write down what you eat daily, if you go off track, write about your emotions, what happened that day to derail you?  What could you have done differently?  Then, get back to the business of taking care of yourself.  If you were to graph your measurements daily, the chances are that it would show erratic movements up and down the scale.  The goal is to hit your mark by the end of 90 days.  We are still at the beginning of the journey. 

Ninety days is a perfect timeline.  The first 30 days begins the change, at the 60-day marker, new habits start to form around your health and fitness, and by day 90, you will be at your absolute best.

I believe you are worth the investment of 90 days, wouldn't you agree? 

Be the best you can be today and every day.
(310) 548-5984

Friday, June 28, 2019

Day 12 - Five Low Calorie Dishes

A Few Ideas for Low-Calorie Meals

Can you believe we are coming to the end of week two of our challenge?  Ten more to go.  I wanted to share this little video because these are fast and easy recipes.  Time is a priceless commodity and easy meals a welcomed solution for busy lives.   

We have focused plenty on the importance of increasing your energy expenditure through exercise.  The next couple of weeks we will focus on the best meals for you.  And soon, a surprise is coming that will turbo-charge your metabolism.  More on that toward the end of next week.  For now, keep exercising daily and decreasing your caloric intake.     

A quick reminder, we will be reweighing and measuring at the 30, 60, and obviously, 90-day markers.  Thirty days gives you plenty of time to see significant changes in your body and depending on your weigh-in numbers, you can make the necessary adjustments to meet your goal by the end of the challenge.     

I also want to remind you to take your weekly reward seriously.  Whatever you planned for yourself, keep that promise, take advantage of it. I have committed to getting a massage once a week as part of my self-care program.    Make a list of all the things you love to do for self-care and if you want to change up your reward, pick something new from your list every week.  

The most important thing of all throughout this challenge is your positivity.  That "can-do" attitude is what shifts your mind frame from maybe to absolutely.  

Let us know how you're doing, we are here to help.  Click here and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

Be your absolute best today and every day.



Thursday, June 27, 2019

Day 11 - A Great Stretch for the Front Thighs

Dancer Pose

The thighs are one of the largest muscle groups in the body.  Both the front and back thighs are activated even as you stand still.  This exercise requires your standing leg to stabilize and support your weight as you press through the movement.  Muscles work synergistically, no one muscle can work independently of another.  They are either stretching or flexing in opposition to each other or stabilizing and supporting the joint involved in the major movement of any exercise.   

Experience has proven to me that life works as the body.  It works synergistically, there is no such thing as an isolated instance, there is always a direct correlation between the result of our behaviors and our inner and outer worlds.  Striving to reach higher levels of success in body, mind, and spirit requires the whole of who I am to work in concert with the whole of my world, my relationships, environment, and myself.     

This challenge is all about synergy.  My commitment to lose weight incentivizes me to increase my activity level and eat healthier meals.  My accountability partner supports my efforts and, my self-awareness perpetuates daily reflection of who I am, where I've been and where I am going.   

Synergy means the integration of multiple agents within the whole to produce a combined result which is greater than the sum of its individual parts.  It's fine to feel strong and independent, however, we must acknowledge the need to integrate the assistance of our family, colleagues, and community to get us to a higher level of fitness, consciousness, and social responsibility.

That's why these challenges are so productive.  For years I have seen the power behind creating group synergy to kickstart people into living a healthy lifestyle.  I hope you are on track, keeping your journals, and most importantly, leaning on your accountability partner for support.  That's how you will move to the next level in your health and wellness. 

Keep going, you are worth the challenge.

(310) 548-5984

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Day 10 - How About a Doing a Little Dance?

The Cupid Shuffle with Clarita

I found another archived video for you, a little cardio workout, a three-minute dance.  This was recorded on our way to Catalina Island in Southern California.  We like to take our Absolute Best Challengers on retreats to fun destinations.  We eat healthy meals, exercise daily, go on adventures, relax, and meditate on the many blessings life has so freely bestowed upon us.  

Are you piecing together the exercises I've been sharing with you?  Are you layering your routine to incorporate all the necessary components of muscle conditioning, cardiovascular training, meal planning, and stretching?  How's your journaling coming along?  Hopefully, you have linked to a calorie counter, and so far, have tracked your progress.    

I checked my scale today, I'm at 113 pounds, which means I'm going in the right direction.  The scale should be used as a compass, it keeps you on track.  If it indicates you are up one day and down the next, that is normal.  Have you ever watched the needle of a compass?  It is constantly moving, never staying absolutely still.    

It is so with this Absolute Best Challenge as well.  Intergrading a weight loss and exercise program into your life requires discipline, balance, and commitment.  When you utilize the tools that measure your progress, your odds of successfully navigating the journey increase dramatically.  If you are consistent about checking in with your accountability partner, the scale, and your measurements, you will reach your goal.   

These check-ins do not have to be daily, once a week is fine, however, you must continually assess where you are and where you are going.  Even though you may wobble and feel out of sync from time to time, acknowledge where you stand.  Always keep the end in mind, and never give up. 

I talk about the best approach to developing discipline in my new book, "I AM." Go get your copy today.  Let me know if you have any questions about your how to obtain the best results for your Absolute Best Challenge.  If you feel stuck, or need a little boost, even need pointing in the right direction, I AM here!

Go be the best you can be today and every day!
(310) 548-5984

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Day 9 - Clarita's Three Minutes to Tight Abs

Tight Abs in Three Minutes

I pulled this video from our archives because many of you have asked me to recommend the best way to target the abdominal area.  Make sure you support your neck by placing your hands at the base of your skull while you crunch.  Try doing these "three minutes abs" after your leg kicks, which I demonstrated on Day 8. 

Now I have to tell you the truth.  You can do these crunches until the cows come home, however, you will never do enough of them to burn away belly fat.  You need to address your body's fat holistically. There is no such thing as "spot" reduction, fat burns uniformly throughout your entire body.  You must increase your metabolic rate by reducing caloric intake and increasing caloric expenditure. That is your best approach to getting a flatter abdominal area. 

Don't forget to do some back strengtheners afterward to counterbalance the crunches.  These are difficult exercises, so take your time building up to this level.  I demonstrate a cobra sequence which requires keeping the knees off the floor.  Beginners, please feel free to touch your knees down.

Do what you can and slowly build up to higher levels of difficulty as you progress through your 90-day challenge.

Have fun!  Be the best you can be today and every day.

(310) 548-5984

Monday, June 24, 2019

Day 8 - Beginning a New Week

Grand Battement 
(Great Kick)

This exercise tones and strengthens your quads, your front thigh.  It's week two of your Absolute Best Challenge, and now you can gradually kick up your fitness program.  Add this move to your routine.  Do the kicks to the front, side, back, and side, each for 8 consecutive times.  Use the right, and then left leg, and if you feel like a challenge, do it for 2 sets.  Let me know how it goes.  

When I got on the scale tonight, it registered 114 pounds.  I lost one pound.  How did you do?  The beginning of a new fitness and nutritional program tends to create rapid fluctuation in body weight.  However, in the beginning, most of that weight loss is water.  (Refer back to my Day-4 blog for more info.)  We are waiting for the 30-day marker to retake girth measurements because significant changes in those numbers are highly unlikely during the first week of a program. 

Week one was like a warm-up, an assessment of where you stand, and bringing awareness to your body and eating habits.  You took measurements, kept a food log, and wrote about your feelings, triggers, and emotions.  Most importantly, you began identifying your body's reactions to your environment, internally and externally. 

During week two, the focus will be on your caloric intake.  Write down the values alongside the food you eat, then add up the total calories consumed at the end of each night.  This link will take you to a page that reviews the 5 best calorie counters.   Download an app and start keeping track.

Remember to reach out and ask questions.  We are here to help.  A big shout out to Lois Thornburng,  she is the best assistant anyone can hope for, and she will be your "go to" person during my upcoming absence while I'm in Costa Rica.  I'll be available, if you need me, through What's App, so, feel free to leave a comment on our posts.  One way or another, we'll make sure to get back to you. 

Week two, here we come.

Be your Absolute Best today and every day. 

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Day 7 - Lets Get to The Core of The Matter

The Core Matters 

The first week of our challenge has come and gone.  How do you feel about your journey so far?  Did you keep a journal and log what you ate?  If you can say, "I am aware of the foods I ate." -- and then, make the proper adjustments for proteins, carbs, and fats into your system, you are on the right track.   

How about your exercise regimen, did you walk, stretch, or do resistance training?  One of the most important keys to developing a strong body is to strengthen your core.  Think of your core as the trunk of your body.  Learn to target the deep, intermediate, and superficial layers of these muscles to help strengthen and stabilize the spine.  The body's strength comes from the inside out.  

In my book, "I AM," Imagination, Action, Memorization - The Way to Your Absolute Best, I talk about the importance of deep communion with your body.  The expression of who you are is revealed through it.  Your awareness of its existence, what and how it feels, the emotions that are triggered by the memories of your past, are all part of your humanness.     
Click here to order your copy today.

What message do you want to reflect back to the world?  Do you want to reflect the importance of honoring the sanctity of your body, which is the only vehicle you have for getting by on this earthly plane?  Or, will you use it up without replenishing, nourishing, and caring for it until it no longer serves you?  It's your choice, it's your body.  What do you want to do?

Let us know how you're doing in the comment section below.  I believe we have fixed the glitch that previously prevented any comments to post.   

Be your absolute best.


Saturday, June 22, 2019

Day 6 - Are You Stretching Yourself?

Hamstring and IT Band Stretch

Today I'd like to share some information about the importance of stretching.  You need to incorporate several types of modalities into your fitness routine if you want to obtain the best results for your efforts.  So far I've shared the importance of how you can burn excess fat and increase your metabolic rate by combining cardiovascular and strength training.  You might ask, "how does stretching fit into the overall picture?"

Stretching in and of itself does not generate enough energy to burn fat, however, it is vital to a balanced fitness regimen.  It stimulates water production in the joints for lubrication and protection, increases the production of elastin in the connective tissues, actually lengthens the muscles, and allows for a greater range of motion at the joint which ultimately helps in preventing injury.

The cool thing about stretching is that you only need a few minutes a day, even five minutes, to stretch a specific muscle group.  The key to obtaining more flexibility in the body is consistency.  You must do it regularly, I like doing it daily.  Yoga is part of my routine and some of the best stretches for my body come from my practice.    

Your muscles are much more supple after the body has generated some heat from your cardio and strength training exercises.  It's best to stretch after your workouts to cool the body down.  Carefully ease into them, and hold your stretches for at least twenty seconds or more.  

We are approaching day seven of our Absolute Best Challenge.  Are you stretching yourself to be the best you can be?  I just weighed myself and I'm not seeing the progress I expected, however, that doesn't stop me from going forward and pushing on.  The first week of a challenge is a way of easing into a new way of living.  This new regimen of increased exercise and caloric deficits demands a change in habits.  However, it's important to first get a baseline measurement of where you stand.  When you finish your ninety days, you can then look back and notice the progress that was made along the way.    

Keep going, you deserve to be your absolute best.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Day 5 - The Benefits of Cardio

Mambo Mania®
 is Cuban Salsa at it's Best!

One of my favorite things to do is dance, that's why I created Mambo Mania.  It's fun, easy, and burns lots of calories in one session.  Depending on the intensity of your effort, a typical 30-minute cardio workout can burn approximately 250 calories.  

Cardio workouts are effective and efficient, you don't even need to go to a gym or have a trainer to get your groove on.  Just crank up the earbuds and go on a fast walk.  Push yourself to reach your target heart rate, which is 70-75% of your maximum heart rate.  To find your maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220.  If you can maintain the intensity of keeping your heart rate in your target zone for at least 30 minutes, that "steady" state will condition your body to burn fat stores and metabolize them as fuel. 

However, the easiest way to figure your target heart rate is by perceived exertion.  On a scale from one to ten, one being a nice easy stroll through the park, and10 being a run for your life away from the sabertooth tiger, your target would be a 7 or 8.  

Cardio workouts increase lung capacity, strengthen your heart, increase vascular capacity, decrease blood pressure, and help with endurance.  Of course, blending both cardio training with strength training is your best shot at reaching your highest levels of fat burning capacity.  Developing muscle mass increases your metabolic rate during and after your workouts.  

Imagine that, the residual effect of exercising can continue up to two or more hours after you train.  That's a pretty good return on investment.  

Keep doing what you're doing, journal daily, and be your best today and every day.


Thursday, June 20, 2019

Day 4 -Toning Your Thighs and Arms

How to Tone Your Thighs and Arms

I have committed to doing Mambo at least four times per week, so far, so good.  Little by little, my body has started to respond to the demands I'm making on it.  I have lost a couple of pounds, which is probably due more to water loss than fat loss.

The first week of reduced caloric intake causes the body's chemistry to burn more glycogen, a short term energy source stored in the liver and muscles bounded by water. The more glycogen the body uses, the more water you lose. The numbers on the scale could be showing you water loss rather than fat loss.

Remember, the human body is at least 60% water. It is essential to replenish yourself with plenty of water as you navigate these processes of increased exercise and reduced caloric intake.

Water in the system helps regulate our internal body temperature, metabolizes and transports proteins and carbohydrates through the bloodstream, lubricates joints, and flushes out waste.

I recommend you drink eight glass of water, daily, eight ounces in size. Eating water-rich foods like fruits and vegetables will also keep you hydrated, healthy, and lean.

Keep a log of the foods you eat in your journal, track your weight periodically, and take your measurements every 30 days. What you did today will carry over into tomorrow. Hopefully, it was a good day today. If not, I'm pretty sure that tomorrow the sun will come out and you'll get a "re-do."  Every day is a new beginning.

Stay positive, set your aim high, know where you are, and where you are going.  Set a plan of action, and execute it.  Then, sit back and enjoy as you witness the dream unfold.   

Be the best you can be, today and every day,

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Day 3 - How to Measure Yourself

Mother Always Taught Me to Be Measured in All That I Do

I believe that Mom was giving me sound advice when she told me to be measured in everything I did.  If I don't know where I'm at, I will never get my bearings.  In dance, I have to take into account the space of the floor so I can figure how far I can move from right to left, upstage, downstage or where I must stop to hit my "mark" and finish a move.  

In the same way, developing my body and reshaping it requires the assessment of my current condition.  In these video blogs, I've revealed my shape and size to the world.  Now everybody knows where I stand.  

This is motivation to show myself and others how committed I am to the process of "I AM,"   which is the essence of my latest book.  I can already see the end result in my mind's eye.  I know what actions I must take to gain back the muscle tone and strength that accompanies a highly tuned body.    Once my body begins the regimen of training regularly and eating healthfully, my muscles will remember what it feels like to push and press on, fall in line with the discipline I demand of myself and expect the only possible outcome, success.  Failure is not an option.  

Five pounds is not a lot of weight to lose, however, developing the strength and tone that I had, even a year ago, is like starting from scratch.  It's a new beginning even though past routines are still imprinted in my cellular memory.  I must discipline myself and do the work if I want to see the results.

You now have the tools to keep moving through this challenge until you get to the 90-day mark. I would love to see your progress as you progress through the journey.  Post pictures, share your experiences and let us know how you're doing.  We are here to help.

Be your best!

Monday, June 17, 2019

The Scale! Do I Really Have to Weigh Myself?

Let's Get Your Base Measurements

You have to know where you stand before you can determine where to go.  If you want to improve your body fat ratio, reduce weight, and increase muscle tone, then I suggest you document your current numbers.  

This scale, Ironman Inner Scan by Tanita, is my pick for you.  It will give you a reading on your metabolic rate, which tells you how many calories your body burns at rest.  Among other measurements, it also reads your body fat percentage, visceral fat, and water weight.  

If you want to shed those excess pounds, you will want to develop your muscle density which will increase your metabolism, eat a protein-rich diet, and eliminating saturated fats.  You also need to increase the duration of your cardiovascular exercises so you can develop endurance and burn excess fat.  

Easy to say, not so easy to do.  It's a balancing act, the exercise component along with healthful eating aligns the mind, body, and spirit.  This is the beginning of a fantastic journey and I want you to to get your mindset around your specific goals.  

I've picked my goal, I want to lose five pounds and tone up my muscles.  I'm going to continue imagining myself in fantastic shape and then expect to see pleasing results by end of the 90-day challenge.

Look and find a picture of yourself that makes you feel good about your body.  Post it here and vow to feel good about it once again.  You are the same person who was in that body before, your essence is still there.  Say, "I AM" (which happens to be the name of my new book) and determine to take action towards achieving your goal.  If you are good to your body, it will reflect your absolute best self. 

Tomorrow, I'll show you how to measure your girth.

Contact us anytime.  Click here and give us your contact info.  We'll help you achieve your goal.
Be your absolute best.


Sunday, June 16, 2019

12 weeks to Living Healthfully- Are you Ready for the Challenge?

Absolute Best 90-Day Challenge Begins!

Ok folks.  Here we go again.  It's time to make a commitment.  Summer is right around the corner and wouldn't it be nice to feel good in your own skin?  What goal can you declare and achieve that demonstrates you have what it takes to become your absolute best?  What's the first thing that comes to your mind?

For me, it's to lose five pounds.  Since I became semi-retired from teaching my Mambo Mania® classes, I have gained some weight, lost endurance, and worst of all, lost muscle tone.  Now I'm committed to honoring my 62-old body.  Thirteen years ago I looked like this:

I don't expect to roll back the hands of time, however, I can be the best me possible in my current body by taking care of it.

Going back and forth to Costa Rica, writing and promoting my book, aging, and the business of running Absolute Best has affected the regularity of my workouts.  In order to attain my goal within the next 90 days, I declare that I will eat clean and lean, dance Mambo Mania® at least four times per week, and add strength training to my sessions. 

The cardio workouts will increase my fat-burning mechanisms, eating healthfully will purify my body and seeing the results after 90 days will lift my spirits!

What goal can you declare for yourself?

What comes to mind?

Write it down, share it with someone, find an accountability partner, reward yourself along the way, and go make your dream come true.

Give us a call today and we'll help you get started on the road to your absolute best!
Absolute Best
643 W 6th Street
San Pedro, CA 90731
in the Personal Best Building between Grand and Gaffy

Be Your Best!