Mambo Mania®
is Cuban Salsa at it's Best!
One of my favorite things to do is dance, that's why I created Mambo Mania. It's fun, easy, and burns lots of calories in one session. Depending on the intensity of your effort, a typical 30-minute cardio workout can burn approximately 250 calories.
Cardio workouts are effective and efficient, you don't even need to go to a gym or have a trainer to get your groove on. Just crank up the earbuds and go on a fast walk. Push yourself to reach your target heart rate, which is 70-75% of your maximum heart rate. To find your maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220. If you can maintain the intensity of keeping your heart rate in your target zone for at least 30 minutes, that "steady" state will condition your body to burn fat stores and metabolize them as fuel.
However, the easiest way to figure your target heart rate is by perceived exertion. On a scale from one to ten, one being a nice easy stroll through the park, and10 being a run for your life away from the sabertooth tiger, your target would be a 7 or 8.
Cardio workouts increase lung capacity, strengthen your heart, increase vascular capacity, decrease blood pressure, and help with endurance. Of course, blending both cardio training with strength training is your best shot at reaching your highest levels of fat burning capacity. Developing muscle mass increases your metabolic rate during and after your workouts.
Imagine that, the residual effect of exercising can continue up to two or more hours after you train. That's a pretty good return on investment.
Keep doing what you're doing, journal daily, and be your best today and every day.
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