Monday, June 17, 2019

The Scale! Do I Really Have to Weigh Myself?

Let's Get Your Base Measurements

You have to know where you stand before you can determine where to go.  If you want to improve your body fat ratio, reduce weight, and increase muscle tone, then I suggest you document your current numbers.  

This scale, Ironman Inner Scan by Tanita, is my pick for you.  It will give you a reading on your metabolic rate, which tells you how many calories your body burns at rest.  Among other measurements, it also reads your body fat percentage, visceral fat, and water weight.  

If you want to shed those excess pounds, you will want to develop your muscle density which will increase your metabolism, eat a protein-rich diet, and eliminating saturated fats.  You also need to increase the duration of your cardiovascular exercises so you can develop endurance and burn excess fat.  

Easy to say, not so easy to do.  It's a balancing act, the exercise component along with healthful eating aligns the mind, body, and spirit.  This is the beginning of a fantastic journey and I want you to to get your mindset around your specific goals.  

I've picked my goal, I want to lose five pounds and tone up my muscles.  I'm going to continue imagining myself in fantastic shape and then expect to see pleasing results by end of the 90-day challenge.

Look and find a picture of yourself that makes you feel good about your body.  Post it here and vow to feel good about it once again.  You are the same person who was in that body before, your essence is still there.  Say, "I AM" (which happens to be the name of my new book) and determine to take action towards achieving your goal.  If you are good to your body, it will reflect your absolute best self. 

Tomorrow, I'll show you how to measure your girth.

Contact us anytime.  Click here and give us your contact info.  We'll help you achieve your goal.
Be your absolute best.


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