Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 70

Spinach Chicken Salad with Potatoes!- delicious  

Day 70.  Count your blessings.  You are fortunate enough to live in a time and place full of abundance. The mere contemplation of preparing this chicken salad is proof positive you are living well.  You have food, shelter, hygienic surroundings, family and friends to love and support.  Even if chaos surrounds you, be grateful, find the beauty in life and accept prosperity.   

A longing to live a healthy life is a strong reason to get up every morning.  You strive for ascension to a higher level because, deep inside, there is a shining spirit edging its way out into the light.  It wants the freedom to express itself through the example of how you live.  It will never interfere with your choices, it will always go along with whatever you decide. Only when you stop, step aside and release control of the outcome, will it reveal its truth.

Your aim through this challenge is to develop your "whole being" by making holistic choices that teach you to merge all aspects; mind, body, and soul into one.  How you care for yourself and others is a reflection of your spirit and beliefs.  Choose to eat healthily, exercise, get massages and chiropractic treatments whenever something feels out of balance, rest, re-set, cleanse and start again.

Learn to develop the mind-body connection.  The more you become aware of their symbiotic relationship, the more spirit grows within.  Show up fully present, in alignment with who you are and be an example of love, health, and wellness, for yourself and those you love.  The experience of being "wholly" you, will attract positive things into your life and illumine your path.  

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is the finest wellness center in San Pedro.

We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

Call us today and set up a private consultation.

Come check us out. We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste,

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 69

Serve these yummy veggie burgers on whole-grain buns topped with your favorite condiments. Bonus: They can be made ahead and frozen (and cooked straight from the freezer).

Day 69.  Do you feel fit for summer?  Bathing suits, shorts, and tank tops are typical summer-wear, nonetheless, if you don't feel fit, you may feel uncomfortable wearing them. Forget self-conscious limiting beliefs, instead, act as if you are already fit and healthy.  If you stay the course, continue with My Metabolic Cure and your fitness program, you will transform into a strong, fit and healthy body that can be shown-off with confidence.  

For now, keep focusing on planning for your meals and behaving "as if" you are a healthy individual.  If you don't plan to succeed, you plan to fail.  Whether the focus is on meals, daily tasks, financial, or family, set your goals.  Meditate and do visualization exercises each morning and project your desires; how to look, think and feel throughout the day.  Then, bring the images forth from your psyche into physical reality; live your dream.

This process takes practice.  It's a blend of being in the moment and visualizing your future all at the same time.  A harmonic blend of co-creating and releasing the results to the Universe.  The calmness you feel when being prepared enables you to release all expectations and creates acceptance for whatever comes your way.      

Life comes at you no matter what you plan.  If you are not clear about your path, you can easily be thrown off balance.  Your plans must be supported by a strong foundation.   A home can not be constructed without building a blueprint first.  Your meditation and goal setting is your blueprint for your day.  You put enough days together with this methodology and soon you have formulated a beautiful temple for your soul.

Be clear in your mind and refine your body's awareness of how it responds to the energies around it; the foods you eat, the exercises you perform, the relationships you cultivate, and the connection you have with your own heart and soul.  These are all part of the "planning" process for your life.  If you create a healthy environment with which to garner health and wellness, then your plans will lead you to fruitful outcomes and ultimately, your dreams  And, if that is to fit into a fabulous looking bathing suit so you can jump into the waters of ultimate possibilities, then develop the discipline to plan appropriately.

Keep up the pace, you are almost at the 90 Day marker with your challenge.  Write in your journal and be truthful with yourself.  What have you accomplished so far, what can you do to improve, what are you grateful for and how can you become better prepared to be your Absolute Best?

 Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is the finest wellness center in San Pedro.

We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

Call us today and set up a private consultation.

Come check us out. We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste,

Friday, June 16, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 68

Day 68.  Moving along the path to your desires is not a straight line, it weaves and winds, sometimes, leading you astray.  My Metabolic Cure meal plan and exercise programs are meant to keep you on track with your wellness goals and catapult you to a higher level of living.  It's a struggle to move to the next level of self-improvement without help from an accountability partner or methodology directed at assisting you.  Finding the right "fit" for this type of program can make the difference between success and failure.   

This week the concentration will be on "Your Meal Plans" or, preparedness. Life seems to unfold before you without much consultation or collaboration, although, if you stop and ponder deeply enough, you soon find that the exact opposite is true.  The Universe is actually waiting for you to unfold before It to consult and collaborate on your life.  You just need to make the time for the consultation.  I call that, meditation.    

You can either master the ability to bend and flow with life as it happens or, you can become rigid and tight and let it smack you upside the head!  It can barrel down forcefully on you or, you can take the time to prepare, contemplate the many possibilities that each day may bring and pick a path. Once you commit, leave the outcome to the Universe.  I promise, if things don't seem to be going your way, then you can make another consultation anytime, no appointment necessary.  

Once you make a choice for a path to wellness, the next step is to take action.  So, if you meditate on the healthy body and lifestyle you desire, you must go eat breakfast and pack a healthy lunch before walking out the door to go to work.  You don't have time you say?  Or, you don't have what you need in your refrigerator?  Then, today, prepare by going to the market and stocking your refrigerator full of healthy food for the rest of the week.  Repeat this ritual for 12-weeks and, if you follow my suggestions for meal planning, you will lose at least 1 pound per week if not more.  That's 12 pounds in 90 days, 52 pounds in one year.  Changes begin to happen when you begin to change. Not the other way around. 

Prepare for what you desire and if something happens that you weren't prepared for, learn from the experience. If there seems to be an onslaught of dilemmas that appear to sabotage your plans, after the siege, stop to catch your breath.  Go consult with the Universe, call your accountability partner and next time, you will be better prepared.  I promise, the unexpected will always come up and if you practice preparedness, you will soon develop the habit of expecting the unexpected.  It keeps life interesting.    

 Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is the finest wellness center in San Pedro.

We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

Call us today and set up a private consultation.

Come check us out. We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste,

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 67

Tofu is a great source of protein so definitely a good choice for My Metabolic Cure meal plans. 

Day 67.  This is a rigorous program and your body's weight, strength, flexibility, and metabolism are changing for the better.  You have the opportunity to develop into the strongest and healthiest version of yourself using the tools of this challenge.  The fact you have made it this far is an affirmation that wellness is possible for you.  You look and feel better since you began this journey, so, by continuing the program over next few weeks, you will reach your goal.      

Once you understand the mind-body connection, the floodgates to your spiritual nature begin to open. Once your soul gets into the act, failure is not an option. It never gives up.  Your mind begins to formulate new habits; eating right, respecting and prioritizing time, staying accountable, and meditating on how best to approach and appreciate each day.  You are learning to set yourself up for a lifetime of success by using the tools of this program. 

Obstacles and self-sabotage become things of the past now that your strategies for life are positive and solution oriented.  You know what it feels like to win and, as is human nature, will want more of that as you continue down the road towards your dreams.  The old you is gone, make space for your personal best.   

The fact is that the body you have right now is not the same one that began this journey. Your stomach recycles every 5 days, the skeleton recycles every 3 months, even your DNA changes every 6 weeks so, you are literally not the same person you were when you started this challenge.  

Your body is more energy than solid mass.  You have the ability to reconstruct it, re-shape it and re-define it as you see fit.  You have more control over it than you realize.  It responds to your thoughts and your actions are triggered by those thoughts.  The more you engage in healthy activities daily, the more you create healthy habits.  The healthier your choices, the more fit you become everyday.  

Start thinking as if you are already your absolute best and watch what happens.  Release the exact outcome to the Universe and live your life in wellness.
Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is the finest wellness center in San Pedro.

We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

Call us today and set up a private consultation.

Come check us out. We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste,

Monday, June 12, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 66

My Metabolic Cure Meal Plan suggests you include smoothies whenever you want a quick meal replacement.  Watch this video for fun smoothie, soup and snack recipes.

Day 66.  Adding greens to your diet helps your body absorb and distribute nutrients.  They provide vitamins, minerals and disease-fighting phytochemicals which help stabilize sugar levels and provide healing properties within your body.

We are incredibly sophisticated machines living on a live and abundant planet.  The earth offers everything you need to survive and is truly magnificent. There is no need to stress and worry about how to live because everything you need to thrive is part of your world.  You can live a long, healthy life here... as long as you breathe.

Why do you stress, fret and struggle?  If abundance is all around you, why do you feel limited? Why do you feel there will be nothing left for you?  If this world is "set up" for you to succeed, why do you choose to fail?  Look deep within and ask yourself these questions.  The answers will come, you just have to coax them out.

Can you feel and embrace a sense of reverence even when you are in a state of strife?  If so, you are on track to realizing your dreams.  If you can maintain that sensibility of strength and healing within your body, even when things are crumbling around you, your spirit will guide you to resources abounding.  It will rejuvenate and regenerate your world.  You will learn to plug into the natural potency of your mind-body connection and your spirit will lead you to nature's hidden secrets.  The essence of the whole of who you are, living on this planet, in this day and age, is purposeful.

Why is all of this so important when it comes to meals and calories?  If it comes from the ground, your body will process and utilize the nutritional properties properly.  If you eat manufactured and processed food, nutritional values lessen, fats, sodium and sugars will be infused into your system and, uncontrolled, reek havoc inside your body.  You can't fool Mother Nature, if it's not REAL food, your body will know and react accordingly.

Gear up and get ready to continue eating right, exercising regularly and meditating daily.  And don't forget to write in your journals.  It's fun to look back and read old entries.  Your journal helps you stay on track by recording your meals, how you feel and what your progress has been throughout your journey.  You soon begin to make instinctively smarter and healthier choices ensuring a sense of wellness and longevity.  And finally, the more you sit and breath, contemplate and stay grateful, the more abundance is invited into your world.

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is the finest wellness center in San Pedro.

We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

Call us today and set up a private consultation.

Come check us out. We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste,

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 65

Tangy Bean Salad.  Sounds tasty.  Looks simple to make.  My kinda salad. 
Go check out more great recipes at Whole Foods.

Day  65.  I certainly hope you guys have been rewarding yourselves for having made it this far on this journey.  So far, you have declared a goal, committed yourselves to eating healthier, found an accountability partner, increased your fitness regimen, and recorded your measurements and progress in your daily journal.  That is a lot! 

These challenges are designed to teach you to become more introspective, contemplative and meditative.  Much of your success is based on going within and learning about the messages your body sends your mind as it processes the sensory stimulation it derives from the world.  

The more connected and aware you are of that feedback loop, the more you will know what is best for your body.  The more you keep listening to your body, the healthier you become while your mind sharpens and your psyche lifts to a higher energetic plane.  
Success comes in many forms.  Sitting and meditating regularly may seem like wasting time, especially if you are not used to it, however, it improves productivity.  If you sit still, breathe and contemplate your day before walking out the door each morning, you will probably have a good day. Visualizing exactly how to maneuver through your "to do" list and prioritizing what is most important will create synchronicity in your life.  You will make your day a success!    

The end of the day is when you can review your accomplishments by writing in your journal. Jot down how you feel after a long day, what emotional triggers made you think twice about your new habit of eating healthily and exercising regularly?  Did you stay on track?  How many calories did you consume and how many did you expend?  Your journal is a record of your measured improvement and a very powerful tool for your success.

Write about the things you feel grateful for in your life.  This way, you can make an assessment of where you are and what you have to do to stay the course.  You can evaluate, adjust and know what your next action steps should be to go about the business of living life to its fullest.

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is the finest wellness center in San Pedro.

We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

Call us today and set up a private consultation.

Come check us out. We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste,

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 64

Please join my Pilates en Piso class by clicking the link above.  Please consult with your physician before beginning any type of fitness or nutritional program.

Day 64.  You have some work to do still.  You are almost at the ninety-day marker, not having crossed the finish line, there is still work to be done.  Years ago, I ran a marathon race and recorded my best time, 3:10.  (Three hours and ten minutes.)  However, it could have been better.   I remember lagging behind at several points during the race; on purpose.  There came a point throughout my event where I conceded I was not in it to win.   

My reasons for sabotaging my success were, very personal and why I continue to do this type of "work" today.  Sometimes, you make a choice to hold yourself back from success because your winning might create a loss for someone else.  You consider the impact of your choices not only for yourself but for those you love as well.   

Moving through life requires you to consider where you are and where you are going.  You instantly create a new future with each life choice.  You leave behind that which could have been and move into your new possibility.  Choosing can feel like the never-ending story, a bittersweet feeling, yet a careful review of your choices will reveal much about yourself.   

By this point in your journey, you know what it feels like to win and it feels good.  You want more wins, however, maybe you feel like you have to stretch things out a bit.  Too much-consolidated winning seems unfair, how could you be so lucky?  How can you possibly win so much?  You can.  You can win every day.  You just have to make that choice and not concede to loss.  
My friend Alisa (shown above) puts one foot in front of the other and she makes her life a new possibility each day.  We all have our crosses to bear.  No one gets through this life without making difficult choices.  I sometimes feel that other people's complaints about life are trivial and if they would only do what I do, then they would be fine.  Eat right, exercise and meditate; how hard can it be?  

It can be very hard.  All I committed to doing these 90 days was to coach you by writing daily and guess what, I have not been pitch perfect.  It will take me more than 90 days to finish this journey, however, just like my marathon race, I will finish it.   

Let's say your goal was to lose one pound every week and instead, you have lost only 1/2 a pound each week.  Wow, you still lost 4 pounds.  You do that again in the next 60 or so days and you will have lost eight!  That is significant.  If you lose one 1/2 pound every week for a year, you lose 26 pounds.  

Start your day with your best intention.  Close your eyes and visualize having a successful day. Slowly come into your day allowing those powerful images to guide your choices.  Take one step at a time and release the outcome to the universe.  Deal with each situation in full awareness whether or not the outcome is good, bad or indifferent.  Apply the principles of this challenge, declare your goal, seek out your accountability partner, and take action towards your desires.  

The only way NOTHING will change in your life is if you do NOTHING. If you do something, trust that the universe has your back and is your best accountability partner.  Your destiny will unfold before you as you intended it too.  If you like how it's shaping up, repeat the process again tomorrow, if not, make a different choice.  Just keep challenging yourself.  Live each day one moment at a time in full awareness of your decisions.  Then, realize the outcome, evaluate, make adjustments and keep moving towards the finish line.  Forget time, just go.             

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is the finest wellness center in San Pedro.

We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

Call us today and set up a private consultation.

Come check us out. We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste,

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 63

Summer is around the corner and lots of barbecues and grilling recipes will come in handy during the next few months.  Click the video above and check out the many ways to prepare an artichoke!

Day 63.  The Metabolic Cure is about balancing calories "in" with calories "out."  Of course, you want to choose healthy foods rather than fast foods to improve your wellbeing.  And the right type of exercise program is terribly important.  This plan requires discipline to follow it and if you develop that aspect of yourself, you WILL succeed.

Discipline sounds terribly harsh and rigid even though I believe it is the cornerstone of success.  My favorite meaning from Merriam-Webster is; training that corrects, molds or perfects the mental faculties or moral character.  Most people think the consequences of failure is harsh punishment.  I prefer to believe that you mold your body, mind, and spirit to re-shape your thoughts and then, the outcome of this new mold becomes your life.

No one is going to punish you for not eating certain foods or not exercising during this challenge. You may hear a rebel cry deep inside of you screaming to go against the "status quo." It may holler, "Eat that chocolate chip cookie!" or "Skip that fitness class today!"  You are an adult now, you can make whatever decisions you like in life. The rewards or consequences that appear before you are simply the result of your choices or inactions.  No outside power is looming over you to "punish" you.

If you choose wisely, you are rewarded by feeling good, having a sense of wellbeing, tranquility, and calmness about you.  You get the sense that, at any given moment, you can show up for others in the best possible form and manner of being.  If you constantly choose fast foods, drink too much, or take drugs to fix a deep-seated problem without determining its root cause, then chances are the "punishment" will show up in the form of a disease.  It's pretty simple, not easy, just simple.  Life gives you back what you put into your body and mind.

90 days of discipline does not come without its pitfalls.  You discover plenty about yourself when pushing through the rigors of a program like this.  Things will reveal themselves to you that may NOT look like what you have chosen.  You may feel the world is against you and your life is not what you want because you have "bad luck" or, others are against you and they are stalling your progress. Why you?  How come everybody else's life seems to be going smoothly and you are struggling with yours?

Do really want to keep those repeated negative thoughts and behaviors in your mind and body or, do you want to change them? Whatever your choice, you are free to change, or not.  You can decide what type of life you want because you are in the driver seat, no one else, just you.

Your spirit is a reflection of who you are.  It is malleable, quiet, patient and responds to you every wish and command.  Spirit is the essence of who you are.  The best way to get in touch with it is to sit and meditate daily.  Incorporate this "discipline," into your life and this "practice" will strengthen positive energy throughout your body and your mind.  The vibrational frequencies in and around you are so powerful that they can dilute the negative energy.

There are many ways to meditate and there are lots of books, courses, YouTube videos, etc. that can help you learn the basics.  I recommend you sit for 5 minutes, every morning, before you do anything else, and breath.  Just breath.  Start your meditation practice like that and soon you will know what to do next.  The method will unfold before you and your spirit will take flight.  It will reveal itself to you and you will become more inclined to mold and shape your behavior to strengthen your spirit.

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is the finest wellness center in San Pedro.

We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

Call us today and set up a private consultation.

Come check us out. We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste,

Monday, June 5, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 62

Congratulations, if you have come this far in our Challenge, you can consider yourself a success.  It took a little preparation and a shift in thinking, however, isn't it a sweet reward?  Enjoy and embrace your new sense of wellbeing.

Day 61.  Making changes in your life can be hard.  It's easier to stay in your comfort zone rather than stretching towards new frontiers.  Growing pains hurt but in order to achieve your goals, you must be willing to push through the tough parts of the journey.  There will be times you will want to quit and go back to "life as usual."  Don't be lulled into that thinking, stay sharp and on your game.

Keep focusing on why and how you eat.  You eat for sustenance, strength, and vitality, that's obvious. However, in today's fast-paced world, many times our choices are driven by social pressures, budgetary limits, time constraints and the pure satisfaction of our taste buds.  Allowing your meal choices to be hijacked by circumstances and unhealthy habits can destroy your health rather than sustain it.  Choose fresh whole foods, minimize sugars and saturated fats, and eat proteins for cellular growth and regeneration.  Mix in some fruits and vegetables daily and make colorfully pleasing meals.

Drink plenty of water too.  My meal plan calls for 80 ounces of water daily, which translates to 10 cups per day.  Your body relies heavily on water to transport nutrients to your cells, keep your skin hydrated, joints and tissues lubricated, body temperature regulated, toxins flushed and overall maintenance of your regulatory systems.

Our ancestors who hunted the wooly mammoth ate for survival and expended tremendous energy gathering food. Today we go to the grocery store or the drive up window and depend on the manufacturing and agricultural landscape for our food banks.  Our energy expenditure versus the consumption of calories is way off balance in comparison to our ancestors. That is why I advocate exercising at least 30 minutes most days of the week.

Push weight, do resistive exercises, walk, swim, stretch, bike or run.  Whatever feels best for your body.  The key is to move and burn calories.  You were made to exercise your body in a vigorous and energetic fashion, not to sit at a desk or a couch.  No excuses, just keep doing the work, you have come this far, you may as well finish the race.

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is the finest wellness center in San Pedro.

We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

Call us today and set up a private consultation.

Come check us out. We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 61

I am not a great cook so the easier the meal, the better for me.  This spaghetti squash makes for a perfect choice at the end of a long day.  Go grab more ideas from Whole Foods Market.

Day 61.  Are you playing it safe?  Are you asking for everything you would like in your life?  Do you feel you deserve to have it all, or not?  I know I was told at a very young age that I could NOT have it all.  I thought I needed to make a choice.  I could be a dancer, which required a lifetime of dedication or, go the route of marriage and family.  The choice was either or, it could not be both.

I chose dance, however, later in life, the family chose me.  When I was young, I believed I had made all my choices.  Later in life, I realized the choices sought me. My environments were what created the structures which allowed me to learn, grow, develop and create my talent as a dancer. Then, as I matured into a young woman, my feminine urges rose to their pinnacle and created the space for me to start a family; another force of nature in a different form.

At 60 years of age, dance is still the driving force of my life.  However, today, my style, manner, and approach are different.  When I first discovered my gift, I thought it could be delivered in only one way; me on a stage.  Later, I discovered that variety is the spice of life; there are many ways to deliver a dance. It is not either or, it's a little of everything thrown in the mix.  And amazingly, it unfolds into a unique form. Life itself is the talent, I AM the body, with a mind, and spirit co-creating life's dance.

What about you?  What does your spirit lead you to do?  If your dream is big enough, it will live on throughout your entire life, no matter what happens around you.  It may morph and change to try and fit into your environment, even still, its essence will never be squelched. That special gift, your talent, will endure, alive and well within you.  Bring it out now, express it by giving it power through your body, mind, and spirit.

Your body is your temple, your mind the reason, and your spirit the canvas for your life.  If you treat yourself well, eat nutritious foods, exercise - the physical and psychic senses, you will grow and create space to dance through life.

Wherever you go, there you will be, responding to your environment astoundingly well.  Allow yourself to explore the many gifts which life has to offer, learn how to brings out the best expression of YOU!

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is the finest wellness center in San Pedro.

We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

Call us today and set up a private consultation.

Come check us out. We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste



Thursday, June 1, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 60

Click this link and check out 7 foods that boost your metabolism.

Day 60!  We have 4 more weeks to go.  I am proud of you for keeping your commitment so far.  It's down hill from here.  Just keep doing the same thing these next 4 weeks and your body, heart and soul will thank you.

By this time, you have probably realized that a comprehensive approach to your wellness is the absolute best solution to your health challenges.  The "whole" person, the physical, the mental and the spiritual needs to become "well."  You cannot be one without the other. 

This week's focus is on Meals and Calories.  Here is a template for a 1200 calorie meal plan designed to keep you in caloric deficit, meaning, consuming fewer calories than usual.  I am assuming that your Resting Metabolic Rate is at about 1500 calories.  

1200 Calorie Meal Plan
Breakfast Omelet
one quarter cup or 2 egg whites
1 oz fat-free cheese
cooking spray
on a bed of half a cup cooked spinach
one half cup cooked oatmeal

Snack 1 cup fat-free plain yogurt
three quarters cup strawberries
5 walnuts

Lunch Sandwich
2 slices whole wheat bread
2 oz turkey breast
one half cup lettuce
one quarter cup tomato
1 tablespoon low-fat mayonnaise
one half cup carrot sticks

Snack one quarter cup cottage cheese
one quarter cup honeydew melon or cantaloupe

Dinner 2 oz grilled or broiled salmon
1 cup steamed broccoli
one half cup brown rice

Snack Shake
1 cup non-fat milk or soy milk
one half frozen ripe banana
one half teaspoon cinnamon or nutmeg

The principle behind the plan is based on cutting 500 calories per day from you usual caloric consumption.  (500 cal. X 7 days = $3,500 cal. = 1 pound of fat.)  You can cut back from consumption and in combination, increase your physical exercise to burn an extra 500 daily.  
If you follow this plan, you can lose ~4 pounds per week, or, 12 pounds in 90 days.  If you think long term and kept this up for a whole year, you would lose 52 pounds.  Now that is doable.  

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is the finest wellness center in San Pedro.

We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

Call us today and set up a private consultation.

Come check us out. We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 59

Cilantro Line Shrimp Salad

Day 59.  June is right around the corner and that means Summer fun and lots of cool recipes. Light, refreshing and healthy meals are best served as salads.  Go check out all the fabulous ideas on Delish.  
Taking Charge of Your Metabolism

This week we are concentrating on Meals and Calories.  Anyone who’s ever dieted knows the effects are short lived. You might lose a few pounds, but you soon hit a plateau and the weight-loss stops. When you go off the diet, the pounds seem to return faster than ever. In time, you learn the sad truth: repeated dieting is actually a great way to gain fat. The reason has to do with your body’s metabolism.

You must learn how to "reset" your metabolic rate to utilize calories consumed for fuel, sustenance of your autonomic systems and, for storing adequate levels of fat.  Most diets fail because the body begins to hoard most of it's fat once it receives signals from the body that food is scarce.  

The problem is that when you diet you don’t just lose fat, but lean muscle as well. And muscle tissue,
even at rest, is the main consumer of energy in your body. With less lean muscle, your body’s
energy requirements drop. This is known as metabolic adaptation. In a short time, your body’s metabolic needs stabilize at the lower number of calories you consume while dieting, and you stop losing weight.  
This explanation of why diets do not work is a simplification of a complex process your body is constantly balancing; the consumption, usage, and storage of its energy.  One of the best ways to keep it working at it's best is to exercise while you adjust your meals and calories.  The moment you take charge of what you put into your body and learn how to burn that fuel effectively, you take charge of your life.

Your body, like a locomotive, is designed to move you in and around this world.  Most of you are blessed enough to have two arms and legs, hands and feet.  You are a bio-machine built to thrive, succeed and fulfill its needs.  If you sit and watch the world go by without becoming an active participant, you begin to lose your personal power.  Your engine begins to slow down, you become sluggish and blockages begin to build up in your systems.

You then begin losing your desire to recharge and regenerate your life, and slowly, you begin to give away your power to your circumstances, other people and the world around you.  Once you give up your power, you give up being the conductor of your life.  You begin feeling pulled, tugged and no longer in control of your own destiny. Do not let that happen, take charge of your body by feeding it healthy foods, exercising regularly and connecting with your spirit.  Take back your power!

 Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is the finest wellness center in San Pedro.

We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

Call us today and set up a private consultation.

Come check us out. We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste


Monday, May 29, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 58

The Cha Cha Cha is a traditional Cuban dance.  It is easy to learn and a great cardiovascular workout. Uno, dos, y cha cha cha!  I want you to try this so, wherever you are, take a moment and do the steps with me.  Go!  

Day 58.  You have come a long way on this journey.  Have you been using your journal?  I believe it is one of the most powerful tools for understanding yourself.  When you write, you begin to see patterns unfolding and the space for expanding your truths, feelings, and emotions.  Writing can be the catalyst for escorting your new life into being.  
In the next two days, you will be taking your measurements again.  Recording your results in your journal helps you realize how much you have progressed through this challenge.  When you place your initial stats next to your 30-day and, soon, your 60-day, you will be blown away.  And your weight-loss may not be huge, for example, look at Risha's before and after in the photo above.  Does it really matter that she lost less than 6 pounds when her inches dropped so drastically?  And look at how her body transformed!  I see more of my students realize a reduction in girth and body fat than in weight-loss.

This happens because The Metabolic Cure concentrates on increasing muscle mass and your metabolism while reducing body fat.  The result is a body that forms into a shapely, fit and healthy one. By taking a holistic approach to your fitness program, you learn to encompass all aspects of wellness; nutritional balance, regular exercise, mental stability, and spiritual awareness.

This week we want you to concentrate on your specific meals.  Eat what you like but watch the calories.  Remember that if you eat more carbs than you can burn, your body will convert them to sugar and may affect your glucose levels. Eat a balanced meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with 2 to 3 protein meals.  Avoid going longer than 3 hours without eating.  And, drink plenty of water. 

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is the finest wellness center in San Pedro.

We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 57

Here is a basic Salsa step broken down move by move.  Have fun!

Day 57.  This week's theme is Meals and Calories.  On this plan, you’ll be eating:

• 3 days fast track — 6 protein meals per day (~150–200 calories each)*

The balance of the plan consists of:
• 3 meals a day (~300–400 calories each)
• 3 snacks a day (~100–200 calories each)
• 10 glasses a day of any non-calorie liquid

Eating several small meals throughout the day helps keep your appetite under control while stimulating your systems to reset your thermostat.  It also costs your body more energy to constantly digest food throughout the day and burns more calories.

*  The recommended caloric amounts in the Metabolic Cure Meal Plan have been designed assuming a usual diet of 2000 calories per day. There may be adjustments upwards of the recommended number if you have been used to consuming a higher caloric diet.

This is why it is so important to consult with a professional when taking this type of challenge. There is no such thing as a one size fits all health and wellness program.  Each person's individual lifestyle, body-type, psyche and spirit is unique. Therefore,  your plan for weight-loss and fitness would need to be tailored to your individual needs.

Generally speaking, the goal of this plan is to reduce 500 calories from your current daily intake of food.  You can reduce 250 calories from your diet and burn another 250 through exercise; or any combination thereof.  Every fourth week you increase your caloric intake and intensity of workouts.  Then, you recycle the whole process again month after month for 90 days.  If you have not reached your desired goal by the end of the 12-Week Schedule, then you can restart the entire cycle all over again until you do.

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is the finest wellness center in San Pedro.

We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

Call us today and set up a private consultation

Come check us out. We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 56

By now you must know that I love salads!  They are easy to make and you get fruits, veggies, essential oils and protein all in one dish.  The perfect meal.

Day 56.  Reward day!  You deserve to treat yourself to whatever will make you feel good. What is this challenge for if you can't enjoy the process?  Life is meant to be lived out to its fullest. Forget feeling guilty, go splurge.  You want to eat a piece of chocolate cake, go for it.  You have been working hard for almost 2 months now so a reward for your efforts is a good thing. It will give you the impetus to keep moving towards your goal.  Life is about inspiration, not deprivation.

This is a metabolic reset week so you want to eat more calories. You want to get you system revving at a higher rate so when you return to your caloric deficit phase of the program, your body will burn fuel from your fat stores.  This week would also be a good time to re-measure your weight, body fat and girth.  You should begin to see significant changes to those numbers.  

For better or worse, our bodies are shaped by habits. As much as we might wish for quick fixes to health and weight problems, lasting improvement only occurs when we develop healthier habits—
and that’s what my Metabolic Cure is all about.

This is not a diet, but a metabolic strategy. Using a technique called metabolic reset,
calorie levels will be periodically adjusted to keep your metabolism elevated, thereby maximizing
the impact of your workouts. Because this meal plan doesn’t require you to follow a particular
diet, it can be adapted to any other nutritionally balanced eating plan. All you have to do is exercise most days of the week and follow my suggestion for caloric intake.  Your body will take care of the rest.
Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is San Pedro's finest wellness center and our professional staff is here to help you take your health and wellness to the next level.  All you have to do is show up and become a willing participant in life's journey toward a healthier you.

We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste,
