Cilantro Line Shrimp Salad
Day 59. June is right around the corner and that means Summer fun and lots of cool recipes. Light, refreshing and healthy meals are best served as salads. Go check out all the fabulous ideas on Delish.
Taking Charge of Your Metabolism
This week we are concentrating on Meals and Calories. Anyone who’s ever dieted knows the effects are short lived. You might lose a few pounds, but you soon hit a plateau and the weight-loss stops. When you go off the diet, the pounds seem to return faster than ever. In time, you learn the sad truth: repeated dieting is actually a great way to gain fat. The reason has to do with your body’s metabolism.
You must learn how to "reset" your metabolic rate to utilize calories consumed for fuel, sustenance of your autonomic systems and, for storing adequate levels of fat. Most diets fail because the body begins to hoard most of it's fat once it receives signals from the body that food is scarce.
The problem is that when you diet you don’t just lose fat, but lean muscle as well. And muscle tissue,
even at rest, is the main consumer of energy in your body. With less lean muscle, your body’s
energy requirements drop. This is known as metabolic adaptation. In a short time, your body’s metabolic needs stabilize at the lower number of calories you consume while dieting, and you stop losing weight.
This explanation of why diets do not work is a simplification of a complex process your body is constantly balancing; the consumption, usage, and storage of its energy. One of the best ways to keep it working at it's best is to exercise while you adjust your meals and calories. The moment you take charge of what you put into your body and learn how to burn that fuel effectively, you take charge of your life.Your body, like a locomotive, is designed to move you in and around this world. Most of you are blessed enough to have two arms and legs, hands and feet. You are a bio-machine built to thrive, succeed and fulfill its needs. If you sit and watch the world go by without becoming an active participant, you begin to lose your personal power. Your engine begins to slow down, you become sluggish and blockages begin to build up in your systems.
You then begin losing your desire to recharge and regenerate your life, and slowly, you begin to give away your power to your circumstances, other people and the world around you. Once you give up your power, you give up being the conductor of your life. You begin feeling pulled, tugged and no longer in control of your own destiny. Do not let that happen, take charge of your body by feeding it healthy foods, exercising regularly and connecting with your spirit. Take back your power!
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