The weather is warming up and our local Farmer's Markets should be displaying lush and tasty summer fruits for you to buy. Cottage cheese with fruit and nuts is a refreshing and healthy protein snack; great as one of your Metabolic Cure meal choices.
Wow, Day 32. Or, day 2 in a new 30-day cycle. Whatever floats your boat; frame your journey in a manner which motivates you. This might be a good time to revisit your declared goal. Did you write it down? Keep it close to you at all times throughout this challenge. It's nice to see how far you have come since you began. Journaling is one of the most powerful aspects of this program.
I promised you I would begin to introduce more meditation techniques into the challenge this week. Meditation is the MOST important aspect of our 3 fold process; creating wellness through optimizing the health of your body, mind and spirit. Your true source of greatness comes from your essence; your spirit. That power exists within you whether or not you acknowledge it. And it has the patience of Job because it waits until you become aware of its existence before fully revealing its immense potential.
If you have committed yourself to this challenge and have come this far, then you have the ability to shape yourself into the best version of YOU imagable.
The body is your physical aspect. It's the vehicle you use to come to Mambo Mania class and shake your booty. It gets you to work, carries the groceries, picks up the kids and coaxes your significant other.
The mind powers your reasoning. It helps you decide your next meal, in which events to participate and chooses how to survive in this fast-paced world.
The spirit is the ever-present, all-knowing, ancestral memory of who you are, ever were, or could be. It is merely shaped as your body and reasons through your mind to help you navigate the physical plane. This 3 fold process of connectivity works as a "whole." One cannot exist without the other.
That's why it is so important to take the time to meditate. Sit quietly and contemplate on how these three aspects work together and lead you towards your dreams and aspirations. It is best to quiet the mind of its many thoughts and motivations and allow the energy of your true essence to simply exist. Make space for it. If you sit quietly for long enough, that space begins to fill more and more with the awareness of your truth. It may feel uneasy and strange at the beginning, however, once you begin to practice and discipline yourself to sit, breathe and do nothing, you begin to feel comfortable in your skin. You begin to discover who you truly are and why you exist. Om, Peace.

Call us today and set up a private consultation.
Come check us out. We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.
"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."
Peace, Love, Namaste,
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