Mambo hips and Pilates? Yes, it's possible to blend Pilates core training techniques with Mambo. This video shows you how.
Day 47! You are a different person today than the one who started this journey 47 days ago. I'm flabbergasted how every time I do these challenges, the power of attraction brings so many great things into my life.
I hope you are becoming aware of how the power of positive thinking, disciplined action and meditation are bringing you into alignment with your best self. Once your mindset is focused on producing positive and healthy outcomes in life, things begin to get better. It's as if time and space align to your needs and desires making success a fait accompli.
This week's focus is about "The tools" you can use to leverage your success. Developing a positive attitude is imperative to your success. Here are some guidelines for developing a positive vibration.

1. Say NO to your negative thoughts. If your desire is to stop repeating negative thought patterns of worthlessness, you must make a commitment to self-preservation and happiness. You need to take time for yourself and tend to your spiritual and physical wounds. You need to infuse those old thought patterns with a positive charge. Spending time on self-care and self-improvement does not mean you are selfish or self-centered. It means the opposite. If you truly want to help others, if you want to give your best to all your relationships, you must come to them with a strong, clear mind and a joyful heart. Strong, happy people lift the spirits of those around them.
2. Do your Imagination Exercises! To develop the ability to infuse yourself with positive energy, peace and joy, I suggest you repeat my imagination exercise for 30 days in a row. What are imagination exercises? They are meditation techniques where you sit quietly and visualize yourself as your Absolute Best. As you learn to accept positive vibrations, you will face the day with a new sense of strength and hope. As time passes, life will get easier and you will notice the law of attraction bringing you positive results from your practice. The problems that typically nagged and derailed you will gradually drift away. They will become smaller and less threatening. After 30 days, you will have built up a positive expectation of yourself that will allow you to tackle any problem that comes your way without sabotaging your desired goal.
Do not hesitate to give us a call and set up a private consultation to get yourself up to speed with your potential. Make your spirit shine and see how life begins to bend to your desires. It's really quite empowering!

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."
Peace, Love, Namaste,
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