It is important to do cardiovascular exercises whenever you are on a weight-loss plan. You have to increase your heart rate to trigger your body's metabolism enough to make it burn fat, convert it into energy and then utilize it as fuel to keep you moving. Latin movements create lots of heat! Learn this basic salsa step and get ready for Mambo Mania®!
Day 52. Can you believe it? You have stayed true to your commitment for 52 days! I know it is tough to take the initiative to change and improve your life. It takes energy, commitment, vision, discipline and courage.
If you are going to get to the finish line, you are going to have to focus on your health and fitness first and foremost. All other things will have to take 2nd place to your goal. However, you will still be loved, you will still be needed and you will be better able make an imprint on the world when you are absolutely healthy.
Yesterday I wrote about the 3 day fast track. If you want to bypass that step, you may do so. However, The Metabolic Cure requires you to begin your 1st week with my Fast Track follow-up plan. This means that you eat 5 to 6 healthy meals throughout the day substituting one of them with a protein drink. Find a healthy protein powder and choose to make a smoothie for your breakfast, lunch or dinner; pick one.
This meal replacement will begin to teach your body that meals are simply a source of energy. A smoothie is quick and easy and has less of an emotional connection to the smells and social aspects of sitting down to a "meal." You make a healthy drink, you drink it, your body receives the calories it needs to fuel it and you begin to differentiate eating for sustenance as opposed to emotional eating. It's just fuel folks, you need it to survive and thrive.
I know it seems easier said than done, and it is, but if you are ready to usher in a new version of yourself, then this is the next step to bringing that vision into fruition. What have you got to lose? Oh yeah, just a few pounds!
Let it go people, whatever it is you are holding onto, let it go. It no longer serves you. Ok, enough of that. You know the drill. If you want a private session, just click here. Book an appointment and let's get down to business.
Just so you know, November 2nd through the 11th, 2017, a couple of friends of mine, Jana Hollingsworth and Shelley Warren will be hosting an Absolute Best Costa Rican "Psychic Boot Camp" Retreat. There are only 9 spots available. If you want to get a taste of paradise and "re-set" you life, come join us!

Call us today and set up a private consultation.
Come check us out. We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.
"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."
Peace, Love, Namaste,
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