This chicken bowl looks easy to make and tasty too, however, I would recommend you cut back on the portions for rice. These video clips show great recipe ideas that can easily be modified to fit my plan. Follow my suggestions to learn how much starch to eat in my Metabolic Cure Meal Plan.

This is a mammoth challenge and even though I am not trying to lose weight, I have. I am not even trying folks. I am reaping the benefits of weight-loss because of my commitment to coach you. My declaration to write a blog about weight-loss, exercise, and meditation, for 90 days, has by default, driven me to develop better eating habits.
I want you to succeed so, this week, I am sharing more tools to keep you on track
Here are two more pointers for reaching your Absolute Best results:
- Realize your Dreams- Acknowledge your successes along the way. Be in the moment of your life. Be steady in knowing that you are in the process of becoming your Absolute Best. You are alway expanding and growing. On the other hand, when you allow fear and doubt to creep in, you tend to sabotage your success. If you are derailed at any point in your journey, get up, dust yourself off and get back on track. You may have to switch lanes, take a detour or an alternate route, to reach your final destination. Realize that today you will be met with success as long as you stay focused on the goal. Just take one small step; make a healthier choice for a meal, do one more push up or sit up, walk one extra mile, and then reward yourself for committing to your goals. One step, then another, and another; pretty soon, you arrive!
- Meditation- Discipline is taken to the next level. When it is all said and done, you fold back into you. You are the source of all the deeds and thoughts you have ever experienced. The realm of Spirit lies deep within and can only be accessed through quieting the mind and stilling the body. In this realm, there is a unification of the conscious self; the ego, the physical body, and the spiritual soul. This union leads you towards the Universal Light; your way back home.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."
Peace, Love, Namaste,
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