When was the last time you booked a massage? Your body has been cooperating and responding to all your demands throughout this challenge. It's reward time again so show yourself some love and appreciation. Why not enjoy a soothing massage?
Day 36. The hustle and bustle of this fast paced life tends to separate you from your feelings. If you push them down, ignore, and deny them long enough, your health becomes compromised. You need a positive outlet so dis-ease does not overcome your body, mind and spirit.
One of the best ways to quickly adjust your attitude is through meditation. Sit for 5 minutes, clear your mind of stressful thoughts and substitute visions of beautiful landscapes. Breathe deeply. Take in a slow breath counting silently for 8 seconds, holding it for 8, and exhaling for 8. Repeat this breathing exercise 8 times. Then, just witness your body's physiology. See if you can recognize the slowing down of your heart rate. Realize how your breath moves in and out of your body without conscious effort dictating when, how or how much to breath.
Feel the vibration of your energy field from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. Try to expand your solar plexus each time you inhale, then, exhale out by using your diaphragm. This technique helps expel toxins (carbon dioxide) from your body and makes space for freshly oxygenated air to return and enrich your cells, tissues and organs. Release and let go of that which no longer serves you, then, watch what happens.
"The Plan" is to eat right, exercise regularly and, most importantly, connect with your intuition. Everyday, do a little something to enhance each aspect of the "whole" person you are becoming.
Remember, you will not be able to change everything overnight. This is a process. You have to learn how to plan your meals, which exercises to incorporate into your fitness routine and how to create peace and tranquility within your heart and soul.
Next week we will focus on the meal plan itself. Calories in versus calories out, best choices when dinning out and the importance of protein.
For now, you deserve a reward. Go to a movie, take a hot bubble bath, go ahead and indulge yourself. Yes, you can eat a piece of cake. Notice I said "a piece," not the whole cake. Let's reserve the "wholeness" for your body, mind and spirit.
The best results come when you integrate a comprehensive approach to your program. This challenge helps you do that. All three components are meant to support each other. And, beyond the mind, body, spirit connection, there is the support system. You have your dependable accountability partner and the comradery from others who go to the gym, classes or training sessions with you. All of these together will give you the best results and change your life forever.

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is San Pedro's finest wellness center. We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.
Call us today and set up a private consultation.
Come check us out. We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.
"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."
Peace, Love, Namaste,
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