Legs, legs, legs. You can never do too many leg exercises...right? This side leg lift helps shape your hip area and glutes.
Day 41. We are nearing the end of week 7 in our 12-week program. Congratulations for committing to your health. You are more than halfway to the finish line. Now you are starting to see and feel evidence of your hard work.
Taking Charge of Your Metabolism
Anyone who’s ever dieted knows the effects are short lived. You might lose a few pounds, but you soon hit a plateau and the weight loss stops. When you go off the diet, the pounds seem to return faster than ever. In time, you learn the sad truth: repeated dieting is actually a great way to gain fat. The reason has to do with your body’s metabolism—the rate at which it burns calories.
My book will teach you how to overcome the typical pitfalls that plague most diets. Rather that a diet, this is a way of life. Once you adapt yourself to these disciplines, you find that new healthier choices become your default patterns of behavior. You soon realize that you are a healthy and fit person who makes time for exercise, meal planning, and meditation. And with these new behaviors, you will find your relationships, career and social networks also improve.
Often times, it's surprising to see the many additional successes which appear in your life when you begin a wellness program. You start on the road toward a particular goal and find that along the way, you triumph is several areas of your life. It's like a domino affect, one healthy behavior leads to another, then another and soon, you are a source of wellness.
If you are feeling really energized today, try my Pilates en Piso class. I will be doing Facebook live every Thursday morning at 10:30 PST bringing you a new and different class each week. Join us if you can. You will feel great after doing these session. It is always better to come take class in person, however, I know many of you live far away and that is not possible. Technology breaks down all barriers in that regard so, I hope to see you next week.
You have a few more weeks in the Metabolic Cure Meal Plan on calorie reduction. Your next metabolic reset is still a couple of weeks away. Keep your body fueled with natural whole foods, eat every 2 1/2 to 3 hours and exercise most days of the week. This is week 7 so go ahead and push yourself and begin to increase the intensity of your exercise program. Half measures will get you nowhere. Go for it!

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is San Pedro's finest wellness center. We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.
Call us today and set up a private consultation.
Come check us out. We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.
"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."
Peace, Love, Namaste,
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