A Bundt Chicken Recipe! Wow, who knew? Have fun trying this! Very creative cooking.
Day 34 and making headway. The longer you stay on course, the more certainty you have of your future. This week's theme is, The Metabolic Solution, and it hinges on the exercise portion of my meal plan. Adding physical fitness to your plan is the crux of the "solution." If you are trying to lose weight through reducing your caloric intake, it is very important to exercise as well.
I choose to be physically active every day because it has been ingrained in my DNA. I developed the habit from a very early age. It was not a daily routine in the beginning, however, my passion matured throughout the years and eventually it became intrinsically ingrained in my behavior. I have been a disciplined dancer since age 9 and now, 51 years later. I AM still dancing through life.
You may not be inclined to workout daily and that is absolutely fine. Your life's story is different than mine. Your beliefs and habits regarding physical fitness exist because of your individual experiences surrounding formal training. Whatever your background, if you want to lose weight, become strong in body, mind, and spirit, you need to participate in some type of formal physical activity at least 2 days per week.
You can walk, hike or swim. Take a class, bike or run. Whatever you chose, do it regularly. Additionally, if you play a sport, try to learn and include some basic stretching, strength and cardiovascular training as well.
The one requirement for success is to be consistent with your choice. Do something physical most days of the week. The minimum requirement for basic health is 30 minutes of moderate to intense walking at least 5 days per week.

We have so much to offer, personal training, massages, Yoga, Pilates, kids and adult dance, barre classes, Mambo Mania®, and more. The finest doctors in our facility can treat you with chiropractic care, acupuncture, and physical therapy. We are San Pedro's finest wellness center. Come see us TODAY!
Peace, Love, Namaste,
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