Sunday, April 30, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 30

Yummy.  Avocados are high in protein and high in essential fatty oils.  A double whammy to kick start your metabolic engine.  Sometimes, I eat it for breakfast along with some low fat cottage cheese.

Day 30!  We skipped day 29 because I didn't have internet access so I couldn't post my blog :(
Oh well, there was a yesterday, however, that was in the past, who knows if tomorrow will come so let's not worry about the future.  Today is the only day that counts so, embrace it because here it is NOW!

This week's focus will be on "The Plan;" the crux of which is Protein.  Your body needs it to build and repair bone, muscle, cartilage and blood.  Since you are incorporating a regular exercise program into your life, you will need plenty of it to maximize your results.  Your goal is to build a leaner, denser body so your metabolism revs at a higher rate to help burn excess fat.

A common myth when beginning a weight-loss plan is believing that dropping several pounds during the first couple of weeks equates to losing fat.  The truth is, the weight loss at the beginning of a "diet" comes from losing water.  Most people who choose to go on a "diet" are accustomed to eating processed and fast foods, which typically contain high levels of sodium.  When the body cannot easily flush the excess sodium through the normal filtration system of the kidneys and urination, it begins to accumulate in the blood.  The body then begins to retain excess water weight.

The sudden change to drinking more water, eating fresh fruits, vegetables and proteins, creates a cleansing effect in the system.  The kidneys begin to properly filter out the accumulated excess sodium and water in the blood system causing a rapid drop in the water weight.  Those 5 pounds you think you lost are probably NOT pounds of fat.

That being said, keep doing what you are doing. You have made a commitment to eat right, exercise regularly and meditate daily.  Those 3 core disciplines will create balance and equilibrium in your body.

Caring for yourself takes energy and commitment.  This fast-paced, competitive world can sometimes steer you off track. However, if you develop a foundation of wellness by cultivating a healthy body, mind, and spirit, you will always be able to get back on course.

The circumstances surrounding your choices may not always be perfect every day.  However, if you open your mind, those situations can become the catalyst for your creativity.  No matter what, if you have laid a strong foundation for yourself, you will maintain integrity with your wellness plan. No matter what level of health you are in right now, you have made the choice to become the most healthy version of yourself at this particular moment. And, NOW, is the only moment that counts.

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is San Pedro's finest wellness center.  Call today (310) 548-5984 for a private consultation.  We can tailor a wellness and fitness program that will address your particular body and mindset so you can realize lasting results.

Who wants to yo-yo back and forth from unfit to semi-fit.  Why not go all the way and make the decision to become your absolute best?

We have everything you need to optimize your health. Chiropractic and acupuncture care, physical therapy, personal training, Yoga, Pilates, kids and adult dance, Mambo Mania® fitness and so much more.

We are located on 6th street between Gaffy and Grand.  

Click here and set up an appointment.

Peace, Love, Namaste,

Friday, April 28, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 28

Arms are problem areas for many women.  I am asked, regularly, what exercises are best to tighten and sculpt them.  Bicep curls are an easy way to keep them toned.

It is Day 28 of our challenge and time to celebrate your success with another reward.  Life itself is cause for celebration and now that you have "Taken Charge" of your health by eating well, exercising regularly and becoming mindful of your "whole" being, you deserve "empowering treats" along the way.
Remember that this body is simply a container for your energy, spirit, and essence.  It is a housing for that immense power from which you came.  When it becomes decayed and incapable of holding that energy, then spirit fights to break free.  It drives itself out from the limited walls of a body into the openness of the universe.  It disseminates its particles everywhere, a room, the sky, and the cosmos.  Then all at once, it becomes one with everything, everyone, all of time and space.  This is my sense of how the human body carries energy and then, releases it back from where it came.

We can experience that freedom now within our body if we learn to stay still, meditate and witness your true selve. That is the power of meditation.

Over the next 30 days, it will be my goal to teach you how to breathe, sit quietly and calm your mind. For now, you are two days away from reaching a milestone.  Give yourself some love and watch how the world treats you.  You are a winner and are now attracting all that is positive and good for you into your field.

Keep it up.  We have your back.

Absolute Best is San Pedro's finest wellness center.  Call us today at (310) 548-5984 and schedule a private consultation.

We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.

Peace, Love, Namaste,

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 27

Follow my lead and do this exercise right now.  Just stop whatever you are doing, get on the floor and do it.   This is a great stretch for you intercostals; situated within your ribcage, your upper back; also referred to as your thoracic spine and a terrific stretch for your hamstrings and hips.

Day 27 and you will soon hit the 30-day marker in this challenge.  Will you continue on to the next level and do another 30 days after this?  I hope so because I am committed to going on for 90 days!  I burned the boats... so there is no turning back.  My dad's words ring loudly in my ears; he would always say, "my word is my honor."   So, I am sticking to my commitment to write this blog and be here for YOU the entire 90 days.

You WILL be the strongest you have ever been by the end of this challenge.  Your mind is set to win because this time, you have been inspired by your heart.  Deep down inside you know the truth about yourself, who you are and what you are capable of achieving.  
This time, you will go beyond the simple machinations of starting something that never gets finished. You will make a conscious effort to fully commit to your regime of healthy eating and regular exercise. You will meditate daily and be grateful for all the things that are good in your life.

You are now capable of increasing the intensity of your workouts and your resolve will not falter.   You will adhere to your program and finish these 30 days and then, continue for more.  You will create a life of health and wellness.  

This time, instead of starving yourself to shed those extra pounds, you will eat healthily, 5 to 6 times per day (3 main meals and 2 or 3 protein snacks.)  You will fit into those “skinny” jeans.  You will clear yourself of toxic habits which squelch your potential and replace them with clean, positive and uplifting ones which match your psyche for a healthy body, mind, and spirit.

You will make time for yourself; get that massage your body so desperately needs and, you will make the time to stop and smell the roses.  You will go to the shore to take in the ocean’s grandeur and watch the sun as it sets below the horizon.  You will feel right within your heart and know you belong in this world and have a true purpose for living.

Hard to believe?  Yes, I know.  It’s hard to push through the pain of one more push up.  It’s hard not to eat that cookie full of sugar.  It’s hard to arrange your schedule and make time for yourself. It’s hard not to drink that cup of coffee, that glass of wine, or not buy that purse when you really don't have the money for it.  Yes, it's hard.  If it were easy, everyone would be level headed, healthy and rich.

This is a new beginning and you can break old habits and patterns by replacing them with healthy and wholesome ones.  Take advantage of the gifts before you.  You are on the right path, in the right place, surrounded by the right people.  If you continue on this journey, you will solidify your intention and create a new reality for yourself. 

This time, the real you will reveal more love, strength, and tenacity than ever before.  This time, you will do your Absolute Best!
Peace, Love, Namaste,

"Bridge the gap between you and your personal best."

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 26

Om.  I love Yoga.  Imagine doing just a little movement every day to gain more flexibility, stability, and wisdom.  Do this little sequence with me and get on with your day.

Day 26!  The fact that you are still on track is a great indicator for success.  You may have dropped some weight, feel stronger and others might be noticing that your hard work is paying off.  Now would be a great time to measure your progress because it is a great motivational tool.  I like to encourage monthly rather than daily weigh-ins. A month of changes registers greater transformation. You are eating right, exercising regularly and meditating; even if it's just for 5 minutes.  Your commitment to this challenge has given you the power to reveal the healthy person within your body, mind, and spirit. Right?  Right.

Taking charge of your life requires awareness of your mind-body connection. Honor that relationship and be grateful for the body you have today; embrace it. Every morning when you get up, it is there for you.  It metabolizes your food and gives you energy.  Your 5 senses; sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch send messages to your brain through your nervous system so you can navigate your world. This relationship keeps you moving towards your highest and purest version of yourself, so, honor it.    

Consistency is key to staying on track.  It is better to do a little bit on a regular basis rather than a lot every once in a while. You want to form patterns of positive behaviors that will bring you closer to living a healthy lifestyle.  That can only happen by constantly making healthy choices.  It will not happen by doing a few exercise classes for a couple of weeks, then, not again for another couple of months.  You will never learn to eat right by going to fast food restaurants daily and vowing to plan healthy meals tomorrow.

Today is the only chance you have to live a healthy life because tomorrow may never come.  This could be the journey that will change your approach to health and wellness for the rest of your life. However, you will never know if you do not "take charge" and make the commitment to stay the course.  

Give us a call today (310) 548-5984 and set up a private consultation.  We are San Pedro's finest wellness center and our goal is to help you optimize the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.  
Come in and see us.

"Bridge the gap between you and your personal best!"
Peace, love, namaste,

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 25

This is one of my favorite exercises for core stability, glute strengthening, and increasing balance. I like to share exercises that require your body to multi-task.  Compound movements require you to move several different muscle groups simultaneously.  These kinds of movements help with coordination, strengthening and balance.

Day 25 brings you closer to your 30-day marker.  How are you holding up?  Remember, this is a long game so stay on track.  Soon, eating right and exercising regularly will become part of your lifestyle. That will be the end game.

This week's focus has been on "Taking Charge" and today, I want to remind you about "metabolic reset."   You have been reducing your caloric intake and increasing your exercise.  Great!  However, your metabolism works like a thermostat, it adjusts its burn rate according to your energy input.  Now that you have demonstrated you can exist on fewer calories, your metabolism will slow down to match the calories ingested.

Let's say you typically consume 2000 calories a day. Your metabolism is accustomed to using up those calories daily because you have established them as your base rate of consumption.  Your habits have dictated this to your body. However, since you began this program, most likely, your caloric intake has been reduced to ~1500 calories.  Now your body begins to draw the missing 500 calories from your fat stores; your reserves. That's how you lose weight! Your body begins to burn more calories than it takes in!

Conversely, by week 4, it also begins to realize that using ALL your fat stores is not prudent for survival. What if there is a famine?  Yes, that narrative still lingers in your ancestral DNA. Intuitively, your body will not allow that to happen so, it goes into survival mode.  It begins to slow down the burn rate to match your caloric intake of 1500 calories.  That is what is known in weight reduction as hitting a plateau.

How do you "re-set" you metabolism so you don't plateau?  Well, first off, you are doing the right thing by exercising regularly.  Exercise helps increase muscle density and therefore, requires more caloric expenditure to keep your body moving.  It take more energy to move solid muscle than flabby fat.  To a degree, it you are obese, you probably burn lots of calories because the whole of your body mass requires lots of energy to move it around. (But I digress.)

You also need to reintroduce a few extra calories back into your meal plan in addition to exercise at around week 4.  If you have been cutting back 500 calories, reintroduce about 1/2; ~ 250.  Your thermostat (your metabolism) will adjust upwards to burn the newly introduced calories rather than dipping into your reserves. This re-establishes a higher threshold before sending your metabolism into "survival mode".

Keep recycling this pattern of reducing caloric intake and increasing exercise for 3 weeks and upping the caloric intake on week 4.  Do this for 90 days.  You will "reset" your metabolism and get it to rev at a rate that is just right for you. As long as you maintain that pattern of eating and exercising, you will reach your desired weight.

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is San Pedro's finest wellness center.  Give us a call today at (310) 548-5984 and set up a free consultation.  We are here to help you "bridge the gap between you and your personal best.  We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.  

Peace, love, namaste,

Monday, April 24, 2017

Absolute Best 90 Day Challenge Day 24

External hip rotation.  The importance of mobility in your hips is crucial to the health of your back. Full range of motion allows you to bend low and drop your hips to support the lifting of heavy objects.  It allows you to extend them forward or back, side to side, and assists your movements through space and against gravity.  Mobility in your hips increases agility and counters confinement from sitting for long periods of time.  Nature intended you to run the gamut when using this joint.

Day 24 and it has been quite a ride.  At this point, you are taking charge of your body, feeding it good food, exercising your muscles, resting and mediating, and accomplishing your wellness goals. You have been rewarding yourself for adhering to your commitment and discovering the depths of your strength and personal power. Keep owning that power and take precautions not to abdicate it to others. 'Take Charge!'  You have come so far, the last thing you want to do is give it up.

It is very typical to slip back into old habits; skip the exercise, eat unhealthy foods, push yourself without resting or allow yourself to become overwhelmed with life's demands.  Life will go on with or without you so why fluster yourself about how everyone and everything else is doing around you. The key is to get back on track as soon as you run off the rails. Old triggers will pull you back from your new habits and confine you to limited choices.  You have been designed to move through the full range of possibilities in this life so stretch yourself and break the bonds that bind you.

A great way to do that is by meditating daily.  'Take Charge' of the new you and contemplate on your ideal life.  See it now, not in the near or distant future.  See it today in your mind's eye.  What does your body look like, how does it feel?  See the full range of your health; your body, mind and spirit. If something comes up that you would like to change, then change it, now.

The more you visualize and sense how your ideal self looks and feels, the more ingrained that truth becomes in your mind.  The more you viscerally sense the tranquility and calmness of a balanced mind, the more you allow your spirit to soar through time and space.  Soon you become willing to face the wonder of your existence.

You are here for a purpose.  Yours is different than mine and everyone else's.  You are a unique individual with special gifts and talents and they lend themselves to the wholeness of who you are and how you can influence the world.  Discover your hidden power.  It is waiting for you to bring it forth.

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is San Pedro's finest wellness center.  Click here and check us out on line or give us a call at (310) 54-5984 

Set up an appointment for a free consultation regarding weight-loss, pain management, or relaxation and de-stressing.

Peace, love, namaste

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Absolute Best 90 Day Challenge Day 23

Dancer Pose stretches your hip flexors and develops your sense of balance  Look closely at the video. Do you notice how my foot and thigh are constantly adjusting and moving?  This exercise can be referred to as a proprioceptive move.  Balance exercises teach you to perceive subtle movements in your joints.  Your brain interprets the messages received from your body about its environment, then, makes the necessary adjustments to hold you centered in space.

It is Day 23 and you may be feeling overwhelmed with this challenge.  However, what if you turned your thinking around?  Remember, our theme for this week is "Taking Charge."  What if you override those daunting thoughts and replace them with positive ones?  How about thinking that you are the receiver 'Taking ON' the charge?  You are plugging into a true source of power - health and wellness.

"Taking Charge" also mean taking responsibility; being responsive to your body.  You decide what to put in it, how to move it and when to rest. The more you become aware of the subtleties within and around it, the more your mind can analyze and respond appropriately.

The body instinctively knows what it needs to survive. You must cultivate a relationship between your mind-body connection and plug into power sources which help you thrive.  If you ignore your body's messages which infer dis-ease, then you become unhealthy. And, if you do not plug in to recharge your 'battery' when your energy becomes depleted, you become unable to respond to its needs.

Make sure to take the time to rest, rejuvenate and restore your individual power. Meditate, and allow yourself to gravitate towards your best and highest potential.  Just like the dancer pose, balance is the key to maintaining a steady state of body, mind and spirit.

'Take Charge' of your life.  Your energy will flow and create a positive current which becomes electric and attractive.  Your levels of health, fitness and soundness of mind will increase. Others will be pulled into your sphere of influence and they too will begin to feel your charge.  You become the conduit for positive change. You and your loved ones will feel your vitality and become positively energized!  

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is San Pedro's finest wellness center.  Plug yourself into our culture of health and learn how to exercise, eat healthy and create peace of mind.  

We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.  Call today (310) 548-5984 and set up a private consultation. We are here to help you "bridge the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, love, namaste,

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Absolute Best 90 Day Challenge Day 22

Gran Battement means "Big Kick."  This exercise requires momentum to get the leg high in the air. You also need strong quads and flexible hamstrings for maximum extension and core stability to maintain control and balance.  Your leg muscles are large and heavy and it takes a tremendous amount of endurance and power to kick them up and down repeatedly.

It is Day 22 of our challenge and it has taken a tremendous amount of endurance and power to reach this point in the journey.  Acknowledge how far you have come and embrace your success.  This week's focus is on "Taking Charge."

When you fall short of your expectations, do you tend to point the finger at external factors for your failures? Do you throw yourself into life without first gaining the proper strength and flexibility to direct the momentum of your energy?

Or, are you open to accepting personal responsibility? Are you patient, disciplined and willing to learn the necessary skills to be successful?

After 22 days of committing to your health, you are probably beginning to feel subtle changes taking place in your body, mind and spirit.

However, the first step to gaining real control over your momentum, without running off the tracks, is to become introspective.  It is important to go within and ask the hard questions.  Who are you trying to please?  Why are you doing this?  Who is calling you out? Is it your ego or your true nature?  Do you want health and vitality in your life because you want to "look good" or, do you truly want to be healthy?  Or both?  And why are you challenging yourself?  Why is this time going to be different than the last time you tried getting into shape, losing weight or eating healthy?

Taking Charge of your life begins with you.  Your will is at the ready and it can be a powerful tool.   However, just like a big muscle, willpower takes a tremendous amount of energy to control. Forcing it to bend to your intentions can often lead to losing control.

Understand that transformation is a process. You have to learn to align your truth within the context of your life; your believes and your purpose.  

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is San Pedro's finest wellness center and we specialize in helping you transform your body, mind and spirit into your personal best.

Dr. Nguyen, of Pro Care Health Clinic, runs a comprehensive chiropractic and acupuncture practice in our center. He can ease your pain, reduce your stress and develop a core based exercise program to get you on the right track to fitness.  

Dr. Ja'nae Brown, PT, DPT is a highly sought after physical therapist and also runs her practice from our center.

And, we are the home of Jessica Haley-Clark Dance Company for kids and adults.

There is so much more; nutritional counseling, massages, personal training, yoga, Pilates, TRX, and my Mambo Mania fitness classes.  If you truly want to change for the better, you must TAKE CHARGE of your life TODAY!  

We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand,   Give us a call, (310) 548-5984 or book an appointment on line for a FREE private consultation.

"Bridge the gap between you and your personal best!"

Peace, Love, Namaste,


Friday, April 21, 2017

Absolute Best 90 Day Challenge Day 21

Developpe is a slow and difficult exercise because it cannot depend on the force of momentum to help you execute the move.  You have to dig deep into your core and quadriceps strength while, simultaneously, extending your hamstrings fully.  Placing your leg up in mid-air may look effortless, however, nothing could be further from the truth.

Today is Day 21.  I never said this was going to be easy.  A mentor of mine, who taught me most everything I know about the wellness business, had a mantra;  "If it was easy, then everyone would be doing it." And he was right.  Success can be a lonely road.  Most people are simply not willing to keep commitments, improve themselves, expose their vulnerabilities, or accept constructive criticism into their lives.

Congratulate yourself for the willingness to go deep into your own psyche and scrutinize your behaviors and intentions. Your survival is based on receiving messages; neurological, biological, psychological, and spiritual, from the outside world.  These messages help you determine which choices might lead you to your greatest success. If you can ask for feedback and help from others to "redirect" your energy toward your highest potential, then you are courageous.    

You are now 21 days into your journey and if you haven't noticed, the pattern of rewarding yourself at the end of each week has become a running theme.

Another mentor of mine once commented that all work and no play can be "kind of boring."  I have this love affair with chocolate and I allow myself to indulge every once in a while.  It tastes good and takes me back to my childhood when the act of sitting down to a cup of hot cocoa was homey and comforting.  There was no war in my mind battling whether or not I should be drinking yummy chocolate, I just drank it and enjoyed it. Then it was over and I was off to my next activity.

If you want the world to see the beauty of who you are, if you want to exude a lightness of being, you must be willing to let things go.  Release the obsession of thinking of past events and just be in the moment.

Do something right now that you enjoy doing.  After you are done, release it and move on your next activity. Be grateful you have the luxury of knowing your likes and dislikes and vow to always move towards your highest and most elevated goals.  Then you will begin to discover the 'wholeness' of who you are.  You, your family and your "social" tribe will see and acknowledge your strength.  They will witness an effortless, graceful and beautiful example of a life well lived.  

Absolute Best  is here to help you bridge the gap between you and your personal best.  All you have to do is show up.  Bring your best intentions with you and we will be there to move you towards the next level in your life.

We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

Come get a massage, take a class, relieve your pain, and get into shape for this coming SUMMER!  That would be a great TARGET date for your SMART GOALS.

We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.  Give us a call today and schedule an appointment for a personal consultation. Click here and let us know what time and day would be best for you.  We will get right back to you!

Peace, Love, Namaste,

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Absolute Best 90 Day Challenge Day 20

Strengthen your anterior deltoide (front shoulder) while developing shapely legs.  Absolute Best is San Pedro's finest holistic center with the most professional staff around.  We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

Day 20.  Are you still "committing to your goals?"  Everyday, do one more thing to move you closer to your healthiest self.  Soon you will be a healthy person.

You will have good and bad days during your challenge.  Bad days can make you feel like you are not cut out for this journey however, if you want to become your personal best, get back up and start again.  Begin each day with the determination to reach your goal.  

The beauty of failure is that you learn from experience what NOT to do. Failure is the great equalizer. There is a silver lining behind every downfall; you get back up with deeper resolve and commitment.

It may feel difficult to stay committed to a health and fitness program when your mind "tells" you that "it's too hard, you don't have the time and it hurts."  The problem is that your mind is still thinking like the junk food eating slouch who sits on the couch.  It's doing it's job...reminding you of who you are and how you do things.  

Changing your eating habits and conditioning your body with a steady exercise program must include changing your MIND!  Your mind is a very useful survival tool and is ready with quick and easy solution to your problems. It will "tell" you to revert back to how things used to be before you began this painful experience.  There was "no pain" in that comfort zone... or was there? 

The truth is that pushing through a little pain can be healthy. It can force you to realize things about yourself which you have ignored for years.  Remember, you are a holistic being, the "whole" of your body, mind and spirit work together. Whenever you overindulge with food, you are stuffing something down, if you overwork, you are running away from a problem, and if you don't want to think about these stumbling blocks in your life, you are close minded. You are limiting the essence of who you truly are by limiting your beliefs.      

So how about giving us a call so we can help you "bridge the gap between you and your personal best."  It's tough to go it alone; let us give you a leg up!  

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Absolute Best 90 Day Challenge Day 19

This exercise shapes calves and strengthens the lower leg.  It is an excellent exercise to incorporate into your routine if you have weak knees.  The movement is called "eleve" - you elevate your whole body by balancing on your toes.

Day 19.  I like to ask folks to pick "one thing" to focus on throughout these challenges.  One little thing can elevate your consciousness to another level.  You may choose to make healthy food choices and by virtue of doing that, lose weight.   You become compelled to add behaviors which support it, like exercise, when you begin to see the benefits from your choices.  One good choice leads to another.

Some of you might want to make a commitment to eliminate toxins from your body or you may decide to slow down to "stop and smell the roses."  Whatever your commitment, at this point in the challenge you begin to see how making a conscious effort to change unhealthy habits gradually shifts into replacing them with healthier ones.  

This is the only body you have so it makes sense to take good care of it now.  Why wait for illness to disable you from living Pura Vida (pure life.) Keeping yourself in the best condition possible increases your chances for longevity.

This week we have been focusing on "committing to your goals."  Staying on track is the hallmark of success and repeating healthy behaviors daily integrates wellness into your psyche.

It is interesting that your entire body can be lifted up and balanced on your toes. Likewise, your health can pivot and change for the better by making one healthy choice.

Your body may feel unsteady and you may even fall when you first learn to do these exercises.  However, if you try again, you will get it right. If you stay the course, you will transform yourself and reach peak levels of performance for your body, mind and spirit.

 Absolute Best is a "whole life warehouse" and we are committed to optimizing your health.  We want you to reach your fullest potential and achieve your personal best.

We are located in the Personal Best building on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.    

Call today at (310) 548-5984 and make an appointment with one of our holistic-care professionals.

We offer chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, physical therapy, personal training, Yoga, Pilates, Mambo Mania Fitness, kids and adult dance classes.

Come and experience the finest wellness center in San Pedro.

Peace, Love, Namaste,

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Absolute Best 90 Day Challenge Day 18

This exercise works quads (top thighs) and biceps (upper arms).  Balance is an important part of your wellness program; as in life.  Ending moves with a held posture increases your sense of equilibrium.

Day 18.  Contemplate on how balance affects your progress.  Today is the only day to turn up the heat on your commitment level.  You must flow into this challenge with an acute awareness of your goals. Otherwise, tomorrow will bring you the same results you have always experienced.

Progress is forward movement towards a destination.  There are constant forces pushing and pulling on you while creating the flow of energy in life.  If you stop, you stall.  You must find the right balance between moving with or pushing against those forces.

Stay committed and dedicated to elevating yourself to your highest levels of wellness. Whenever you are confronted with choices, whether they be food, exercise, relationships, or finances, ask yourself; "will choosing this action bring me closer to or take me further away from my desired goal?"   Answer silently and then choose.

Create this new habit of checking in with yourself.  Everything you do on a daily basis creates the hard wiring for your habits tomorrow.  There is no moment like the present to stop, breathe and then take action.

Find equilibrium in each moment of your day.  If you take the time to think before you act, you will make high level choices. If you go through your day on "automatic pilot" your goals will be cast to the winds of chance.

You must follow your plan if you want direction in your life.  Why put off your dream life until tomorrow when you can experience it today?

Absolute Best has the tools to help you optimize you health and wellness.  Your experience in this world belongs to you alone.  Your drive, ambition, desires, hopes, fears and dreams are unique to you. We believe that your wellness program should be tailored specifically for you.

We can help you find the perfect balance of fitness, nutrition, and wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind and spirit - together -  all in one convenient location.

Come in today for a personal consultation.  If you have pain, Dr. Nguyen of Pro Care Health Clinic can treat you with chiropractic and acupuncture sessions.  If you need to rehab an injury, our physical therapist, Dr. Brown, can create a treatment plan that will get you up and running in no time.

We have personal training, fitness classes, massages, and dance classes for both kids and adults.

Come sign up for our special 3 month program.  Take the 90 day challenge and "bridge the gap between you and your personal best!"

We are located in the Personal Best Building on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.  

Call today and set up an appointment, (310) 548-5984

Peace, Love, Namaste,

Monday, April 17, 2017

Absolute Best 90 Day Challenge Day 17

Tighten your booty and sculpt your underarms while strengthening your back and quads. This is a great example of a compound movement; where multiple muscle groups are worked at once.

Day 17 of our challenge and the example of this exercise is why Absolute Best recommends taking a comprehensive approach to your wellness program. Committing to your goals becomes easier when you entertain the "whole" picture. You must address the body, mind and spirit - together - to be truly healthy. You will become your personal best when each part is functioning at its peak.

Can you truly be healthy if you exercise regularly and eat junk food? How about if you exercise and eat right but ignore your family and social obligations? Or, how about doing everything right for your body, family and social obligations but ignore your mental and spiritual state of being? The answer is obvious - you must address all three to be truly healthy.

That is why I ask you to contemplate and meditate each day. Go deep into that sacred space where no one else can go. Have that conversation with yourself and ask the tough questions. If you do this often enough, the answers you are looking for will come. This is the most important aspect of your program. It will solidify your goals and manifest your dreams.

Stay committed to your yourself everyday. You are the most important person around, without you, nothing else would exist! You have one body; take good care of it. You have a brilliant mind, use it. And, you have the spirit of the universe inside every fiber of your being, embrace it and rise up to its greatness.

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is San Pedro's finest wellness clinic. We are here to help you "bridge the gap between you and your personal best." If you need an accountability partner, you can lean on us. If you want exercise classes, we have them. If you need personal training and nutritional counseling, we are the best. And if you really want to learn to meditate, we teach yoga.

Staying the course becomes easy when you see your "whole" life changing for the better. So go ahead and schedule that soothing massage, manage pain through chiropractic and acupuncture treatments, and rehab from injury with physical therapy. We have the best professionals in the business to help you optimize your health. Call us today! (310) 548-5984

We are located in the Personal Best Building in San Pedro on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.

Come in and see us.
Peace, Love, Namaste

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Absolute Best 90 Day Challenge Day 16

Do you want that hourglass figure?  This side bend contours your obliques and shapes your waistline.

It is Day 16 of our challenge.   You will most likely start to feel subtle behavioral and physical changes at this juncture in your program.  You will find that your commitment level will increase as you begin settling into a new routine.  The more invested you become in your program, the more you will stick to the plan.

This week we are focusing on "committing to your goals."  We encourage you to use daily visualization exercises and imagine "exactly" the look and feel of your desired body.  Close your eyes and meditate.  What are you wearing? What kind of hair cut do you have?  Are you alone or with somebody you love?  Where are you? Are you happy?  Create a detailed image and you will fortify your chances for success.  

Your mind cannot differentiate real from imagined truth.  If you can see it in your mind's eye, then your psyche believes it is possible.  "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." Napoleon Hill.

You have been accustomed to feeling and behaving a certain way for many years and now, you are changing those behaviors.  This is a huge alteration to your mind/body connection so, do not be surprised if you fall off the wagon a few times along the way.  We anticipate that you will be lulled back into your habitual behaviors more often than not.

Know that relapsing is part of the process. You have to go through a metamorphosis if you want true and lasting change.  Sometimes, it will be painful, it will hurt, your muscles will feel sore, you may fatigue easily and may feel unable to continue with your program. Do not dispare.  Push on through to the next level because the reward will be worth the struggle.

I am a 60 year old woman and sometimes I feel like I cannot do it, however, I do it anyway.  I am hard wired for this type of success because I have "conditioned" myself to eat healthy and exercise daily.  My body is so accustomed to supporting me that it will always shows up for duty. 

Nobody can do this for you, no one can hand it to you on a silver platter, you are the only one that can get yourself to the finish line.  And when you do, you will feel deserving of the prize.

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse"  is San Pedro's finest wellness clinic.  We are here to help you "bridge the gap between you and your personal best." If you need an accountability partner, you can lean on us.  If you want exercise classes, we have them. If you need personal training and nutritional counseling, we are the best. And if you really want to learn to meditate, we teach yoga.  

Staying the course becomes easy when you see your "whole" life changing for the better.  So go ahead and schedule that soothing massage, manage pain through chiropractic and acupuncture treatments, and rehab from injury with physical therapy.  We have the best professionals in the business to help you optimize your health.  Call us today!  (310) 548-5984

Come in and see us.  
Peace, Love, Namaste

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Absolute Best 90 Day Challenge Day 15

Day 15 - The theme for this week is "Committing to Your Goals."  We hope that you have declared them "out loud."  Invoking your intentions to the universe breathes life into them.  If you keep them in your head, hidden from the world, they stay locked up inside.

You have to be brave enough to "put it out there" so you can manifest your dreams.  One of the reasons we ask you to find an accountability partner is to encourage you to vocalize your intentions. Once you visualize your desires and then "verbalize" them by confiding in another human being, they become your truth.

We are aware of how difficult it can be to change habits.  They are created by a process known as 'context-dependent repetition'.  Our responses become "automatic" once behaviors become hard wired into our brains.  Repeating a behavior, like snacking each time you come home after work, creates a link between the mental context of coming home and the activity of snacking.  The more you repeat the behavior, the more you solidify that link.  Soon, that connection becomes so strong, you do not "think" about grabbing that snack, you just do it.

Many in the "self help" world have touted that it takes 21 days to change a habit, others say it takes 30 days.  There are studies which claim it take 66 days to formulate a new habit.  The reality is that you are the determining factor in your behavior modification.  Whichever behavior you are trying to change and whichever one you are substituting in its place requires you to be part of the metamorphosis.  The consensus, not withstanding the time that it takes, seems to be that you need to break the chains that bind you if you want to achieve success.

It may be that following this program for 30 days will be enough to set you on the path to a healthier lifestyle.  A 30 day challenge is a shorter game and it can be the precursor to the long game of 90 days.

Remember, Lois Thornburg is doing her 30 Day "Give Me 5" Challenge which focuses on losing 5 pounds in 30 days.  Do that for 3 months in a row and you can loose 15 pounds.

We take a comprehensive approach to your wellness and believe that you have to address the body, mind and spirit to reach your highest and healthiest potential.

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse"  is San Pedro's finest wellness clinic.  We are here to help you "bridge the gap between you and your personal best." If you need an accountability partner, you can lean on us .  If you want exercise classes, we have them. If you need personal training and nutritional counseling, we are the best. And if you really want to learn to meditate, try our yoga classes.  

Staying the course becomes easy when you see your "whole" life changing for the best.  So go ahead and schedule that soothing massage, manage pain through chiropractic and acupuncture treatments, and rehab from injury with physical therapy.  We have the best professionals in the business right here, right now.  (310) 548-5984

We are located in the Personal Best building, in San Pedro on 6th between Gaffy and Grand.  

Peace, love, namaste,

Friday, April 14, 2017

Absolute Best 90 Day Challenge Day 14

This spinal exercise stimulates the energy centers located up and down your back.  Do this daily and release healing energy in your body.  

Day 14 brings us to the end of two weeks in our challenge.  You are now feeling settled into your new routine.  You have a plan, an accountability partner, and a place to go.  You know how to eat healthy and have committed to a regular exercise routine.  You feel good!  Keep it up and you will soon be in the best shape ever.  

It is time for another reward.  What is life without enjoyment.  The key to success is moderation in all things.  If you have been good all week long, give yourself a treat because you deserve it.  It is Easter weekend; a time for renewal and rebirth.  This holiday represents a new awakening. You have revealed a new way of living to yourself so celebrate the new and release the old.  

Stay positive, full of love and compassion.  Loving and caring for yourself is the best way you can show up for others.  If you feel confident, strong and sure of yourself then when others lean on you, you will be able to support them in the best possible way.  

Next week we will focus on commitment to your goals.  Sticking to your goals is crucial to your success and we have great tools that help you do that.  You will learn how to stay the course and avoid the pitfalls which typically make you drop out of these types of programs.  

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse"  is San Pedro's finest wellness clinic.  We are here to help you "bridge the gap between you and your personal best." You can lean on us. If you need an accountability partner, we'll be here.  If you want exercise classes, we have them. If you need personal training and nutritional counseling, we are the best. And if you really want to learn to meditate, try our yoga classes.  

Rewarding your progress becomes easy when you see your "whole" life changing for the best.  So go ahead and schedule that soothing massage, manage pain through chiropractic and acupuncture treatments, and rehab from injury with physical therapy.  We have the best professionals in the business right here, right now.  (310) 548-5984

We are located in the Personal Best building, in San Pedro on 6th between Gaffy and Grand.  

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Absolute Best 90 Day Challenge Day 13

This exercise is called the Pointer.  It helps develop core strength, balance and tightens your gluts. Summer will be here soon so "approaching" these areas with vigor will hasten your trip to the beach in that bathing suit.   

Day 13 is here and this week's focus happens to be on our "approach" to optimizing your health. Please consult your physician whenever beginning a new exercise and caloric deficit program. Everyone's body is different and everyone's metabolism burns energy at different rates. We can guide you through creating healthy habits to elevate your metabolic rate, however, sometimes medical issues can affect these functions.   

How do you confront your health and fitness issues? Do you deny your current state of health or do you wisely assess your "baseline" measurements?  You must know where your body currently stands physiologically and psychologically to achieve success.   Our program will help you assess your current metabolic rate (the rate your body burns calories) and get it to burn faster.    

Your metabolism works like a thermostat and if you eat and exercise in a specific manner, you will re-calibrate how your body burns fat and "reset" your burn rate.  This requires discipline, adherence to a program and a support group.  The Absolute Best Challenge is designed to help you through the tough times and get you to the point where you embrace health and fitness as a lifestyle.   

It may not always be easy, however, you will get the results you desire if you take the necessary actions.  Remember, when I suggested you add "meditation" to your program?  I want you to begin each day by visualizing yourself at your "perfect" weight.  And now that summer is coming, see yourself in that bathing suit.  

It's never too late to start.  There is no time like the present and there is no shame in picking up the phone and asking for help.  You are not in this world alone, no one expects you to go at it alone.  

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse"  is San Pedro's finest wellness clinic.  We are here to help you "bridge the gap between you and your personal best." You can lean on us. If you need an accountability partner, we'll be here.  If you want exercise classes, we have them. If you need personal training and nutritional counseling, we are the best. And if you really want to learn to meditate, try our yoga classes.  

Rewarding your progress becomes easy when you see your "whole" life changing for the best.  So go ahead and schedule that soothing massage, manage pain through chiropractic and acupuncture treatments, and rehab from injury with physical therapy.  We have the best professionals in the business right here, right now.  (310) 548-5984

We are located in the Personal Best building, in San Pedro on 6th between Gaffy and Grand.  

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Absolute Best 90 Day Challenge Day 12

This is Day 12 and week two of our Absolute Best wellness challenge.  This week our concentration has been on the "approach" to your health.  We share this video from a previous challenge to show you how easy it is to eat healthy.  You may feel you do not have the time to prepare healthy meals because of work, family, and social obligations.  However, the truth is that time is always available, you just have to manage it successfully. 

"Luck is what happens when opportunity meets preparedness."  This quote, which has been attributed to Roman philosopher Seneca, suggests that you create your own luck.  If you want to achieve your weight loss and fitness goals, then you must discipline yourself to shop for healthy foods, prepare meals ahead of time, and exercise on a regular basis.  If you decide this approach is too difficult, chances are, you will NOT be met with success.

 You have to be willing to put in the work to get the rewards. We concede that sometimes, people may "look" good without seemingly putting in the hard work, however, health and wellness are more than just surface beauty.  The fusion of the body, mind and spirit is what makes a "whole" person.  You still have work to do if all three aspects are not balanced.       
Absolute Best takes a holistic approach towards your health and fitness.  We know it is difficult to stay on track especially when life throws distractions that could derail you from your goal. That is why we proudly call this program a Challenge.  When you cross that finish line, you will have transformed yourself.  You will be confident, strong, balanced, and full of spirit.                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Call us today, (310) 408-3349.  We are in the Personal Best Building  on 6th Street between 6th and Gaffy.                                                                                                                                             

Remember, you don't have to do this alone.  Find an accountability partner.  Lois Thornburg is doing her Give Me 5 For Fitness 30 Day Challenge alongside ours.  She suggests you can lose 5 pounds in 30 days.  We say yes!  Do that 3 months in a row and lose 15!  The point is that with these challenges, you begin to realize that living in wellness is a lifestyle.

You can do this!  We are here to get you there by "bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, love, namaste,