Always seek an accountability partner when committing to these challenges. It is very difficult to go at it alone in the world. Support from others will strengthen your resolve and hold you accountable to your own declaration. We came into this world alone, and we will leave it alone, but while we are here, we live as part of a community. I have facilitated many "challenges" and their success hinges on accountability. Support from others is key to helping you reach your goal.
Our minds and bodies are intrinsically connected. Self improvement is enhanced when we become aware of our mental and physical states of being. Take the time to examine yourself; how do you look and feel, how are you managing your health, can you identify the triggers that derail you from maintaining a healthy lifestyle? A great tool for discovering who you truly are, what you want and how you plan to achieve your desired goals is to journal. One of my goals for this Challenge is to write daily.
The best part of these challenges is that everyday is a journey. We are all progressing through life one day at a time and everyday is a new opportunity to begin anew. Reward yourself for being on the path to self-improvement and better health. Take yourself to lunch, go get a massage, pamper yourself and live today as like you have won the brass ring. Acknowledge your successes, accept complements and see the glass half full.

Absolute Best is committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind and spirit, together - all in one convenient location. We are in the Personal Best Building between Grand and Gaffy on on 6th Street, San Pedro, CA. Stop in anytime and see us.
Check out our schedule of classes and our website. Go ahead and sign up for the Challenge, it's not too late. All are welcome.
Until tomorrow, have a great day and know that we are here to help you "bridge the gap between you and your personal best!"
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