Follow my lead and do this exercise right now. Just stop whatever you are doing, get on the floor and do it. This is a great stretch for you intercostals; situated within your ribcage, your upper back; also referred to as your thoracic spine and a terrific stretch for your hamstrings and hips.
Day 27 and you will soon hit the 30-day marker in this challenge. Will you continue on to the next level and do another 30 days after this? I hope so because I am committed to going on for 90 days! I burned the boats... so there is no turning back. My dad's words ring loudly in my ears; he would always say, "my word is my honor." So, I am sticking to my commitment to write this blog and be here for YOU the entire 90 days.
You WILL be the strongest you have ever been by the end of this challenge. Your mind is set to win because this time, you have been inspired by your heart. Deep down inside you know the truth about yourself, who you are and what you are capable of achieving.

You are now capable of increasing the intensity of your workouts and your resolve will not falter. You will adhere to your program and finish these 30 days and then, continue for more. You will create a life of health and wellness.
This time, instead of starving yourself to shed those extra pounds, you will eat healthily, 5 to 6 times per day (3 main meals and 2 or 3 protein snacks.) You will fit into those “skinny” jeans. You will clear yourself of toxic habits which squelch your potential and replace them with clean, positive and uplifting ones which match your psyche for a healthy body, mind, and spirit.
You will make time for yourself; get that massage your body so desperately needs and, you will make the time to stop and smell the roses. You will go to the shore to take in the ocean’s grandeur and watch the sun as it sets below the horizon. You will feel right within your heart and know you belong in this world and have a true purpose for living.
Hard to believe? Yes, I know. It’s hard to push through the pain of one more push up. It’s hard not to eat that cookie full of sugar. It’s hard to arrange your schedule and make time for yourself. It’s hard not to drink that cup of coffee, that glass of wine, or not buy that purse when you really don't have the money for it. Yes, it's hard. If it were easy, everyone would be level headed, healthy and rich.
This is a new beginning and you can break old habits and patterns by replacing them with healthy and wholesome ones. Take advantage of the gifts before you. You are on the right path, in the right place, surrounded by the right people. If you continue on this journey, you will solidify your intention and create a new reality for yourself.

This time, the real you will reveal more love, strength, and tenacity than ever before. This time, you will do your Absolute Best!
Peace, Love, Namaste,
Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand. Call us TODAY (310) 548-5984 and set up a private consultation.
"Bridge the gap between you and your personal best."
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