Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Gauntlet has Been Thrown! Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge Kicks Off Again!

It's that time again- February 15th marks the start of our Challenge.  Take the Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge and see how to bridge the gap between you and your Personal Best!

Can you commit?  Can you discipline yourself for 30 days and do what it takes to get you to that next level of clean, healthy living?

What keeps holding you back?  Why do you keep sabotaging your success?  What is it that keeps you in a cycle of failure?   And what areas in life must you address to make you Your Personal Best?  Do you need to address your weight, your finances, relationships, or overindulges?  Whatever it is, the fix is not automatic, it takes hard work.  You must confront your demons head on.  You must open up your heart and soul and ask the the hard questions.  You must stare down your fears and declare your will to overcome them. Your lighter more brilliant self is ready to be unleashed into the world and at the end of these next 30 days, a stronger, healthier and more authentic YOU will emerge. I promise.

This 30 Day Challenge is a tradition at Absolute Best (formally Personal Best.)  We love sponsoring it and those who have taken the Challenge before have made great strides towards positive changes in their lives. Camaraderie holds us together while we traverse the emotional gauntlet sure to come while on the path.  We have found through much experience that the greatest success comes when working in tandem or as a team with others.  We are social creatures, we need the understanding, compassion and friendship of other human beings who are communally striving towards self improvement.  We can be stronger as a unified field of positive energy.    

Here is what you must do to take the challenge.
Rules and guidelines:
1.  You must declare a goal.  It can be weight-loss, financial fitness, purification of body, mind and spirit, emotional control, relationship oriented...any area of your life you feel needs improvement and attention.
2.  Find an accountability partner and share your declared goal with them.  Keep each other accountable. (ask us for an accountability contract- click here and request a free consultation)
3.  Sign a commitment contract with yourself.  (Click here for a free consultation about a commitment contract) A formal contract will strengthen your resolve.
4.  You must integrate a fitness element into your 30 day challenge.  a) Attend at least 2 or more classes per week at the studio/gym or-
b)  Subscribe to stay fit with our daily online video streaming exercises.  
5.   Keep a journal.  Log meals, enter emotional challenges and how you deal with them, describe your relationship issues, etc.  Whatever your goal, keep track of your daily progress.  Write for 30 days about your journey.  The ending will surprise you.  You will discover much about who you are, what and why triggers within your control your behaviors.
6.  Take baseline measurements of where you currently stand- ex: if you have a weight-loss goal then measure your weight, body fat %, girth measurements, etc, (ask your trainer for help in this area).  If its a financial goal- create budgets.  For relationships, write out a clear understanding of the issues that plaque you.  In all of the above examples, concentrate on yourself without comparison to others.  You can only work on improving yourself.  There is no possible way to change others unless they want to change themselves.  
7.  Declare a personal reward and treat yourself once a week to a job well done.  The big reward will come to the winners of the Challenge.  (A trip to Catalina on a private sailing yacht!  We plan to merge this Challenge winners with our last Challenge winners for the upcoming trip.  Dates TBA)

Let us know if you are in.  We are here to help.
Congratulations on your decision to become your Personal Best with our Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge.


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