Wednesday, November 10, 2021



Feeling sluggish? Are you exercising but not making any headway with your progress? Have you hit a plateau with your weight lossThanksgiving is here; how are you supposed to reach your health and fitness goals?

Simple, change your routine. Prepare your meals well in advance, make a shopping list of fresh fruits & vegetables and eliminate processed foods, all of which can shift that blockage into progress and transformation.  

One of the main culprits of a sluggish metabolic response is the consumption of processed sugar.  The key to driving your metabolism and delivering the best energy into your system is to eat a balanced diet of complex carbohydrates, organic proteins, and healthful fats.  

Why not use this Thanksgiving to eliminate simple carbs like soft drinks, candy, and white sugar from your recipes?  Begin anew and stock your refrigerator with free-range turkey, organic veggies from your local farmer's markets, and create nutritious desserts from fresh fruits.

It will be easy enough to extend these healthy Thanksgiving meal choices beyond the holiday; the advantage, "pre-cooked" and sufficient food to last you and the rest of the family for days to come.  Who said you have to gorge and feel stuffed after that traditional turkey meal?  "You must eat ALL your food," says your old brain. On the contrary, your body functions much better when you eat several small meals throughout the day.         

Remember, as you shop for this year's dinner, you can choose a nutritious and delicious Thanksgiving. Read the labels on packaged foods, and avoid processed sugars, corn syrup, and all the "ose's" (sugar molecules ending in "ose," think glucose.)  

Real (natural) foods don't have labels; they are your best choice for lowering sugar intake.  Also, processed and refined foods are devoid of healthful fiber and nutrients, which debilitates the body from processing and digesting your food properly.  A healthy metabolism is a must for optimal health; it helps bridge the gap between your current plateau and your absolute best.

By: Clarita


  1. Thank you, Clarita. I'm in pre-Thankgsgiving Day food intake awareness. Being intentional about smaller meals throughout the day will help me prepare for a gathering with lots of food choices. My goal is to Not say, "oh, I ate too much." I will enjoy my friends and family and celebrate with games, a walk, and reasonable portions of food.

    1. You’re so we’ll disciplined Lois, it’s admirable!
