Friday, October 31, 2014

Day 26- Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

4 more days left!  You're almost there!
The cosmic vibration resonates in us all.  We incarnate into this life to live in abundance, joy, peace and love.  So why do we stress, live in contracted states of awareness and fear?

First, congratulations for making it to the final stretch of your journey.  You are my hero.  You made a commitment and stuck with it and now you are coming out the other side a stronger, more emboldened and healthier person than when you started. 

Last night, Christo Pellani- a gifted musician and healer, shared his beautiful Vitalization and Harmonization workshop at Absolute Best.   Christo created this self healing program designed to elevate your chi (life force energy) by incorporating basic Qigong movement, sound and meditation techniques.  Summon your highest potential for health, wealth and happiness through this amazing and experiential format Thursday evenings at 7:00PM at Absolute Best.  Learn how the subtle vibrations of your body, mind and soul can reverberate at their highest frequencies and ultimately bring you great power.

One of the best aspects of the 30 Day Challenge is the complementary programs offered to enhance your experience.  You can build on your success by adding different elements of holistic healing to your daily activities.  Meditation, journaling, camaraderie, traditional healing arts like Yoga, acupuncture, chiropractic, massage and special workshops; are all available at Absolute Best.  These programs are here to optimizing your health and wellness so you can live a healthy and productive life. 

A strong healthy body, a level head. and a loving heart which is open to receiving the goodness the world has to offer is truly powerful.  Yes, the world throws you curve balls at times; however, how you choose to catch and release what comes your way is what distinguishes your personality.  Your response to life is your signature, your mark on the world.   

I hope that these 26 days have created an awareness of how to show up for life.  If you stop to take a breath before you react, you discover there are many choices for your behavior.  All those fears and anxieties that throw you into contracted awareness and a reactive mode typically stem from old patterns dropped into new situations.  They may not be serving you any longer; however, they are familiar and comfortable so it’s hard to let them go.  Every once in a while you have to clean house; clear out the old stuff to make room for the new. We can still hold on to the memories, however, we don't have to hold on to the baggage.

I’m looking forward to day 30!  You will graduate into the next level of growth for your life with a new perspective; armed with powerful tools and the seedlings of intentions for a new beginning.   

Again, congratulations for having made a commitment to yourself and working on your health and wellness.  Keep your mind, body and soul in perfect harmony and don’t forget to reward yourself!  You have made it this far so go ahead, treat yourself to something nice. 
“Bridging the gap between you and your Personal Best.”


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Day 25_Absolute Best 30 Day Challange

That Winning Feeling

You can almost taste it - you know you can do it - what seemed to be a struggle only 24 days ago is easy today.  

You can reinvent yourself at any given point along life’s path.  You can choose to bring forth into each day all the painful memories of the past or, choose light, happiness, peace and joy instead.  The choice is yours.

Life can change in the blink of an eye; best laid plans may go awry, unforeseen variables may bump you off the road to success however, you inner guide- your soul- will always get you back on track. The purpose for your existence is encoded in your DNA; your internal map which includes a built-in GPS system.  It is designed to take you back home no matter how far you roam.  

Life is a classroom.  You come here to learn lessons and put them to practical application.  Your internal map has many roads to choose from- you can choose the road less traveled, or the worn and beaten path.  However, whichever road you take will always lead you back home; ultimately, back to source, to nothing, to the pure potential and possibility of the cosmos. 

Knowing that, choice determines your legacy.  The imprint you leave behind is determined by your behavior each day of your life, how you use your time and what kind of relationships you cultivate.  Will you make winning choices today?  Will you associate with people who lift your spirits?  Will you feed yourself pure and healthy food, and will you give your body sufficient time to rest and recharge?  Will you give of yourself unconditionally to help others?  And will you do something for the planet to help it thrive and sustain itself for future generations?  If so, you have a winning spirit.         
Even though your DNA may be set for predisposition to certain diseases like diabetes, heart disease, or addiction, the coding of your genes can be rearrange by your internal and external environment.  You have the choice to eliminate toxins from your body and the world you live in.  You can choose to clear emotional stress from your mind and create balance between your internal world and the planet.  You can literally, break the chains that bind you.

You have a responsibility to your legacy to choose wisely regarding your lifestyle.  Your choices today will affect your children and your grandchildren.  You are the guardian of your genome.  It’s selfish to think that you can be reckless with your well-being and that of your planet today and not have it affect future generations.  If you can develop a habit of healthy choices, you can transform the “code of life”, and transform the future of the world.

You are not insignificant; you are part of a magnificent plan and design that is preset to win and thrive.


P.S.  Tonight we are hosting a special Vitalization and Harmonization Sound Meditation Workshop designed to help you tap into your primordial energy.  Come join us and celebrate the final days of our journey together.

Also, don’t forget to join the new Deepak and Oprah 21 Day meditation series beginning November, 3rd, 2014.   


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Day 24_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

The Countdown!  You’re almost there.  Keep it up.  The finish line is a visible and an attainable goal.  Now it’s time to dig deep and pull out all the stops.

I have run 5 marathons in my life and it is astonishing how after running 26 miles, there is always a fresh supply of strength left to push you through the last .2 miles to the finish.  Just when you think you are totally depleted and can’t take another step, the realization of a reachable goal brings forth a new surge of energy and makes crossing the finish line a reality.  Each time it’s an amazing feeling to actually DO IT!  Those last few yards you run faster and you push harder.   You get to experience the thrill of victory! 

It’s curious how your mind questions success.  Throughout a long race like that, your mind wonders if you will finish.  Questions like, “Why did I sign up for this anyway?  What am I trying to prove? What am I really seeking?” begin to creep up.  Can you relate to those types of questions racing through your mind as you near the end of this 30 Day Challenge?

Whenever you push yourself towards a new goal, your mind will begin to sabotage your commitment – it will try to psyche you out of completing the task.  Even though you know you have been successful in the past, your head keeps questioning your ability to win! 

The shadows of self doubt creep in at every level of your progress – you are constantly confronted by them.  Simultaneously, the lighter side of your heart and soul lead you to understand that “Yes, you can really do this!  If you put one foot in front of the other you can make it across the finish line!”  In the end, the act of accomplishing the goal is the victory, not when you get there or how you got there.  The bottom line is you will soon say, “I have arrived!” 
And I encourage you to feel your arrival right now!  Visualize and imagine it, feel it, taste it.  This is last leg of your marathon; you only have .2 miles left on your journey to reach your Personal Best.  Your true arrival is just around the bend.   This challenge has made you reflect on your behaviors and helped you decide which ones to keep and which ones to discard.  You have created new habits and directed your body, mind and soul towards health, wealth, fitness and expanded awareness.  Now it’s time to dig deep and pull out the last remnants of your strength.  You have carved out a road toward success.  You have arrived!   
Quote for the day:
What you are not changing – you are choosing.”



Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Day 23_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

Warning- just because you want to change doesn’t mean you are going least not right away.

I drank a RedBull yesterday because I was very tired.  I had only 4 hours sleep the night before, I have been sick, and feeling stressed with the pressures of administering to my mother’s affairs since her passing.  However, I did not drink coffee (although I believe there is the equivalent of three cups of caffeine in those energy drinks.)  I will stick to my goal for the rest of the challenge.

How can you be sure your efforts haven’t been in vain?  Why should you stay on course and complete your 30 Day Challenge and beyond if there is no guarantee of success?
You have a desire to do great things.  You are capable of putting one foot in front of the other and showing up for life and, if you slip, you simply get back on track.  Having a clear goal, a plan of action and an unrelenting discipline to achieve a dream are the keys to success.  However, “showing up” is the most important of all.  Every day you wake up, you have the opportunity to start anew with a positive and winning attitude.

If you carry over old feelings and emotions from past failures into this new day, fear not, there are remedies to help you eliminate these unhealthy compulsions.  One remedy has been discussed in previous blogs; the practice of meditation.  Taking time for daily contemplation and introspection is one of the healthiest ways to break through old emotional baggage.    

Another remedy to free blocked energy is acupuncture.   Dr. Nguyen, our resident chiropractor at Absolute Best, is also a licensed acupuncturist.  An ancient medical modality originating from Asia, acupuncture traces back over 2,500 years.  Like meditation, it helps increase the vital energy force in your body.  According to traditional Chinese medicine, there are patterns of energy flow (Chi) throughout the body that are essential for health.  Disruptions of this flow are believed to be responsible for disease.   Acupuncture breaks through blocks that inhibit the even flow of this vital energy by inserting very thin needles at specific points throughout the body’s meridians (meridians carry energy through the body like arteries carry blood.

This Thursday evening at 6:00 pm, we will be hosting a Vitalization and Harmonization Workshop which is based on meditation and acupuncture through sound healing.  Your body is vibrating and resonating at different frequencies at all times.  That vibration is what keeps your body together so your atoms don’t fly away and dissipate throughout the universe.  It is important to “tune” into your physical and emotional vibration in order to achieve great success.    

If you feel you are challenged to the point of possible failure; go see Dr. Nguyen and come to our Thursday night “Vitalize and Harmonize Workshop”.  It maybe that blocked energy is keeping you from reaching your peak potential not only physically, but emotionally too. 


Monday, October 27, 2014

Day 22_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

Who said this would be easy?

It is not as easy as you thought, is it?  The path to self improvement requires consistent focus, time and energy; without these ingredients, change cannot occur.
If you were to renounce your worldly possession and live the life of a monk, you would find plenty of time to contemplate your soul.  You could ponder the questions “who am I”, “why do I exist” and “what is my life’s purpose?”  You could meditate for hours, days, months, years and wait for the answers to come; even still, they may not arise.

The reality is that you are of this world living in a society with a family, a career, and bills to pay.  It is important to ask deep and introspective questions however, the road to discovering your soul’s purpose becomes a little more circuitous while engaging with the material world.   

Deepak Chopra speaks to this in his book, Spiritual Solutions.  He talks about being “of” this world but not “in” it.  To be truly honest with yourself, you must develop maturity, discipline, and carve out time for meditation.  Deep within your mind and soul you will find your “true self.”  If you can maintain the responsibilities of life as a citizen, family member and co­-worker and make time for introspection, then you are “of” this world and not “in” it.  
When you create a healthy body by habitually eating right, exercising, and meditating, it becomes easy to deal with day to day problems.  “The secret,” Deepak writes “is that the level of the problem is never at the level of the solution.”  You must rise to the level of the solution; expand your awareness towards limitless possibilities to go beyond the drudgery of day to day existence. 

That’s the main reason you committed to this challenge.  You wanted to rise to the level of your Personal Best. You wanted to transform and overcome obstacles that were holding you back from reaching your fullest potential.  You have come a long way and by now, you can see changes happening, however, you can also see how easily you fall prey to your old habits once a sense of complacency sits in.       

That’s why you have to be ever vigilant with your new habits.  Remind yourself to stay positive, take daily action steps towards you goal, develop discipline and meditate.  My belief is that meditation is the most important tool for self improvement. 

In the quiet and solitude of your mind, you can forgive yourself.  You can imagine whatever reality you want.  You become fully aware of your body; what hurts, where the extra fat is hanging, and what other physical limitations keep you from sitting quietly for a few minutes a day.  You can look deep in your heart to ask the hard questions, “Am I happy?”  “Have I hurt someone?”  “Am I acting from my heart or out of pressure from others?”

And none of this is easy.  It’s hard to stay on track.  It’s hard to get to class when you’re tired, it’s hard to arrange your schedule to find 15 minutes of quiet solitude, and it’s hard to manage all of these things around family and work.  And that my friend, is why most people just quit!  However, you will never give up!


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Day 21_Absoluter Best 30 Day Challenge

Can willpower alone get you through to the end of this challenge?  Science says, maybe not.

You’ve come so far.  21 days into your 30 Day Challenge and sometimes it seems difficult, like you might not make it to the end.  Well, you are not alone.  The latest research shows that sheer willpower can be exhausting.   Scientists liken it to a muscle that can fatigue from overuse.

These few weeks have been tough right?  Instead of going for the cookie, you went for the healthy power bar, instead of staying late at the office, you left in time to get to class, instead of eating the burger, you ate the salad, or instead of making that snide remark to your co-worker, you decided to be supportive and nice. 

Over the last decade, there have been several studies on willpower depletion.  Dr. Roy Baumeister conducted a study wherein half the subjects were escorted into an aroma filled room of fresh baked cookies.  Half the subjects were given cookies to eat and the other half, radishes.  Afterwards, the subjects were asked to work on a difficult geometric puzzle and given 30 minutes to complete the task.  Those subjects who ate the radishes gave up on the puzzle within 8 minutes while those who ate the fresh baked cookies lasted, on average, 19 minutes.  The study concluded that drawing on self control to resist the cookies drained the “radish group” of the willpower to concentrate on the puzzle.

In another study, subjects were asked to view a movie and suppress their feelings while another group was allowed to watch and experience their natural emotional responses.  Afterwards, they were tested for physical stamina and the group who deprived themselves of emotional feelings gave up sooner than those who were allowed to emote.  Again, those who tested their willpower during the movie portion of the test seemed depleted when executing the physical part of the experiment.     

Scientist from the University of Toronto found that when your willpower has been depleted, your brain actually registers decreased activity in the anterior cingulate cortex, a region of the brain involved with cognition.  When your willpower has been tested, your brain may function differently.  Some scientists think that the brain demands high levels of glucose in order to maintain self control.   And when the glucose is used up, it can’t replenish it fast enough to continue on to other tasks.  So, this makes it difficult to continue the discipline of depravation.  However, restored glucose tends to “reboot” willpower.   

There is also evidence that attitude and individual drive makes a difference as to whether or not willpower lasts.  Those that are in tune with themselves and self motivated fair much better with willpower than their counter parts who are motivated by “pleasing others.”

These studies also concluded that positive moods and beliefs seem to affect willpower depletion.  Subjects that watched comedies, or were given surprises overcame their willpower depletion.  That’s why I suggest you give yourself rewards, meditate and honor yourself for taking this journey towards better health and fitness.  Yes, it’s hard and arduous but if you stay strong and stay on track, the end result will be life changing. 

You’ve come this far.  Don’t quit now.  Keep going; I’m right there with you… my goal was NO COFFEE.   Trust me; I am going to reward myself with a very nice cup of coffee when these 30 days are over - a big one too.  What goal did you declare?  Are you still doing it?  I hope so.  Declare it again and start over if you have to.  Remember, true character is developed by what you do when no one is watching.  Do this for you, nobody but you. 

See you at the end.  

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Day 20-Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

Countdown!  10 more days left in the challenge and you are going to make it to the end!  Awesome!

Continue to see yourself as a positive, goal directed, disciplined person every day.  Once you have established this view of yourself, just keep doing it.  Instead of saying “I want” say “I am”.  I cannot emphasize this enough.  The more you see yourself as productive, happy and successful now, the more you will achieve in the future.  People who feel inadequate in the present simply do not have the skills to effectively plan for a brighter future.  Your strength comes from doing better now; not from hoping you will do better later.

Instead of focusing on the end result, learn to enjoy the process.  Think of this 30 Day Challenge. At the end of the journey, there will be more work to do.  However, intentional focus on daily activities will ultimately bring you the brass ring and the caveat is; the work will feel effortless.  Whether you meet your specific goal or not; your new behavior has cleared the path for a new habit.  You are on the road to success.  And when you reach the goals you have set, you will invent new ones.  Do you know why?  Living this life is like living the Never Ending Story.  It’s fun and exciting to try new things and reach for new dreams.  You will always be moving ahead, so you need to learn to also savor the pleasure of being active and interested in your progress.  If you think about it, growth is one of your goals.  Change is an inevitable part of your life and it can be exciting and energizing.  

People who retire sometimes think they will just relax and do nothing the rest of their lives.  The next thing you know, they have taken up a new hobby or have embarked on some journey.  Sometimes the hobby turns into a money-making enterprise, and soon these “retired” people have started a new career!  So if you imagine that “someday” you just want to reach your destination and take it easy, you are fooling yourself.  You are an active, energetic person who will always be up and doing something.

When you remain active, you are in touch with the powerful forces that direct your life.  Remember to fall into the flow of life.  In earlier blogs I urged you to discipline yourself in such a way that you remain in tune with your own growth rate and the opportunities that life offers you.  This flow is always there, tugging at you, asking you to pace yourself according to the natural movement of your energy; transitioning from one change to another.  You can learn to feel this flow if you take the time each day to clear your mind and listen to your body and more importantly, your heart.   Your body is your connection to nature.  Notice the aches and pains that tell you where you are straining too much.  Allow for a pleasurable state of relaxation to counter the strain by opening your heart- the love center.  And then, notice the pleasure you feel.  This is an unerring sign that you are living intone with the natural flow of life.

Cement you natural connection of mind, body and soul.  Be free from ever-hoping desires and from cravings for possessions.  The mind controlled by the heart and your body- retiring alone to a quiet place- will unite you with your soul.  And that my friend is all you will ever need- your truth.  



Friday, October 24, 2014

Day 19_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

Balance and Focus on your Goal
You are counting down the days now.  You passed the halfway mark and you are still standing strong!  Congratulations.  Now you have to pull out all the stops for the last leg of your challenge.  I want you to dig deep and reach for the gold – find that second wind and visualize yourself getting to the finish like a champion. 

Do you know what it feels like to have a BIG dream come true? Finishing this little challenge will give you a taste of that feeling.  Do you think about that big “someday” so much that you forget about today?  Success does not lie in the future; it is here in the present.  You have the opportunity today, right now, to succeed.  It is very common for people who finally reach the summit of their dreams to feel let down.  So often, people struggle and strain to get to the top of the ladder, only to feel disappointed.  Somehow they thought it would be more thrilling.  Perhaps they thought their achievement would change their world and everyone around them? How do you think your world will change after this 30 Day Challenge?     

Chances are your world will be much the same except for one thing, you have changed.  You have changed your cadence, your attitude, your activities, and belief in yourself.  You have made your dream of a healthy lifestyle a reality, and it is happening right now by participating in this challenge. 

By “healthy” I mean much more than just being physically healthy.  I mean a balance of the mind, body and spirit.  When you work on balancing all three, you are striving and arriving at the same time.  Your energy aligns into perfect harmony, just as the stars and the planets align themselves throughout our universe.  This underlying principle of “balance” creates a steadiness in your soul.  So, instead of rushing through each day in a mad dash for success, spend some time relaxing and cherishing what you already have.  Growth requires periods of rest.  All living things need time to heal, to pause and father strength to prepare for new activity.

Concentrate on one thing at a time.  Although we may feel that multi-tasking can garner greater productivity, studies indicate otherwise.  Focus on one goal at a time- like this 30 day challenge-and leave the others for later.  This type of singular focus may feel “out of balance” for a while although I have found it to be necessary for achieving success.  Focus is the most important aspect of balance.  When I teach balance in exercises class, I always tell you to pick a focal point.  The goal in balancing is not to stand like petrified wood, it’s to keep your muscles engaged in a constant state of responsiveness so they can keep you centered when you feel off base.  Being centered mentally helps you realize your dreams.  Tremendous peace and tranquility surround you when you are focused and centered.  The waves of stress and disharmony can come crashing down around you yet¸ when your body, mind and spirit are in alignment, nothing knocks you off your path. 

Chances are that fulfillment of your dreams will not be marked by a single or major event that will change your life.  Understand that your dreams are coming true every day, and that success won’t hit you like a ton of bricks from out of nowhere.  It will come easily and naturally once you believe that you are already successful.  If you know you deserve it, success won’t seem too good to be true.  If you have been steadfast and true to your 30 Day Challenge, doing the imagination exercises, staying positive, choosing activities to foster discipline in your life, and taking time to meditate, success should already feel very familiar to you.  And if you continue to incorporate these steps into your daily life, success will become routine.  Not in the boring sense, but in the sense that it’s natural, easy and part of your design. 


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Day 18_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

Alert!  Most people who set goals simply quit when it becomes too inconvenient to stay on track. 
How are you doing?

So far these blogs have covered setting goals, staying positive, taking action and practicing meditation.  Today I want to elaborate on discipline.

Discipline is simply a learning process.  The beginning of that process is to cultivate desire.  Through your imagination and visualization exercises, you can establish your desire for success.  That initial excitement will fuel your efforts and urge you to continue breaking old behavior patterns to substitute them with healthier new ones.

When you hit a "crossroads”, or junctures, it’s important to stop, breathe and allow room for the appropriate persuasion to direct your new action.  Most of the time you rush right into a behavior rather than slow down to assess why and what is compelling you to take a specific action. 

Many of you pour into my exercise classes every day full of desire yet, most of you do not have a clear picture of your end goal.  You must know exactly how much weight you want to lose, what you will need to eat, how to manage your time and how to gain support from friends and family in order to have real success.  If no action follows desire – lasting change does not occur.  That is the main reason so many students simply drop out - lack of discipline.  An action plan must follow desire to achieve the goal.   

So if you want to make it through this 30 day Challenge and achieve your goal, you need to ask the hard questions.  Be truthful and realistic- keep a defined and specific goal at the forefront of your mind. Write it down and place it where you can see it daily.  For example, if weight loss is your goal, know exactly how much weight you want to lose.  If a financial goal is your challenge - exactly how much money do you want to acquire.  Then, what action steps will you take to begin the journey towards that end?  Write these action steps down and stick them on your refrigerator or on your bathroom mirror- somewhere you are sure to see them regularly.           

Yes, desire must be strong- you will work against bad habits and forge ahead towards the finish line when you have a dream.  Strong desire makes you stop and contemplate the new possibilities for your life; it makes you take that leap of faith which throws you into new behavior.  It makes you fight against your impulse to give up. 

However, once you have desire, you must develop the discipline to ask yourself “why”.  Why is this new way of life a better choice for me?  You must investigate and look inside yourself and ask; “What brought me to this point in my life and what must I do to create a change?”  “Can I live with myself if I ignore the truth inside me?”  “Why am I compelled to improve my life?  “Why am I continually sabotaging my success?”  “What am I gaining from this behavior?”

If you ask yourself these probing questions, the answers will be revealed.  And by continually challenging yourself with little goals along the way will help you acquire the skill of discipline.  Asking these very important questions will open up your heart and allow your truth to come through.  Then, you will know exactly what action to take towards achieving your dream. 

Read, talk to people who have succeeded, make the phone calls, and ask the tough questions.  Find a professional who can help you.  When I consult with you about starting an exercise program, one of the first questions I ask is “why”.  If the reason is big enough, the how is easy.  I can teach you “how” to exercise, eat right and meditate however; the desire must come from you.   

When you learn the “how” from me, or any other coach, you can make a realistic assessment of what it will to take to achieve your dream.  Then you must make a 100% commitment- this is crucial - not a half-hearted “I'll give it a try” but a deep down knowing that you are going to do it.  

Make a declaration, take action steps daily, then, surround yourself with a community of like minded people who will lift you up and support your dream.  You can do it, NEVER GIVE UP!



Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Day 17_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

“WARNING”- Feeling good can be addictive!  
How can you make health and wellness your new addiction?

You may know the “temporary” high from a glass of wine, a sexual escapade, a joint, coffee, or prescription drugs.  You may also know the inevitable crash that follows after the “fix” no longer works. That “happy” state of mind you desperately seek does not come from “external” forces altering your physiology.    The truth is; “happiness” comes from within. 

There is always one relationship which can make you feel good.  It is the relationship between your heart and mind.  When those two chakras (energy centers) harmonize, you are in sync with your soul’s purpose and you will realize self acceptance and unconditional love.  You will nurture it and develop it.  Once you begin to continuously practice self love, you will crave it.  You will become addicted to love. 

If you feel you have not attained this state of “happiness” through connecting with your higher energy centers, here are a few ways you can practice how to be happy...

Create new “fixes” and learn to love yourself.
1.    Declare your goal.  (You have already done this, I hope.)  What will you do today that will nurture your heart and mind?
2.    Stay positive.  You tend to be your own worst critic.  You have practiced mentally beating yourself up for a very long time now.  I suggest you start being nicer to yourself.  If you find that you are regressing towards unhealthy behaviors, shake it off.  Know your goal is moving you away from that habitual “by rote” behavior and moving towards new, healthy and intentional ones.  Today is a new day; a chance for a new beginning. 
3.     Review and renew your action plan.  Literally write your goal down and map out the necessary steps to achieve it.  You may have to alter it along the way.  External changes impact our lives every day.  We want to be able to “go with the flow” however, having a plan will assure you get back on track whenever you veer off the path.
4.     Surround yourself with likeminded people.  Community is key to your success.  Developing healthy addictions comes easily if you have a support system. 
5.     Meditate daily.  Visualize yourself in a perfect state.  Do your imagination exercises and merge with your heart and mind.  There you will find the secret to loving yourself, you will discover your soul.    

You committed to this 30 day challenge because you wanted to make lasting changes towards your health and wellness.  Know that along the way you will have good days and bad days; however, the more you press yourselves to repeat healthy behaviors, the more you will realize your “Personal Best.”  And the more you realize your “Personal Best” the more “true” happiness will flourish within, even on bad days.  You will become addicted to love… one day at a time.  Now that’s the Absolute Best!   

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Day 16_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

Love, money, and health

A mentor of mine taught me that all happiness or suffering in the world is based on three basic needs:
1.        Love, the most important of human needs supports our spiritual nature.   You were conceived through an act of love; a cherished and passionate cause which created your existence.

I witnessed the birth of my grandson this year and I was so moved by the grandeur of the process.  A soul breaking free from the womb to enter this reality so he can reflect God’s spirit and light – a testament to the ever-present glory of SOURCE energy.

I also witnessed my mother’s death and watched spirit leaving her body.  I knew it was returning to source.  The bond which brought us together for that final moment was LOVE.
Throughout this 30 Day Challenge, I encourage you to contemplate what is most important to your growth.  Why are you determined to accomplish your goal?   Is it motivated by the force of love?  Love for yourself, for your family, for this community, this life, and this world?  If the answer is yes, you have tapped into one of the most powerful forces that will catapult you into success.

2.        Money.  You live in the material world and you need money to survive.  You need shelter and food.  It becomes very difficult to acquire those basic necessities without money. 

It’s important to create cash flow and to create business in order to materialize the money necessary to survive.  The key to success in material wealth has to do with enriching other people’s lives more than it does with enriching yourself.  Food comes from God’s green earth, it provided everyone with nourishment and sustenance for life- what difference does it make whether it is served on a golden platter or one made of clay?  A house is made of brick and mortar; a home is what you make it.  If you give love, create peace and understanding between family members, you are rich beyond means. 

Set your mind to achieve your goal in life and then- chose a profession or a job that helps others, lifts them up and helps them realize the magnificent light of Source.  That eternal light is stored deep within every cell of your body as an aspect of the great LOVE that some call -GOD.  Share that light and yours will shine bright.

3.       Health.  There are essential nutrients that your body needs; vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fats.  How you chose to nourish and care for your body dictates whether these source fuels will vitalize and harmonize its homogeneous aspects or; whether the lack or excess of them will wreak havoc on it.

Your body is the vessel which carries your life force.  Without it, you cannot exist.  If you do not have your health, you cannot love your family or create wealth to spread your light into the world. You were born to shine, to bring your magnificent gift to the world, to LOVE yourself so dearly that the choices you make regularly for your body, mind and spirit set you on a path to ascension.  You were born to have great success and abundance in life and, you were given the free will to decide how to attain this greatness.

So choose wisely.  Meditate daily to keep your connection with source.  Open you mind to the infinite possibilities that exist for you, and care for your body as if it were a sacred temple.    


Monday, October 20, 2014

Day 15-Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

Making Reality a Dream

In the same way we create dreams into reality, we can make reality into a dream.
Sometimes, while dreaming, we realize we “are” the dream-maker.  We are the director, the set designer; we can change the characters and the plot to suit our needs.  We have all experienced an “alpha” state; when we are partially in conscious awareness and partially in subconscious predominance… a mild, relaxed dream state before fully awakening.  Sometimes, our desire to savor the sweetness of our dreams lulls us back to them and we return to a “theta” state ­­­- where our conscious mind completely shuts down and the subconscious mind dominates.  This is the realm of infinite possibilities.  Sometimes, we consciously complete the dream and bring it forth into our world.  In the “beta” state; we are fully conscious of everything around us; aware and awake in this material realm.

We can live in this reality as if it were a dream.  We can manipulate our world, the characters in it, the places we live and work in, the relationships we foster, and every other aspect of our lives to suit our needs. 
Let’s understand that there are 2 basic choices in life; we either choose to live in expanded awareness or contracted awareness.   Expanded awareness pushes us to think, consider and ponder beyond our comfort zone.  It requires our ability to shift and think beyond our current paradigm and create an awareness that forces us to see all possibilities, to reshape our old way of thinking and form new ways of seeing ourselves and our lives.  In today’s fast paced and ever changing world, this is a useful and necessary skill to develop.  Notice I called expanded awareness a “skill” that needs to be developed.  We may not be living our lives in a state of expanded awareness right now or at all times, but through meditation, fitness, and good eating habits-we can develop our body, mind, and soul toward that awareness. 

Stay on the journey to “bridging the gap between you and your Personal Best.”
I promise you, the reward will be life changing!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Day 14_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

Who am I?
There is tremendous power behind positive thinking, setting goals and creating discipline.  I love sponsoring our 30 Day Challenges because my mission is to help you hone in on all of these skills.  Your journey requires hard work; however, together with a group of likeminded individuals, you can emerge as a winner.

I encourage you to open your mind and realize the possibilities for your life.  These past 14 days have been filled with positive thinking.  We have become action oriented and learned to develop healthy behaviors.  Through these activities, we can stimulate physiological changes in the body and mind and cultivate neurological pathways that help bridge the gap between you and your Personal Best.  Remember these (3) three simple steps: 

1.     Positive thinking and visualization, which I refer to as “Imagination”. 
2.     Becoming “Action” oriented
3.     Repeated healthy behaviors to stimulate “memorized” responses
I like to use the acronym “I  AM”;  Imagination, Action and Memorization, as a formula for success.

You may say I AM and still wonder, who am I?   I believe meditation is an integral of the process to help realize your ultimate goal.  When you discipline yourself to become absolutely still, (eliminating interjection, projection, judgment, rationalization or expectation) you will realize that this world is simply a dream- it is what you make it.   

You can create whatever reality you desire in your dreams and, just as in your dreams, you can create whatever reality for your life.  Imagine a movie being projected onto a screen; your life is beaming itself onto the canvas of your mind, body and soul.  Through light, sound, subtle vibrations and experience, your cosmic dream becomes your reality.  

All the great yoga masters counsel to expand your awareness by taking mindful inventory of where you are, where you've been and where you are going; to follow the path.  They advise you to proceed carefully, step by step, while seeking the truth.  “Know the truth and the truth will set you free!”  Direct experience with life creates your beliefs; beliefs transform your faith and faith becomes your truth. 

Next time you do your imagination exercise, close your eyes and meditate on I AM.  Take a deep breath.  Empty your mind of all thoughts except for contemplating the question, “who am I?”   As images begin to appear in your mind’s eye, contemplate on what actions you need to take to create that image of yourself in this world.  Then memorize the emotions you feel when realizing your truest most authentic self within your mind.  Finally, as you open your eyes and begin your day- in this world, realize that the truth inside you is waiting to be called forth into reality. 

You can release any limiting beliefs you harbor within, right now.  You can expand your awareness and be ever present in this world and realize your highest purpose, right now.  You can be still for a few minutes a day and embrace, appreciate and love every aspect of yourself.
Contemplate on the question, “who am I?”  Watch what happens.


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Day 13_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

Yesterday I watched my Mom's life force leave her body.  I am grateful and honored to have had the privilege of holding her hand through her passage from this world into the next.  It made me think of meditation and deep breathing.  She took the deepest, most profound breathes I've ever witnessed.  Each time, the inhalations became shorter, and the exhalation longer. Then finally, I watched her spirit leave her body, it became clear to me that the breath IS the life force. Its what propels you, drives you, makes you alive.  You can not exist without it.

Your body is housing for your soul.  And when it becomes decayed and incapable of holding that energy, that spirit fights to break free.  It drives itself out into space, out from the limited walls of a body into the openness of space.  It disseminates its particles everywhere, a room, the sky, the universe.  Then all at once, it is one with everything, everyone, all of time and space.

I watched with a mixture of emotions; relief, gratitude, love, sadness, peace, and neutrality- all at once. There was no fear- we both knew what was happening; her body was making its final transition. I was her escort until the source from whence she came took her the rest of the way.

Later, after my Mom's passing, my daughter Jessica and I witnessed a miracle.  We were outside and we saw grey clouds lining the sky- except for one spot above us.  This patch of blue sky had white clouds, however, there was something unique sitting in the middle.  There were two perfectly straight lines of clouds shaped to form a cross.  How do you explain that?  Mom is still all around us and always will be.

So I encourage all of you to breath!  Do your meditation and keep your bodies healthy so you can use your life force to achieve your goals, love and appreciate your babies, your spouses, your friends and your community. Be alive!  Forget the worries, they only makes you sick.  Think positive thoughts, fill your heart with joy and use your mind to its fullest potential-then see how high you can soar. Know that the universe has a plan for you because it can not exist without you.  You are it and it is you!!!!        

It's Deepak Chopra and Oprah meditation time again- you may want to click and register.  I've given you plenty of choices to make for your meditation exercises; my imagination exercises, I AM AVATAR, and now Deepak.  I hope you chose something that fits your needs.


Friday, October 17, 2014

Day 12_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

I hope you guys downloaded I AM AVATAR.  Today you can do my Shapely Outer Thighs exercise and add it to the mix.  It's just one more tool for your kit.  My goal is the arm you with ammunition that will fight off the negative emotions that lead you back to old behaviors.  As long as you continue to do positive, health oriented activities for you body, mind and spirit-you will optimize your health and wellbeing.  

You are almost at the halfway mark towards achieving your goal and now your new habits are beginning to dominate the old ones.  There is a process to creating change in your behavior.  Behavioral scientists call it the Stages of Change Model and it looks like this.

1.       Precontemplation Stage- This stage resembles denial.  The obese person may decide they are past the point of help, they’ve simply given up.  Smokers may decide that other people may die from emphysema, but not them.  The thought of having to exercise regularly in order to prevent chronic back pain does not entered a patient’s mind even though they constantly miss work or family events because of severe pain.  This stage is referred to as “pre” contemplation because the patient has not even considered changing their behavior.   

2.   Contemplation Stage- At this stage, the patient is considering the pros and cons of changing their behavior with much indifference.  They measure up the barriers standing in the way of change such as time, money, fear, etc; against the perceived benefits- improved health, pain relief, and a longer lifespan.

3.    Preparation Stage- Here the patient begins to experiment with the idea of change.  They might enroll in an exercise program or begin eating low fat foods, maybe even reduce their alcohol intake or cut back on smoking.  They make small changes and are “testing” the waters of change

4.    Action Stage- This is the golden stage.  This is where the “action” plan comes into play.  (This is where I like to advise people to declare a goal.  Speak it, tell someone else you will do this and then create a strategy to keep you on track.)  This stage creates new activities where the patient engages in developing new behaviors.

5.   Maintenance and Relapse Prevention- This stage involves incorporating the new “activity” over the “long haul”.  Here, group camaraderie and accountability partners play a huge supportive role.  The fact remains that relapse is part of the process.  Discouragement over “slips” may cause a recycling of the process several times before the behavior changes for good. 

Cementing a new way of life is is a process, it takes time.  The key is to keep putting one foot in front of the other and to keep showing up.  One day you will wake up and realize your dream has really come true!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Day 11_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

I just finished a 30 minute guided meditation.  Click it and download the program.  I want to share this experience with you because I believe you will connect with the deepest levels of your knowing by listening to it.  This program I AM AVATAR is pretty amazing and it will solidify your intention for achieving your goal. This ancillary program will help you "bridging the gap between you and your Personal Best.

I know time constraints make our journey difficult.  Remember though, you are the one who creates those limitations of time.  The universe does not base its existence on a clock.  These ticking minutes are self imposed parameters you create to distinguish past, present and future. The truth is, there is only now.  What you did yesterday is in your mind, what you do now, this instant, creates energy, and how you manage that energy determines your future.  The past is merely a reflection of who you once were.  That aspect of yourself does not exist at this moment.  So bringing old habits that no longer serve you into the next minute of your life simply stalls your growth.  It's like burning rubber-you are spinning in exactly the same place without moving forward.

Today, figure out how to include one more "exercise" in your journey towards developing your body, mind and spirit.  I believe you are here to discover the greatness which lies within you.  If you can incorporate more ways to reach a deeper relationship with IT, such as this 30 day challenge for your body, the blogs and camaraderie for your mind, and meditation, imagination and visualization for your soul, you will finally "walk the talk"; you will arrive.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Day 10_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

There’s always such hope for great change at the beginning of a Challenge.    In these group challenges, you can choose to “transform” yourself and your life for the better.  You can rid yourself of those nasty habits that deter you from optimizing your health and wellbeing.  If you are consistent, you will have the body you have always dreamed of and the benefits of living a pure clean life - in body, mind and soul. 

However, if you have not made a solid commitment to your health, chances are you will not get the desired results.  Ask yourself, “Have I really been consistent with my goal?  Am I diligent about a daily discipline towards achieving a higher level of awareness about my body, mind and spirit?” If the answer is no, TODAY is the day to reboot your efforts.  It’ not too late, it’s never too late to begin your journey of self improvement.  
Most people have really busy lives; a 40 hour work week (or more) and family responsibilities.  Time for yourself seems impossible to fit in however, you DO have the time.  There are 168 hours in a week.  You have 15 minutes a day to sit and do your imagination exercise and you have 3-4 hours a week for physical exercise.  Since you have to eat to survive, you have the ability to make healthy meal choices and if you are diligent about portion control – you actually SAVE time because it takes less time to eat smaller meals! 

So enough with the excuses, it’s time to get honest with yourself.  I am going to nag you for another 20 days throughout this process and remind you that you deserve to be the best you can be.  Sabotaging your success may have been a habit in the past however, you are now moving in a new direction with your life.  If you stay true to this little challenge, this simple little goal, you will gain the power to move the world- if you so desire.

You have stored within you the same ingredients from which the universe, the stars and planets were made; that immense power which can set off atomic blasts.  That is powerful; you simply forget to stop and contemplate the enormity of that potential.  However, if you look deep inside yourself, if you connect with the universal intelligence that orchestrates you, me and the heavens, you gain insight into that potential.  You begin to understand that the only barriers to your success are the ones you place on yourself.  The energy you are made from, by and for- longs to thrive and expand its limitless potential.  You simply have to let it have its way and stop blocking its natural state of existence.  

So, just a quick reminder- if you have not been 100% true to your goal, reset it now.  Today… this instant, because it matters very much what you chose to do right now.  It can determine the course of your life.  It can make the difference between you living a life of expansion and growth or a life of fear and doubt.  It is your choice.

If you have gone off track, re-submit yourself to your Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge and transform your life starting TODAY!  And like the Ticos (Costa Rican nationals) like to say “There is more time than life.” You can still do this, there will always be more time- the only question is, will you be living a fully limitless life within it?


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Day 9_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

Discipline- The Power behind your Goals

So far, you have set a “realistic” goal.  You are retraining your mind to think positively.  You are working hard to organize your life and taking “action” towards establishing new and healthy habits.  Now you need to “discipline” yourself to stay the course.

Believe me; you are past the hardest part.  When you first start out with any new program; whether it’s fitness, nutritional, or spiritual, your transformation is contingent on establishing new habits.  However, more importantly; you must be disciplined enough to break the old ones if you are to achieve success. 

Here are 3 Easy Steps to help you develop discipline in your life.  I want to teach you to enjoy doing the hard work of reaching your goals because the rewards will be so great, that the path towards the end, no matter how excruciating, will be overshadowed by the experience of a win.

Step 1 towards creating discipline is using your IMAGINATION.  Imagine yourself as a disciplined person.  Visualize yourself at the end of this 30 day challenge.  How does your body feel, what is your family saying about you?  How do your clothes fit?  What do you feel like when you look in the mirror?  How do you feel emotionally about staying the course and realizing you are on track to getting into the best shape of your life?   I imagine it feels pretty good.   

Old habits ruin our best intentions.  It’s easier to repeat patterned behaviors and harder to learn new ones.  When we are living our lives by rote we don't have to think.  Neuroscientists tell us that neurons, or nerve cells, in our brains make connections communicating through synapses.  Every time we re-activate that circuitry by repeating a specific behavior, plasticity sets in.  Your brain literally changes structurally to accommodate the behavior.  Therefore, change requires our minds to rewire our thought process.  So, when given a choice, we tend to choose the path of least resistance because that is how we are physiologically wired.   

Step 2 is to STOP whenever you are at the “crossroads”.  The crossroads is that juncture where you are confronted with the choice to continue the old behavior or stop and decide to change it.  There are moments in the day when you realize you are on automatic pilot.  Discipline yourself to become fully conscious of your activities and decisions.  Commit to your goal every moment of the day.  We have all had those moments when we realize we are coasting along and boom, some old habit wants to derail us from our goal.  At that moment, you must be disciplined enough to stop and ask yourself, “Would acting on my old behavior be healthy for me or would it be healthier if I choose to recommit to my wellness goal instead?  The answer is quite obvious.  A disciplined approach to life is one where you make a concerted effort to make the change.  Discipline yourself to keep your goal at the forefront of your mind.

Step 3.  Create a new habit for success by rewarding yourself.  Every time you achieve success with your new goal, give yourself a treat.  Download a new song onto your iPhone, or go buy a new mat (that beat up old thing stinks anyway), treat yourself to a healthy dinner, or go home and soak in a nice, hot, soothing bubble bath.  Whatever you decide; you are now beginning to create new neural-pathways that will continually lead you towards healthier choices and closer to achieving your ultimate goal. Out with the old, in with the new.  


Monday, October 13, 2014

Day 8_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

Taking Action

I have been talking to you about developing positive expectations however they must be followed by action for change to occur.  Once you have experienced this positive change with the smallest of problems, it emboldens you to take on the bigger issues which may be blocking your success.  You will soon discover it no longer feels satisfying to wait for success, you will feel the urge to go out and do something about it

This action-oriented lifestyle will make you question your old ways; and questioning your basic assumptions about life can be uncomfortable and leave you feeling uncertain.  That is why I’m warning you; old habits will burrow in and will sabotage your attempts at success.  They will invade your “new program” like a virus.  They will fight for a strong hold.  You must be diligent about doing visualization, meditation and fitness exercises daily to eradicate the virus; your old habits and behaviors.  Expect to feel different.

Use your positive imagination exercise to see yourself accepting your new power and rejoicing in your new strength.  Once you get past the initial discomfort, you will find it is an empowering experience to solve your problems and face your challenges head on.  As you become used to your new outlook on life, you will find that a positive attitude will do much more than help you solve your problems.

Have you ever noticed highly successful people?  Things just seem to go right for them.  Everything falls into place and they seem to breeze through life, moving from one success to another without struggle.  Are they simply lucky? No!  They have mastered their energy and the art of positive thinking by taking action and creating a life built for success

Thoughts are like magnets, attracting circumstances and people that will help your dreams comes true.  Once you become a positive force, the people, situations and things that will bring you peace, love and abundance will be drawn to you!

It may sound like magic, but there is nothing mysterious about the power of a positive attitude.  Once you develop an optimistic outlook on life, you become a person who acts instead of reacts.  You don’t wait for things to happen you make them happen.  Your enthusiasm will urge you to strive for and achieve the things you dream of and simultaneously, your attitude will be contagious to others.  

Think of animals and their instincts.  Nobody teaches a bird how to build a nest.  Birds just know how to do what they need to do.  You have a much stronger instinct, an instinct for happiness and abundance.  If you wake up in the morning clear of worry and doubt, you allow space in your life for intuition to take control and lead you toward what is naturally right for you. You have within you a source of wisdom that comes from a universal intelligence.  It’s buried deep within your cells. Once you clear away the negatives, the positive instincts naturally take over and guide you towards happiness and success. 

Even though you are born with this wisdom, as you age, you become conditioned by your parents, peers, and other environmental influences which teach you to suppress these natural instincts.  In fact, the first word you probably learned was “no”.

You are also born with a survival instinct - to fight or flee - “survival of the fittest”.  Struggle causes stress and stress triggers that instinct within you.  You often fail when stress from work, relationships or health issues trigger emotions that make you want to fight or run away.  Sometimes stress causes you to behave aggressively causing havoc in your relationships, environment or finances.  Other times, you deny the situation by walking away and refusing to deal with problem at hand.   You behave in these ways for the sake of survival.  The strongest instinct within you is to LIVE.  

Trust yourself and your instincts for happiness.  Clear away the negatives and you will find that the positives are already there inside you, waiting to be uploaded into your life.  You won’t have to strain to find the things you enjoy, they are stored deep within you; you only need to call them forth.  Your cells carry the “owner’s manual” for this life.  They know exactly how to make your body, mind and spirit work in a homeostatic fashion for the greatest good and experience in this life.   


Sunday, October 12, 2014

Day 7_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

An imagination, visualization and meditation exercise.

Situate yourself in a quiet and comfortable chair.  If you are at home, unplug your devices and arrange for uninterrupted time and space from your family, and if you are at work, inform your colleagues you are unavailable for the next 15 minutes. 

You need to sequester yourself and detach from the “rat race” to fully develop and charge your positive energy.  You want to be in full awareness of the process to properly concentrate on this exercise.  This is a very important step toward realizing your goal.  My suggestion is you begin each day with this exercise.  If you want the absolute best result, read through the exercise first, then sit down and DO the exercise. 

Begin by closing your eyes and concentrating on your body.  Keep your eyes focused towards the center of your brow, also referred to as your “mind’s eye”.  Visualize a machine scanning your entire body from the tips of your toes to the top of your head.  Begin to relax your muscles as the scan moves up your body.  Feel the relaxation moving from your toes, to your feet, ankles, legs and thighs.  Slowly continue upwards towards your hips, lower back, solar plexus, chest and heart.  Now feel your shoulders, neck, throat, and facial muscles relaxing.  Feel your sinuses opening and allowing for deeper breaths.  Sense how your heart rate slows down allowing the tension to slowly melt away from every part of your body.

Begin to concentrate on your breath by inhaling and mentally counting to eight.  Hold the breath for 3 seconds prior to exhaling - being careful not to force the hold.  Then release and exhale through your nose and mouth feeling the air escaping from the back of your throat - - slowly.  Mentally count to eight once again as you exhale. When you feel you have no more air left to breath out, try to sustain this breathless state for 3 seconds prior to inhaling. Repeat this process two more times.  I want you to become aware of your breathe.  After these 3 deep breathes, take two quick cleansing breaths.  This will automatically check and release your body from any residual tension. 

Continue the process of 3 deep breaths counting to 8 as you inhale and exhale, holding at the top and bottom of the breath, and 2 quick cleansing breaths to release residual tension.  Do these until you feel your body and mind relaxing.   Now, imagine something you would like to improve in your life.  Choose a small problem - - we'll tackle the big ones later when you become an expert at this breathing technique.  For now, I want you to feel successful at this visualization exercise.
This form of breathing is a vital key to affecting the absolute best results from your imagination exercise.  It will help you build a new and healthy habit for energizing and developing a positive attitude.  It will become part of your problem solving “tool kit” to be used for all aspects of your life- relationships, financial and health. 

Once you identify the problem you would like to tackle– you can begin the exercise.  It can be anything, such as “I want to resolve a conflict with my supervisor at work” or “I want to deal with my children more effectively.” It can even be as simple as “I want to get my errands done quickly and easily without derailing the rest of my day.”

Picture yourself in a situation where you are dealing with this particular situation.  Put yourself in the scene.  See the people you are dealing with, the landscape, colors, smells, sensations and textures; visualize as much detail as you can.  The next step is very important. 

As you picture yourself in the situation, imagine you are seeing everything through your own eyes.  Then, once everything is absolutely clear in your mind’s eye, switch your point of view.  Now, see yourself as if you were a spectator watching the scene. 

See if you can sense yourself watching the scene from both points of view.  This is what Deepak Chopra talks about when he says to see things as both the “observer and the observed”.  Imagine you are simultaneously watching everything from both points of view.  When you to see the problem in front of you, how do you feel?  What emotions are coming up for you?  Is it fear, anger, embarrassment, shame, joy, envy, etc? 

How does your body feel?  Are you tensing up, do you feel blockage from the flow of your breathe?  If so, where is the block?  Is it in your lower back, your chest, neck or head?  Where is it?  Identify where your energy does not flow freely and then, consciously relax those muscles allowing the chi- (the body’s life force) to pass through and circulate throughout your body.  If you can feel the flow of your energy changing and your muscles relaxing, you know you are releasing blockage that may be preventing you from fully realizing your positive energy.  This blockage could be the result of an OLD trauma which caused pain in your body.  The emotional charge from that event could still be stored deep within your cellular memory.  It is time to release it now.  You do NOT have to carry it around any longer.  Breath in and out, slowly, and simply let it go.    

Now picture the scene where you are solving the problem at hand.  Use your power of visualization and watch yourself handling things like a pro.  You are being effective; dealing with the difficult situation in an easy and relaxed manner.  You feel strong and capable of getting the job done.  The words you chose are honest, direct and sincere.  They come from the heart, (in an energetic sense, your heart is your love center,) up to your throat and out your mouth.  Act out the entire situation, playing all the roles yourself, and resolve the problem. 

When you have completed the exercise, slowly open you’re your eyes and take a few more cleansing breaths.  Congratulate yourself on handling the problem well.  Know in your heart and mind that this is a fait accompli- you have done it, it is done and so it is

When you slowly open your eyes, stay seated for a moment before getting up and moving back into your day.  I want you to savor the feeling of being a strong, capable person who has just turned an aggravating situation into a success.  It is very important that you feel as if you have already achieved your desired result.  

Your subconscious mind will accept whatever you imagine as the truth.  When you imagine you have accomplished something, at a cellular level, you believe it has happened.  You body, physiologically, reacts the same way whether you are dreaming or awake.

Think of a dream you have had in the past.  Haven't you felt pleasure, pain, joy, sorrow, and every other emotion just as vividly as in real life?  Of course you have.  Your body stores all the emotions you experience while you are in a dream state or awake.  Then, it brings them forth whenever you identify with people, places and situations that trigger them.  Your intelligence, at a cellular level, is always poised to deliver the appropriate emotional response for any given situation. 

However, sometimes you become confused about which emotion belongs to which experience.  When a current situation triggers emotions from past experiences, you react according to your history, your past.  This built in cellular intelligence is actually a “survival mechanism”. 

Remember, your cells cannot distinguish between real and imagined truth, it is all the same physiologically.  Therefore, sometimes you behave without discerning and your “knee jerk” response to any given situation may or may not be appropriate.

I want you to habitually visualize, recognize and imagine yourself as the kind of person who is capable and deserving of great things.  The more you practice this visualization exercise, the more you will develop positive energy in your body.  Positive energy begets positive results.  Always finish your imagination exercise with a feeling of appreciation that you have the power to succeed in any situation with honor, truth and grace.
