Saturday, October 25, 2014

Day 20-Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

Countdown!  10 more days left in the challenge and you are going to make it to the end!  Awesome!

Continue to see yourself as a positive, goal directed, disciplined person every day.  Once you have established this view of yourself, just keep doing it.  Instead of saying “I want” say “I am”.  I cannot emphasize this enough.  The more you see yourself as productive, happy and successful now, the more you will achieve in the future.  People who feel inadequate in the present simply do not have the skills to effectively plan for a brighter future.  Your strength comes from doing better now; not from hoping you will do better later.

Instead of focusing on the end result, learn to enjoy the process.  Think of this 30 Day Challenge. At the end of the journey, there will be more work to do.  However, intentional focus on daily activities will ultimately bring you the brass ring and the caveat is; the work will feel effortless.  Whether you meet your specific goal or not; your new behavior has cleared the path for a new habit.  You are on the road to success.  And when you reach the goals you have set, you will invent new ones.  Do you know why?  Living this life is like living the Never Ending Story.  It’s fun and exciting to try new things and reach for new dreams.  You will always be moving ahead, so you need to learn to also savor the pleasure of being active and interested in your progress.  If you think about it, growth is one of your goals.  Change is an inevitable part of your life and it can be exciting and energizing.  

People who retire sometimes think they will just relax and do nothing the rest of their lives.  The next thing you know, they have taken up a new hobby or have embarked on some journey.  Sometimes the hobby turns into a money-making enterprise, and soon these “retired” people have started a new career!  So if you imagine that “someday” you just want to reach your destination and take it easy, you are fooling yourself.  You are an active, energetic person who will always be up and doing something.

When you remain active, you are in touch with the powerful forces that direct your life.  Remember to fall into the flow of life.  In earlier blogs I urged you to discipline yourself in such a way that you remain in tune with your own growth rate and the opportunities that life offers you.  This flow is always there, tugging at you, asking you to pace yourself according to the natural movement of your energy; transitioning from one change to another.  You can learn to feel this flow if you take the time each day to clear your mind and listen to your body and more importantly, your heart.   Your body is your connection to nature.  Notice the aches and pains that tell you where you are straining too much.  Allow for a pleasurable state of relaxation to counter the strain by opening your heart- the love center.  And then, notice the pleasure you feel.  This is an unerring sign that you are living intone with the natural flow of life.

Cement you natural connection of mind, body and soul.  Be free from ever-hoping desires and from cravings for possessions.  The mind controlled by the heart and your body- retiring alone to a quiet place- will unite you with your soul.  And that my friend is all you will ever need- your truth.  



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