Saturday, October 11, 2014

Day 6_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

“Why am I in this world, at this time, experiencing this life?”  These are questions that lead you to contemplate your life’s purpose.

I had a wonderful dinner at Barbara Baldassano’s house with Lois Thornburg, Julie Jentges, and Patty Naegely; all of whom have committed to this challenge.  During our wonderful gathering, I witnessed one of the most important components of our challenge- camaraderie.  It is the catalyst that keeps you in the game and gives you the power to continue, even when your mind wants to quit.     

It takes discipline to do the hard things in life, the things that you want to put off until tomorrow because you are too tired, hungry, or sleepy.  However, when you know you have someone holding you accountable, encouraging and helping you through the rough patches, you find the strength to carry on.  And you find that you are motivated more for the cause than for yourself; you do it because of the people who support you, believe and trust in you. 

That motivation to carry on speaks to your human condition.  Deep down, you seek each other to ponder life’s meaning; why you exist; who you really are.  It goes beyond race, creed, color, religion or gender.  You have an innate curiosity about your purpose and the need to discover what drives you through this life. 

Our discussion went from gratitude, to travel, to relationships, cancer, metaphysics, religion, kids, dogs and cats.  All the while, we kept referring to the challenge and how our commitment to our goal impacted our lives in a unique and intriguing way. 

Tonight was confirmation that I am in this world, living this life, at this time to make a positive impact.  This is the Age of Knowledge.  Gone are the days where contemplating philosophical questions is preserved for only priests and scholars.  Today, everyone has the ability to learn, understand and contemplate the cosmos.  I believe I am here to ask the hard questions and to contemplate the possibility that we have unlimited potential.  I believe I am here to embrace everyone who comes into the Absolute Best family and teach ideals about what’s BEST for your body, mind and spirit.  I believe I am here to guide you through an internal journey, to help you look within and ask - Who am I? Why am I here?  Am I doing what I love?  Am I surrounding myself with loving and caring people?   Am I participating in society in a way that may positively impact a new generation?     
As the evening drew to a close, Patty mentioned there was a recent study which showed that most people would rather give themselves electroshock treatments than be by themselves to contemplate their thoughts for 15 minutes.   You can read about the study here

I encourage you to look deep inside, be still and visit the temple within your soul.  You will be amazed at what will be revealed.  Do me a favor though, don't push the button. (Read the study...then you'll know what I'm talking about.)  

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