Sunday, October 19, 2014

Day 14_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

Who am I?
There is tremendous power behind positive thinking, setting goals and creating discipline.  I love sponsoring our 30 Day Challenges because my mission is to help you hone in on all of these skills.  Your journey requires hard work; however, together with a group of likeminded individuals, you can emerge as a winner.

I encourage you to open your mind and realize the possibilities for your life.  These past 14 days have been filled with positive thinking.  We have become action oriented and learned to develop healthy behaviors.  Through these activities, we can stimulate physiological changes in the body and mind and cultivate neurological pathways that help bridge the gap between you and your Personal Best.  Remember these (3) three simple steps: 

1.     Positive thinking and visualization, which I refer to as “Imagination”. 
2.     Becoming “Action” oriented
3.     Repeated healthy behaviors to stimulate “memorized” responses
I like to use the acronym “I  AM”;  Imagination, Action and Memorization, as a formula for success.

You may say I AM and still wonder, who am I?   I believe meditation is an integral of the process to help realize your ultimate goal.  When you discipline yourself to become absolutely still, (eliminating interjection, projection, judgment, rationalization or expectation) you will realize that this world is simply a dream- it is what you make it.   

You can create whatever reality you desire in your dreams and, just as in your dreams, you can create whatever reality for your life.  Imagine a movie being projected onto a screen; your life is beaming itself onto the canvas of your mind, body and soul.  Through light, sound, subtle vibrations and experience, your cosmic dream becomes your reality.  

All the great yoga masters counsel to expand your awareness by taking mindful inventory of where you are, where you've been and where you are going; to follow the path.  They advise you to proceed carefully, step by step, while seeking the truth.  “Know the truth and the truth will set you free!”  Direct experience with life creates your beliefs; beliefs transform your faith and faith becomes your truth. 

Next time you do your imagination exercise, close your eyes and meditate on I AM.  Take a deep breath.  Empty your mind of all thoughts except for contemplating the question, “who am I?”   As images begin to appear in your mind’s eye, contemplate on what actions you need to take to create that image of yourself in this world.  Then memorize the emotions you feel when realizing your truest most authentic self within your mind.  Finally, as you open your eyes and begin your day- in this world, realize that the truth inside you is waiting to be called forth into reality. 

You can release any limiting beliefs you harbor within, right now.  You can expand your awareness and be ever present in this world and realize your highest purpose, right now.  You can be still for a few minutes a day and embrace, appreciate and love every aspect of yourself.
Contemplate on the question, “who am I?”  Watch what happens.


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