Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Day 24_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

The Countdown!  You’re almost there.  Keep it up.  The finish line is a visible and an attainable goal.  Now it’s time to dig deep and pull out all the stops.

I have run 5 marathons in my life and it is astonishing how after running 26 miles, there is always a fresh supply of strength left to push you through the last .2 miles to the finish.  Just when you think you are totally depleted and can’t take another step, the realization of a reachable goal brings forth a new surge of energy and makes crossing the finish line a reality.  Each time it’s an amazing feeling to actually DO IT!  Those last few yards you run faster and you push harder.   You get to experience the thrill of victory! 

It’s curious how your mind questions success.  Throughout a long race like that, your mind wonders if you will finish.  Questions like, “Why did I sign up for this anyway?  What am I trying to prove? What am I really seeking?” begin to creep up.  Can you relate to those types of questions racing through your mind as you near the end of this 30 Day Challenge?

Whenever you push yourself towards a new goal, your mind will begin to sabotage your commitment – it will try to psyche you out of completing the task.  Even though you know you have been successful in the past, your head keeps questioning your ability to win! 

The shadows of self doubt creep in at every level of your progress – you are constantly confronted by them.  Simultaneously, the lighter side of your heart and soul lead you to understand that “Yes, you can really do this!  If you put one foot in front of the other you can make it across the finish line!”  In the end, the act of accomplishing the goal is the victory, not when you get there or how you got there.  The bottom line is you will soon say, “I have arrived!” 
And I encourage you to feel your arrival right now!  Visualize and imagine it, feel it, taste it.  This is last leg of your marathon; you only have .2 miles left on your journey to reach your Personal Best.  Your true arrival is just around the bend.   This challenge has made you reflect on your behaviors and helped you decide which ones to keep and which ones to discard.  You have created new habits and directed your body, mind and soul towards health, wealth, fitness and expanded awareness.  Now it’s time to dig deep and pull out the last remnants of your strength.  You have carved out a road toward success.  You have arrived!   
Quote for the day:
What you are not changing – you are choosing.”



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