Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Day 3 - How to Measure Yourself

Mother Always Taught Me to Be Measured in All That I Do

I believe that Mom was giving me sound advice when she told me to be measured in everything I did.  If I don't know where I'm at, I will never get my bearings.  In dance, I have to take into account the space of the floor so I can figure how far I can move from right to left, upstage, downstage or where I must stop to hit my "mark" and finish a move.  

In the same way, developing my body and reshaping it requires the assessment of my current condition.  In these video blogs, I've revealed my shape and size to the world.  Now everybody knows where I stand.  

This is motivation to show myself and others how committed I am to the process of "I AM,"   which is the essence of my latest book.  I can already see the end result in my mind's eye.  I know what actions I must take to gain back the muscle tone and strength that accompanies a highly tuned body.    Once my body begins the regimen of training regularly and eating healthfully, my muscles will remember what it feels like to push and press on, fall in line with the discipline I demand of myself and expect the only possible outcome, success.  Failure is not an option.  

Five pounds is not a lot of weight to lose, however, developing the strength and tone that I had, even a year ago, is like starting from scratch.  It's a new beginning even though past routines are still imprinted in my cellular memory.  I must discipline myself and do the work if I want to see the results.

You now have the tools to keep moving through this challenge until you get to the 90-day mark. I would love to see your progress as you progress through the journey.  Post pictures, share your experiences and let us know how you're doing.  We are here to help.

Be your best!

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