Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Day 17_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

“WARNING”- Feeling good can be addictive!  
How can you make health and wellness your new addiction?

You may know the “temporary” high from a glass of wine, a sexual escapade, a joint, coffee, or prescription drugs.  You may also know the inevitable crash that follows after the “fix” no longer works. That “happy” state of mind you desperately seek does not come from “external” forces altering your physiology.    The truth is; “happiness” comes from within. 

There is always one relationship which can make you feel good.  It is the relationship between your heart and mind.  When those two chakras (energy centers) harmonize, you are in sync with your soul’s purpose and you will realize self acceptance and unconditional love.  You will nurture it and develop it.  Once you begin to continuously practice self love, you will crave it.  You will become addicted to love. 

If you feel you have not attained this state of “happiness” through connecting with your higher energy centers, here are a few ways you can practice how to be happy...

Create new “fixes” and learn to love yourself.
1.    Declare your goal.  (You have already done this, I hope.)  What will you do today that will nurture your heart and mind?
2.    Stay positive.  You tend to be your own worst critic.  You have practiced mentally beating yourself up for a very long time now.  I suggest you start being nicer to yourself.  If you find that you are regressing towards unhealthy behaviors, shake it off.  Know your goal is moving you away from that habitual “by rote” behavior and moving towards new, healthy and intentional ones.  Today is a new day; a chance for a new beginning. 
3.     Review and renew your action plan.  Literally write your goal down and map out the necessary steps to achieve it.  You may have to alter it along the way.  External changes impact our lives every day.  We want to be able to “go with the flow” however, having a plan will assure you get back on track whenever you veer off the path.
4.     Surround yourself with likeminded people.  Community is key to your success.  Developing healthy addictions comes easily if you have a support system. 
5.     Meditate daily.  Visualize yourself in a perfect state.  Do your imagination exercises and merge with your heart and mind.  There you will find the secret to loving yourself, you will discover your soul.    

You committed to this 30 day challenge because you wanted to make lasting changes towards your health and wellness.  Know that along the way you will have good days and bad days; however, the more you press yourselves to repeat healthy behaviors, the more you will realize your “Personal Best.”  And the more you realize your “Personal Best” the more “true” happiness will flourish within, even on bad days.  You will become addicted to love… one day at a time.  Now that’s the Absolute Best!   

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