Friday, October 24, 2014

Day 19_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

Balance and Focus on your Goal
You are counting down the days now.  You passed the halfway mark and you are still standing strong!  Congratulations.  Now you have to pull out all the stops for the last leg of your challenge.  I want you to dig deep and reach for the gold – find that second wind and visualize yourself getting to the finish like a champion. 

Do you know what it feels like to have a BIG dream come true? Finishing this little challenge will give you a taste of that feeling.  Do you think about that big “someday” so much that you forget about today?  Success does not lie in the future; it is here in the present.  You have the opportunity today, right now, to succeed.  It is very common for people who finally reach the summit of their dreams to feel let down.  So often, people struggle and strain to get to the top of the ladder, only to feel disappointed.  Somehow they thought it would be more thrilling.  Perhaps they thought their achievement would change their world and everyone around them? How do you think your world will change after this 30 Day Challenge?     

Chances are your world will be much the same except for one thing, you have changed.  You have changed your cadence, your attitude, your activities, and belief in yourself.  You have made your dream of a healthy lifestyle a reality, and it is happening right now by participating in this challenge. 

By “healthy” I mean much more than just being physically healthy.  I mean a balance of the mind, body and spirit.  When you work on balancing all three, you are striving and arriving at the same time.  Your energy aligns into perfect harmony, just as the stars and the planets align themselves throughout our universe.  This underlying principle of “balance” creates a steadiness in your soul.  So, instead of rushing through each day in a mad dash for success, spend some time relaxing and cherishing what you already have.  Growth requires periods of rest.  All living things need time to heal, to pause and father strength to prepare for new activity.

Concentrate on one thing at a time.  Although we may feel that multi-tasking can garner greater productivity, studies indicate otherwise.  Focus on one goal at a time- like this 30 day challenge-and leave the others for later.  This type of singular focus may feel “out of balance” for a while although I have found it to be necessary for achieving success.  Focus is the most important aspect of balance.  When I teach balance in exercises class, I always tell you to pick a focal point.  The goal in balancing is not to stand like petrified wood, it’s to keep your muscles engaged in a constant state of responsiveness so they can keep you centered when you feel off base.  Being centered mentally helps you realize your dreams.  Tremendous peace and tranquility surround you when you are focused and centered.  The waves of stress and disharmony can come crashing down around you yet¸ when your body, mind and spirit are in alignment, nothing knocks you off your path. 

Chances are that fulfillment of your dreams will not be marked by a single or major event that will change your life.  Understand that your dreams are coming true every day, and that success won’t hit you like a ton of bricks from out of nowhere.  It will come easily and naturally once you believe that you are already successful.  If you know you deserve it, success won’t seem too good to be true.  If you have been steadfast and true to your 30 Day Challenge, doing the imagination exercises, staying positive, choosing activities to foster discipline in your life, and taking time to meditate, success should already feel very familiar to you.  And if you continue to incorporate these steps into your daily life, success will become routine.  Not in the boring sense, but in the sense that it’s natural, easy and part of your design. 


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