Sunday, October 12, 2014

Day 7_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

An imagination, visualization and meditation exercise.

Situate yourself in a quiet and comfortable chair.  If you are at home, unplug your devices and arrange for uninterrupted time and space from your family, and if you are at work, inform your colleagues you are unavailable for the next 15 minutes. 

You need to sequester yourself and detach from the “rat race” to fully develop and charge your positive energy.  You want to be in full awareness of the process to properly concentrate on this exercise.  This is a very important step toward realizing your goal.  My suggestion is you begin each day with this exercise.  If you want the absolute best result, read through the exercise first, then sit down and DO the exercise. 

Begin by closing your eyes and concentrating on your body.  Keep your eyes focused towards the center of your brow, also referred to as your “mind’s eye”.  Visualize a machine scanning your entire body from the tips of your toes to the top of your head.  Begin to relax your muscles as the scan moves up your body.  Feel the relaxation moving from your toes, to your feet, ankles, legs and thighs.  Slowly continue upwards towards your hips, lower back, solar plexus, chest and heart.  Now feel your shoulders, neck, throat, and facial muscles relaxing.  Feel your sinuses opening and allowing for deeper breaths.  Sense how your heart rate slows down allowing the tension to slowly melt away from every part of your body.

Begin to concentrate on your breath by inhaling and mentally counting to eight.  Hold the breath for 3 seconds prior to exhaling - being careful not to force the hold.  Then release and exhale through your nose and mouth feeling the air escaping from the back of your throat - - slowly.  Mentally count to eight once again as you exhale. When you feel you have no more air left to breath out, try to sustain this breathless state for 3 seconds prior to inhaling. Repeat this process two more times.  I want you to become aware of your breathe.  After these 3 deep breathes, take two quick cleansing breaths.  This will automatically check and release your body from any residual tension. 

Continue the process of 3 deep breaths counting to 8 as you inhale and exhale, holding at the top and bottom of the breath, and 2 quick cleansing breaths to release residual tension.  Do these until you feel your body and mind relaxing.   Now, imagine something you would like to improve in your life.  Choose a small problem - - we'll tackle the big ones later when you become an expert at this breathing technique.  For now, I want you to feel successful at this visualization exercise.
This form of breathing is a vital key to affecting the absolute best results from your imagination exercise.  It will help you build a new and healthy habit for energizing and developing a positive attitude.  It will become part of your problem solving “tool kit” to be used for all aspects of your life- relationships, financial and health. 

Once you identify the problem you would like to tackle– you can begin the exercise.  It can be anything, such as “I want to resolve a conflict with my supervisor at work” or “I want to deal with my children more effectively.” It can even be as simple as “I want to get my errands done quickly and easily without derailing the rest of my day.”

Picture yourself in a situation where you are dealing with this particular situation.  Put yourself in the scene.  See the people you are dealing with, the landscape, colors, smells, sensations and textures; visualize as much detail as you can.  The next step is very important. 

As you picture yourself in the situation, imagine you are seeing everything through your own eyes.  Then, once everything is absolutely clear in your mind’s eye, switch your point of view.  Now, see yourself as if you were a spectator watching the scene. 

See if you can sense yourself watching the scene from both points of view.  This is what Deepak Chopra talks about when he says to see things as both the “observer and the observed”.  Imagine you are simultaneously watching everything from both points of view.  When you to see the problem in front of you, how do you feel?  What emotions are coming up for you?  Is it fear, anger, embarrassment, shame, joy, envy, etc? 

How does your body feel?  Are you tensing up, do you feel blockage from the flow of your breathe?  If so, where is the block?  Is it in your lower back, your chest, neck or head?  Where is it?  Identify where your energy does not flow freely and then, consciously relax those muscles allowing the chi- (the body’s life force) to pass through and circulate throughout your body.  If you can feel the flow of your energy changing and your muscles relaxing, you know you are releasing blockage that may be preventing you from fully realizing your positive energy.  This blockage could be the result of an OLD trauma which caused pain in your body.  The emotional charge from that event could still be stored deep within your cellular memory.  It is time to release it now.  You do NOT have to carry it around any longer.  Breath in and out, slowly, and simply let it go.    

Now picture the scene where you are solving the problem at hand.  Use your power of visualization and watch yourself handling things like a pro.  You are being effective; dealing with the difficult situation in an easy and relaxed manner.  You feel strong and capable of getting the job done.  The words you chose are honest, direct and sincere.  They come from the heart, (in an energetic sense, your heart is your love center,) up to your throat and out your mouth.  Act out the entire situation, playing all the roles yourself, and resolve the problem. 

When you have completed the exercise, slowly open you’re your eyes and take a few more cleansing breaths.  Congratulate yourself on handling the problem well.  Know in your heart and mind that this is a fait accompli- you have done it, it is done and so it is

When you slowly open your eyes, stay seated for a moment before getting up and moving back into your day.  I want you to savor the feeling of being a strong, capable person who has just turned an aggravating situation into a success.  It is very important that you feel as if you have already achieved your desired result.  

Your subconscious mind will accept whatever you imagine as the truth.  When you imagine you have accomplished something, at a cellular level, you believe it has happened.  You body, physiologically, reacts the same way whether you are dreaming or awake.

Think of a dream you have had in the past.  Haven't you felt pleasure, pain, joy, sorrow, and every other emotion just as vividly as in real life?  Of course you have.  Your body stores all the emotions you experience while you are in a dream state or awake.  Then, it brings them forth whenever you identify with people, places and situations that trigger them.  Your intelligence, at a cellular level, is always poised to deliver the appropriate emotional response for any given situation. 

However, sometimes you become confused about which emotion belongs to which experience.  When a current situation triggers emotions from past experiences, you react according to your history, your past.  This built in cellular intelligence is actually a “survival mechanism”. 

Remember, your cells cannot distinguish between real and imagined truth, it is all the same physiologically.  Therefore, sometimes you behave without discerning and your “knee jerk” response to any given situation may or may not be appropriate.

I want you to habitually visualize, recognize and imagine yourself as the kind of person who is capable and deserving of great things.  The more you practice this visualization exercise, the more you will develop positive energy in your body.  Positive energy begets positive results.  Always finish your imagination exercise with a feeling of appreciation that you have the power to succeed in any situation with honor, truth and grace.


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