Monday, October 13, 2014

Day 8_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

Taking Action

I have been talking to you about developing positive expectations however they must be followed by action for change to occur.  Once you have experienced this positive change with the smallest of problems, it emboldens you to take on the bigger issues which may be blocking your success.  You will soon discover it no longer feels satisfying to wait for success, you will feel the urge to go out and do something about it

This action-oriented lifestyle will make you question your old ways; and questioning your basic assumptions about life can be uncomfortable and leave you feeling uncertain.  That is why I’m warning you; old habits will burrow in and will sabotage your attempts at success.  They will invade your “new program” like a virus.  They will fight for a strong hold.  You must be diligent about doing visualization, meditation and fitness exercises daily to eradicate the virus; your old habits and behaviors.  Expect to feel different.

Use your positive imagination exercise to see yourself accepting your new power and rejoicing in your new strength.  Once you get past the initial discomfort, you will find it is an empowering experience to solve your problems and face your challenges head on.  As you become used to your new outlook on life, you will find that a positive attitude will do much more than help you solve your problems.

Have you ever noticed highly successful people?  Things just seem to go right for them.  Everything falls into place and they seem to breeze through life, moving from one success to another without struggle.  Are they simply lucky? No!  They have mastered their energy and the art of positive thinking by taking action and creating a life built for success

Thoughts are like magnets, attracting circumstances and people that will help your dreams comes true.  Once you become a positive force, the people, situations and things that will bring you peace, love and abundance will be drawn to you!

It may sound like magic, but there is nothing mysterious about the power of a positive attitude.  Once you develop an optimistic outlook on life, you become a person who acts instead of reacts.  You don’t wait for things to happen you make them happen.  Your enthusiasm will urge you to strive for and achieve the things you dream of and simultaneously, your attitude will be contagious to others.  

Think of animals and their instincts.  Nobody teaches a bird how to build a nest.  Birds just know how to do what they need to do.  You have a much stronger instinct, an instinct for happiness and abundance.  If you wake up in the morning clear of worry and doubt, you allow space in your life for intuition to take control and lead you toward what is naturally right for you. You have within you a source of wisdom that comes from a universal intelligence.  It’s buried deep within your cells. Once you clear away the negatives, the positive instincts naturally take over and guide you towards happiness and success. 

Even though you are born with this wisdom, as you age, you become conditioned by your parents, peers, and other environmental influences which teach you to suppress these natural instincts.  In fact, the first word you probably learned was “no”.

You are also born with a survival instinct - to fight or flee - “survival of the fittest”.  Struggle causes stress and stress triggers that instinct within you.  You often fail when stress from work, relationships or health issues trigger emotions that make you want to fight or run away.  Sometimes stress causes you to behave aggressively causing havoc in your relationships, environment or finances.  Other times, you deny the situation by walking away and refusing to deal with problem at hand.   You behave in these ways for the sake of survival.  The strongest instinct within you is to LIVE.  

Trust yourself and your instincts for happiness.  Clear away the negatives and you will find that the positives are already there inside you, waiting to be uploaded into your life.  You won’t have to strain to find the things you enjoy, they are stored deep within you; you only need to call them forth.  Your cells carry the “owner’s manual” for this life.  They know exactly how to make your body, mind and spirit work in a homeostatic fashion for the greatest good and experience in this life.   


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