Thursday, October 9, 2014

Day 5_Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge

Day 5 and you are still standing.  At the end of these 30 days, you WILL be the strongest you have ever been.  This time, it will be different.  Your mind is set to win because this time, you have been inspired by your heart.  Deep down inside you know the truth about yourself, who you are and what you are capable of achieving.  
This time, you will go beyond the simple machinations of getting to the studio; you will make a conscious effort to fully commit to your regime and increase the intensity of your workouts.  This time, you will hold to your resolve beyond the first few days of the challenge and your specific goal will become a lifetime habit. 

This time, instead of starving yourself to shed those extra pounds, you will make healthy choices and eat 5 to 6 times per day.  This time, you will get back into those “skinny” jeans.  This time you will clear yourself of toxic habits which squelches your potential and you will substitute those nasty behaviors with clean, positive and uplifting ones that stem from your heart.

You will make time for yourself.   You will get that massage your body desperately needs, that facial to make your skin feel fresh and clean and take the time to stop and smell the roses.  You will go to the shore and take in the ocean’s grandeur and watch the sun as it sets below the horizon.  You will feel right within your heart and know you belong in this world and have a true purpose for living.
Hard to believe?  Yes, I know.  It’s hard.  It’s hard to push through the pain of one more push up.  It’s hard not to eat that cookie full of sugar.  It’s hard to arrange your schedule and make time for yourself.  It’s hard not to drink that cup of coffee, that glass of wine, or not buy for that great looking purse when you know you really don't have the money for it.

How many times have you said “this time will be different” and then broken your commitment as soon as the going gets tough?  You are into the first week of our challenge and it might seem easier to fall back into your old habits than to go the distance so, here are 5 simple steps to keep you on track…this time.
1.       Admit that you have a problem. 
a.       Ask yourself how this habit is impeding your life.
b.      How is this behavior is benefiting me?
c.      What or who might be supporting this behavior?
2.     Then change your environment- change the scenery and change the people you surround yourself with if they are not supportive of your new way of living.  Research has shown that our environmental influences cue certain behaviors.  Force yourself to reassess your habits and the company you keep.

3.       Make it difficult to indulge in the behavior you want to change. 
a.       Declare your intention to someone who can act as your “accountability partner” or your anchor.
b.      Pay up- make a piggy bank and place money into it each time you indulge.  And make it a hefty amount.
c.       Don't buy the coffee, or wine, or whatever else it is you want to stop drinking, at the store.  That way, when the urge hits you, you won't have it in the house.  You'll have to get in the car, drive to the store and go to buy it.  (That’s usually too much work.) 
4.       Replace an old behavior with a new one. 
a.       Instead of having that cup of coffee in the morning, go exercise.   
b.      Rather than saying “no” to yourself, say, I’m going to do something positive for myself.

5.       Go easy on yourself.  The truth is that old habits are hard to break, it takes time.  Understand it’s a journey and change will not happen overnight however, in the end, the transformation is phenomenal! 

This time, you are done with the old way of life.  This is a new beginning and you can break old habits and patterns by replacing them with healthy and wholesome habits.  Take advantage of the gifts before you.  You are on the right path, in the right place, surrounded by the right people.  If you continue on this journey, you will solidify your intention and create a new reality for yourself. 

This time, the real you will reveal more love, strength and tenacity than ever before.  This time, you will do your Absolute Best!

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