Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 59

Cilantro Line Shrimp Salad

Day 59.  June is right around the corner and that means Summer fun and lots of cool recipes. Light, refreshing and healthy meals are best served as salads.  Go check out all the fabulous ideas on Delish.  
Taking Charge of Your Metabolism

This week we are concentrating on Meals and Calories.  Anyone who’s ever dieted knows the effects are short lived. You might lose a few pounds, but you soon hit a plateau and the weight-loss stops. When you go off the diet, the pounds seem to return faster than ever. In time, you learn the sad truth: repeated dieting is actually a great way to gain fat. The reason has to do with your body’s metabolism.

You must learn how to "reset" your metabolic rate to utilize calories consumed for fuel, sustenance of your autonomic systems and, for storing adequate levels of fat.  Most diets fail because the body begins to hoard most of it's fat once it receives signals from the body that food is scarce.  

The problem is that when you diet you don’t just lose fat, but lean muscle as well. And muscle tissue,
even at rest, is the main consumer of energy in your body. With less lean muscle, your body’s
energy requirements drop. This is known as metabolic adaptation. In a short time, your body’s metabolic needs stabilize at the lower number of calories you consume while dieting, and you stop losing weight.  
This explanation of why diets do not work is a simplification of a complex process your body is constantly balancing; the consumption, usage, and storage of its energy.  One of the best ways to keep it working at it's best is to exercise while you adjust your meals and calories.  The moment you take charge of what you put into your body and learn how to burn that fuel effectively, you take charge of your life.

Your body, like a locomotive, is designed to move you in and around this world.  Most of you are blessed enough to have two arms and legs, hands and feet.  You are a bio-machine built to thrive, succeed and fulfill its needs.  If you sit and watch the world go by without becoming an active participant, you begin to lose your personal power.  Your engine begins to slow down, you become sluggish and blockages begin to build up in your systems.

You then begin losing your desire to recharge and regenerate your life, and slowly, you begin to give away your power to your circumstances, other people and the world around you.  Once you give up your power, you give up being the conductor of your life.  You begin feeling pulled, tugged and no longer in control of your own destiny. Do not let that happen, take charge of your body by feeding it healthy foods, exercising regularly and connecting with your spirit.  Take back your power!

 Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is the finest wellness center in San Pedro.

We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

Call us today and set up a private consultation.

Come check us out. We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste


Monday, May 29, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 58

The Cha Cha Cha is a traditional Cuban dance.  It is easy to learn and a great cardiovascular workout. Uno, dos, y cha cha cha!  I want you to try this so, wherever you are, take a moment and do the steps with me.  Go!  

Day 58.  You have come a long way on this journey.  Have you been using your journal?  I believe it is one of the most powerful tools for understanding yourself.  When you write, you begin to see patterns unfolding and the space for expanding your truths, feelings, and emotions.  Writing can be the catalyst for escorting your new life into being.  
In the next two days, you will be taking your measurements again.  Recording your results in your journal helps you realize how much you have progressed through this challenge.  When you place your initial stats next to your 30-day and, soon, your 60-day, you will be blown away.  And your weight-loss may not be huge, for example, look at Risha's before and after in the photo above.  Does it really matter that she lost less than 6 pounds when her inches dropped so drastically?  And look at how her body transformed!  I see more of my students realize a reduction in girth and body fat than in weight-loss.

This happens because The Metabolic Cure concentrates on increasing muscle mass and your metabolism while reducing body fat.  The result is a body that forms into a shapely, fit and healthy one. By taking a holistic approach to your fitness program, you learn to encompass all aspects of wellness; nutritional balance, regular exercise, mental stability, and spiritual awareness.

This week we want you to concentrate on your specific meals.  Eat what you like but watch the calories.  Remember that if you eat more carbs than you can burn, your body will convert them to sugar and may affect your glucose levels. Eat a balanced meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with 2 to 3 protein meals.  Avoid going longer than 3 hours without eating.  And, drink plenty of water. 

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is the finest wellness center in San Pedro.

We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 57

Here is a basic Salsa step broken down move by move.  Have fun!

Day 57.  This week's theme is Meals and Calories.  On this plan, you’ll be eating:

• 3 days fast track — 6 protein meals per day (~150–200 calories each)*

The balance of the plan consists of:
• 3 meals a day (~300–400 calories each)
• 3 snacks a day (~100–200 calories each)
• 10 glasses a day of any non-calorie liquid

Eating several small meals throughout the day helps keep your appetite under control while stimulating your systems to reset your thermostat.  It also costs your body more energy to constantly digest food throughout the day and burns more calories.

*  The recommended caloric amounts in the Metabolic Cure Meal Plan have been designed assuming a usual diet of 2000 calories per day. There may be adjustments upwards of the recommended number if you have been used to consuming a higher caloric diet.

This is why it is so important to consult with a professional when taking this type of challenge. There is no such thing as a one size fits all health and wellness program.  Each person's individual lifestyle, body-type, psyche and spirit is unique. Therefore,  your plan for weight-loss and fitness would need to be tailored to your individual needs.

Generally speaking, the goal of this plan is to reduce 500 calories from your current daily intake of food.  You can reduce 250 calories from your diet and burn another 250 through exercise; or any combination thereof.  Every fourth week you increase your caloric intake and intensity of workouts.  Then, you recycle the whole process again month after month for 90 days.  If you have not reached your desired goal by the end of the 12-Week Schedule, then you can restart the entire cycle all over again until you do.

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is the finest wellness center in San Pedro.

We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

Call us today and set up a private consultation

Come check us out. We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 56

By now you must know that I love salads!  They are easy to make and you get fruits, veggies, essential oils and protein all in one dish.  The perfect meal.

Day 56.  Reward day!  You deserve to treat yourself to whatever will make you feel good. What is this challenge for if you can't enjoy the process?  Life is meant to be lived out to its fullest. Forget feeling guilty, go splurge.  You want to eat a piece of chocolate cake, go for it.  You have been working hard for almost 2 months now so a reward for your efforts is a good thing. It will give you the impetus to keep moving towards your goal.  Life is about inspiration, not deprivation.

This is a metabolic reset week so you want to eat more calories. You want to get you system revving at a higher rate so when you return to your caloric deficit phase of the program, your body will burn fuel from your fat stores.  This week would also be a good time to re-measure your weight, body fat and girth.  You should begin to see significant changes to those numbers.  

For better or worse, our bodies are shaped by habits. As much as we might wish for quick fixes to health and weight problems, lasting improvement only occurs when we develop healthier habits—
and that’s what my Metabolic Cure is all about.

This is not a diet, but a metabolic strategy. Using a technique called metabolic reset,
calorie levels will be periodically adjusted to keep your metabolism elevated, thereby maximizing
the impact of your workouts. Because this meal plan doesn’t require you to follow a particular
diet, it can be adapted to any other nutritionally balanced eating plan. All you have to do is exercise most days of the week and follow my suggestion for caloric intake.  Your body will take care of the rest.
Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is San Pedro's finest wellness center and our professional staff is here to help you take your health and wellness to the next level.  All you have to do is show up and become a willing participant in life's journey toward a healthier you.

We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste,


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 55

I love sweet potatoes.  This is a simple meal and fits right in line with the type of dishes I recommend on my Metabolic Cure Meal Plan.  Check out the recipe here.  

Day 55.  Ay ya yai!  I must admit that my body is feeling the intensity of our fitness routines.  This week marks the 2nd round of caloric reset on your plan.  We have been discussing the 12-week schedule and have reviewed the general lay of the land when it comes to weight-loss, eating healthily and exercising regularly.

The first week of this plan calls for reduced calories and regular exercise.  The second and third weeks follow the same principle with a slight increase in caloric intake and intensity of your exercise regimen. The 4th week allows for a metabolic re-set where you increase your calories by approximately 250 to 300 more than the previous 3 weeks.

You may also decide to commit to the 3 day Fast Track part of the plan.  This requires you eat "protein only" meals for the first 3 days.  It's not for everybody, and you can bypass this part if you wish, however, I believe doing it sets you up for success.

It jump-starts your metabolism at the onset of your program and prepares your body for the upcoming changes soon to take place.   It's a tough 3 days, however, if you want to see real results, you must make real changes.  I highly recommend you make this commitment to your plan.

Next week we will retake your measurements, weight, body fat percentage and metabolic rate. What you want to see is a drop in inches and body fat percentage with an INCREASE in metabolic rate.  Forget about weight for now, you have only been at this for 55 days.  Remember, we are targeting for one to two pounds of weight-loss per week.  This will put you anywhere between 7 to 14 pounds of weight-loss since April 1st when you started this journey.

Keep on keeping on.  No matter what, never give up, never give up, never give up!  (Winston Churchill)

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is San Pedro's finest wellness center. We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste,


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 54

Yummy.  Watch your portions with rice, and cheese, but my mouth is watering as I watch this video.  I love meals in a bowl.

Day 54.  This week's blog is meant to review the 12-week schedule from The Metabolic Cure.  In addition to using exercise to prevent your metabolism from slowing, periodically replacing some of the calories you have removed from your diet is another means of keeping your metabolism up. On this plan, we’ll add some calories back into your diet every fourth week to keep from triggering a drop in your metabolism.

Your body's response to changes in caloric intake lags behind the real-time changes that are taking place.  It figures out that you have been depriving it of calories so at about week 3, it begins to slow down its burn rate.  You can bypass that slow-down by increasing the caloric intake and increasing the intensity of your exercise during week 4.  I like to call this phase of the program "metabolic reset."

Practice, patience and determination will always win the day.  You are at the beginning stages of learning to set goals so do not worry about being perfect with the process- I want you to enjoy the journey.  Relax, and realize you have a lot of exciting things to learn about yourself.  

Why do you tend to fall back into your old habits?  What is it that blocks you from getting to the next level in your life?  Why do you put your health in jeopardy by choosing to act in ways that sabotage your progress? 

Journal!  Write down what you are feeling. The more you investigate the reasons why you make specific choices, the more the answers will be revealed.  

Ask yourself the hard questions.  Write your answers down and read them back to yourself. So much will be revealed.  When it comes right down to it, the truth can never be smothered.  It will always reveal itself.  The truest aspect of who you are will always rise to the occasion.  You can never stifle your essence of who you truly are; your being, the essence of your spirit, will always survive.  Once you allow your spirit to reveal itself to you, your life will unfold with ease.

Om, peace.

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is San Pedro's finest wellness center. We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste,


Absolute Best Challenge Day 53

Mambo Mania® rocks with traditional Cuban Rhythms and movements.  This class makes you feel sexy and it's fun!  You have to come try it at my AbsoluteBest where I teach every Tuesday at 10:30 AM and 6:00 PM, and Thursdays at 6:00 PM.  I promise it will bring a smile to your face.

Day 53.  The Metabolic Cure 12-Week Schedule calls for an increase in your caloric intake during week 2 of the challenge.  The goal is to create a daily deficit of 500 calories by raising your metabolism through a combination of exercising and eating healthily.  You learn to balance your body's energy inflow with its outflow.    

You duplicate this 500 calorie deficit during week 3 as well and align your exercise routine to match your current energy.  This schedule balances your meals with your exercise plan. The exercise routines coincide with periods of caloric deficits and interim periods of increased energy during the metabolic "reset" phase.    

Throughout the 12 weeks, I highly encourage you to keep a journal and write about your emotional state during these weeks of change. You are moving into a new way of living and becoming a healthy individual.  

When you feel compelled to act habitually against the healthier image of yourself, learn to develop the clarity of mind to ask why you are compelled to choose a lesser state of health. Stop and grab your journal to write down the answer. Then go back to your day and choose wisely, in full consciousness, rather than force of habit.  

You are the steward of your ship. Your body is your personal vehicle that helps you traverse this physical world.  Take good care of it because you will not have the opportunity to upgrade it to a newer model until you leave this earthly plane. I know that my previous statement is purely conjecture, however, I AM confident when I say I believe that your body is unique to you and it is the sacred vessel you have chosen to maneuver around in this physical dimension.          
Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is San Pedro's finest wellness center. We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

Call us today and set up a private consultation.

Come check us out. We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste,


Monday, May 22, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 52

It is important to do cardiovascular exercises whenever you are on a weight-loss plan.  You have to increase your heart rate to trigger your body's metabolism enough to make it burn fat, convert it into energy and then utilize it as fuel to keep you moving. Latin movements create lots of heat!  Learn this basic salsa step and get ready for Mambo Mania®

Day 52.  Can you believe it?  You have stayed true to your commitment for 52 days!  I know it is tough to take the initiative to change and improve your life.  It takes energy, commitment, vision, discipline and courage.  

If you are going to get to the finish line, you are going to have to focus on your health and fitness first and foremost.  All other things will have to take 2nd place to your goal. However, you will still be loved, you will still be needed and you will be better able make an imprint on the world when you are absolutely healthy.  

Yesterday I wrote about the 3 day fast track. If you want to bypass that step, you may do so. However, The Metabolic Cure requires you to begin your 1st week with my Fast Track follow-up plan.  This means that you eat 5 to 6 healthy meals throughout the day substituting one of them with a protein drink.  Find a healthy protein powder and choose to make a smoothie for your breakfast, lunch or dinner; pick one.  

This meal replacement will begin to teach your body that meals are simply a source of energy.  A smoothie is quick and easy and has less of an emotional connection to the smells and social aspects of sitting down to a "meal."  You make a healthy drink, you drink it, your body receives the calories it needs to fuel it and you begin to differentiate eating for sustenance as opposed to emotional eating. It's just fuel folks, you need it to survive and thrive.  

I know it seems easier said than done, and it is, but if you are ready to usher in a new version of yourself, then this is the next step to bringing that vision into fruition.  What have you got to lose? Oh yeah, just a few pounds!

Let it go people, whatever it is you are holding onto, let it go.  It no longer serves you.  Ok, enough of that.  You know the drill.  If you want a private session, just click here.    Book an appointment and let's get down to business.  

Just so you know, November 2nd through the 11th, 2017, a couple of friends of mine, Jana Hollingsworth and Shelley Warren will be hosting an Absolute Best Costa Rican "Psychic Boot Camp" Retreat.  There are only 9 spots available.  If you want to get a taste of paradise and "re-set" you life, come join us!  

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is San Pedro's finest wellness center. We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

Call us today and set up a private consultation.

Come check us out. We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste,



Sunday, May 21, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 51

This Latin Rhythms DVD with Kathy Smith was one of my favorites. I had the good fortune of being lead choreographer on this project and can vouch for the fact that this workout will burn calories! Give it a try!

Day 51. You are more than half way through your challenge; 39 days remain. This week we are focusing on the Metabolic Cure's 12-Week schedule. You have been at this for 7 weeks and, gradually, are learning to integrate nutritional awareness, exercise and journaling into your life.

These tools, along with a positive attitude, goal setting, discipline and meditation open the way for success in your life. Look back from where you came, then look at where you are. Are you happy with yourself? If not, change your mind, change your internal imagery and reflect out to the world that which you wish to project instead. Is your heart in sync with your mind? If not, touch your heart and feel the rhythm of its beat. Take a few breaths and know that you are safe. Now, get to the business of living a fit and healthy life.

The 12-Week Schedule begins with a 3 day fast track. Eat only protein, no carbs, for 3 days. This will rev you metabolism and heighten combustion of your fat stores. It communicates to your body that you are making big changes and it needs to pay attention in order to keep up and thrive.

This is also optional, you can skip this part of the plan. It is harsh and requires determination and discipline. It may not be for everybody. Try it for a day, if you get through that one, then try it one more time. If you get through two days, you will certainly be able to get through the third.

After you have completed the 3 day fast track phase of the plan, you will begin the caloric deficit time table of 3 weeks on caloric reduction and one week of re-setting your metabolic rate. This is repeated over the 90-day period for 3 cycles. After the 90 days, if you have not reached your desired fitness and wellness levels, repeat the whole process over again until your reach your goal.

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is San Pedro's finest wellness center. We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

Call us today and set up a private consultation.

Come check us out. We are located on 6th Street between Gaffy and Grand.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste,


Saturday, May 20, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 50

Cha cha cha is one of my favorite dance steps.  Click the video clip above and follow along.  I hope you discover that even though exercise can be challenging, it can also be fun.

Day 50 of your challenge.  Today marks the end of another week and a chance for another reward. What do you deserve for appreciating your health and wellness?  Will you visit a friend and tell them you love them?  Write in your journal about events that have embolden and empowered you? Take a Yoga class?  Eat a piece of chocolate cake? How about taking yourself to a movie or getting a relaxing massage?  Whatever your reward, be grateful.  This body is your only vehicle for maneuvering in this world.  If you do not appreciate it, you will not be compelled to take care of it. Your body deserves to be treated nicely.  It has kept you alive and thriving for one more day.

Writing a Gratitude List
The act of writing things down, putting pen to paper, permeates through your body, mind, and spirit; it solidifies your ideas.  Through writing, you are reinforcing your truth on a physical and, more importantly, cellular level.  These imprints of your desires, gratitude and successes will become memorialized, and, locked into your cellular memory forever.  Your mind and body will memorize how great it feels to succeed and be grateful. There will be a convergence of your soul’s intent for this life with your daily actions.  Keeping a journal is a powerful tool!

Next week we begin anew.  Our focus will be on your 12-week schedule.  We will reflect of where you have been and then look forward to the upcoming weeks. You have come too far to turn back now.  At this point, you stay the course. 

Everyone is different.  We all grow in different ways and at different times.  If you open your mind to the possibility of success, you will give yourself room to reach your highest ambitions.  Don't forget to embrace and appreciate the simple things as well because they also invite success.   Address your health and well-being, they will empower your loftiest dreams.  Memorize your feelings of success, they will give you the confidence to accept new challenges.  

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is San Pedro's finest wellness center.  We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste,


Friday, May 19, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 49

What does this picture have to do with our Challenge?  WELL, Absolute Best is gearing up for our next Costa Rican retreat.  We are calling it our Absolute Best Psychic Boot Camp Retreat.  Our calendars are set for November 2nd through November 11th, 2017 for our eco-adventure tour.  If you really want to reach the next level of self-improvement, you must join me and my friends, Jana Hollingsworth and Shelley Warren to discover your unlimited power and potential.

Day 49.  Ladies, and gentlemen, I want to express my deepest appreciation for allowing me to be your guide and general accountability partner throughout these last 49 days.  This week has been about sharing "The Tools" of the program; my favorite part of the challenge.  They are the crux of 'how to' put your best foot forward so you can reach the finish line.

If you want to be met with success, you must take action.  You have to do something physical to make your dreams come true.  If you act in a certain way repeatedly, then you develop the discipline to continue that pattern of behavior. Once you have created a lifestyle patterned to serve up your desired goals, the exhilaration of winning will lead you to the next challenge in life.

The emotions connected with winning are so powerful that you will be coaxed into repeating the same behaviors which helped you succeed in the first place. Even though each new adventure is an unknown, you will take action because you are alive and here on this planet "doing" things.  Human beings like the certainty of uncertainty.  We like variety in life because, without it, we would be bored!

The best advice I can give you regarding achieving your goal is to develop discipline.  You have been following "patterned" behaviors all of your life.  If they are not producing your desired results, then change them.

No matter where you are, begin to take action steps towards your desires. If you keep your dreams in your head they will go up in smoke.  If you put them into action, they will come true.  I do not see how it can work any other way.

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is San Pedro's finest wellness center.  We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste,


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 48

Get your mat, click here and take my Pilates class!  Every Thursday at 10:30 AM, PST, I go live on Facebook and bring my class into your living room.  Hope you can make it next week, but in the meantime, click the link above and join me.  

Day 48.  This week I am sharing "The Tools" which will move you closer to your goals.  So far, you have made your wellness declaration, found an accountability partner and taken action towards achieving your goal.  This challenge is meant to get you to the finish line.  My experience has shown me that developing new wellness habits for 90 days creates a lasting transformation.

One of the best ways to feel alive is to take care of your body.  I have already started teaching you how to develop your mental attitude so you can develop a positive vibration.  Now let’s look at your physical attributes.  That’s right; you express your attitudes and feelings through your body.  In fact, a positive attitude is fundamental to health and healing.  Medical journals suggest that ailing patients who think positively about their prospects for survival are living well beyond their doctor’s expectations.  Optimism and determination are one of the most powerful tools used by survivors of potentially terminal diseases.      

When someone walks into a room, their body language will disclose their current mood. If their head is hanging down, you know they’re not feeling well.  If their chin is up and their eyes are bright, you know they are happy. 

Here is my secret weapon against negativity:  be an active body that is fully aware and alive

When you are in complete awareness, you know exactly what, where and how sensations are swirling in your body.  You have a built-in feedback loop which allows you to receive stimuli from your outer environment; process it internally then, send information to your brain which will generate a specific response.  For example: If you touch something hot, you typically recoil quickly not to get burnt.  When you are fully aware of your body, you quickly learn how to react to your environment. 

Your body is a vehicle for maneuvering through this world, your life, and your relationships.   You can learn to develop a keen awareness of your emotional state by learning to understand your physical sensations.  Your body is always responding to your surrounding.  The more you learn how to manage your responses to your external world, the better you become at choosing the best course of action for maximum results. 

Right now, stop, take a deep breath and imagine your body is strong, healthy, clean, and pure. You will undoubtedly begin to feel happy once that thought becomes clear and focused in your mind's eye. It is nearly impossible to think negatively when you imagine feeling good. If you do this quick imagination exercise several times throughout your day, I guarantee you will begin to change your frequency to a positive vibration.

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is San Pedro's finest wellness center.  We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste,






Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 47

Mambo hips and Pilates?  Yes, it's possible to blend Pilates core training techniques with Mambo. This video shows you how.

Day 47!  You are a different person today than the one who started this journey 47 days ago.  I'm flabbergasted how every time I do these challenges, the power of attraction brings so many great things into my life.

I hope you are becoming aware of how the power of positive thinking, disciplined action and meditation are bringing you into alignment with your best self. Once your mindset is focused on producing positive and healthy outcomes in life, things begin to get better.  It's as if time and space align to your needs and desires making success a fait accompli.

This week's focus is about "The tools" you can use to leverage your success.  Developing a positive attitude is imperative to your success.  Here are some guidelines for developing a positive vibration.

1.  Say NO to your negative thoughts.  If your desire is to stop repeating negative thought patterns of worthlessness, you must make a commitment to self-preservation and happiness.  You need to take time for yourself and tend to your spiritual and physical wounds.  You need to infuse those old thought patterns with a positive charge.  Spending time on self-care and self-improvement does not mean you are selfish or self-centered.  It means the opposite.  If you truly want to help others, if you want to give your best to all your relationships, you must come to them with a strong, clear mind and a joyful heart.  Strong, happy people lift the spirits of those around them.

2.  Do your Imagination Exercises!  To develop the ability to infuse yourself with positive energy, peace and joy, I suggest you repeat my imagination exercise for 30 days in a row.   What are imagination exercises?  They are meditation techniques where you sit quietly and visualize yourself as your Absolute Best.  As you learn to accept positive vibrations, you will face the day with a new sense of strength and hope. As time passes, life will get easier and you will notice the law of attraction bringing you positive results from your practice.  The problems that typically nagged and derailed you will gradually drift away.  They will become smaller and less threatening.  After 30 days, you will have built up a positive expectation of yourself that will allow you to tackle any problem that comes your way without sabotaging your desired goal.

Do not hesitate to give us a call and set up a private consultation to get yourself up to speed with your potential.  Make your spirit shine and see how life begins to bend to your desires.  It's really quite empowering!

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is San Pedro's finest wellness center.  We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste,



Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 46

This chicken bowl looks easy to make and tasty too, however, I would recommend you cut back on the portions for rice.  These video clips show great recipe ideas that can easily be modified to fit my plan. Follow my suggestions to learn how much starch to eat in my Metabolic Cure Meal Plan.

Day 46.  I have great respect for you and your commitment to take this challenge.  History has proven that success and achieving your goals is possible.  I have been honored to witness great transformations, like Alisa's, shown here on the right.  Do you want to be a success story?  Sign up for my next challenge and become your Absolute Best.

This is a mammoth challenge and even though I am not trying to lose weight,  I have.  I am not even trying folks.  I am reaping the benefits of weight-loss because of my commitment to coach you. My declaration to write a blog about weight-loss, exercise, and meditation, for 90 days, has by default, driven me to develop better eating habits.  

I want you to succeed so, this week, I am sharing more tools to keep you on track
towards your goal.

Here are two more pointers for reaching your Absolute Best results:

  1. Realize your Dreams-  Acknowledge your successes along the way.  Be in the moment of your life.  Be steady in knowing that you are in the process of becoming your Absolute Best. You are alway expanding and growing.  On the other hand, when you allow fear and doubt to creep in, you tend to sabotage your success.   If you are derailed at any point in your journey, get up, dust yourself off and get back on track. You may have to switch lanes, take a detour or an alternate route, to reach your final destination. Realize that today you will be met with success as long as you stay focused on the goal.  Just take one small step; make a healthier choice for a meal, do one more push up or sit up, walk one extra mile, and then reward yourself for committing to your goals.   One step, then another, and another; pretty soon, you arrive! 
  2. Meditation-  Discipline is taken to the next level.  When it is all said and done, you fold back into you. You are the source of all the deeds and thoughts you have ever experienced.  The realm of Spirit lies deep within and can only be accessed through quieting the mind and stilling the body.  In this realm, there is a unification of the conscious self; the ego, the physical body, and the spiritual soul.  This union leads you towards the Universal Light; your way back home.
Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is San Pedro's finest wellness center.  We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste,


Monday, May 15, 2017

Absolute Best Challenge Day 45

Honey Mustard Chicken Salad.  Check this recipe out.  At this point in your journey, a little honey and a few bits of bacon won't hurt.  Just watch your portions.

Day 45.  A tool is an implement that assists you in getting a job done.  This 12-week challenge is work. You need to utilize tools to help leverage your efforts.  I suggest you use some of my techniques for visualization, goal setting and developing the discipline to achieve success.   Once you begin succeeding time and again, your physiology and psychic energy will memorize the sensation of those triumphs at a cellular level.  Success will become easy.  

When you ask the universe for your desire; for instance, your ideal body, first imagine it in your mind. Then take the appropriate action steps to achieve that goal; go to exercise classes, eat healthily, and meditate.  However, unless you develop the discipline to take these steps, life's pressures will most likely derail you.  

Most people are uncomfortable with change.  They would rather have the safety of their misery than the excitement of doing something to change their lives.  

Relax, enjoy the fact that you have taken the first real steps towards your goal. Goodness, you have stuck with this for 45 days!  The purpose of discipline is to increase your enjoyment of life, not to have you worry and fret over the tasks that lay ahead.

When you worry, you are imagining that things will turn out bad.   This worry can seem real and it can dominate your every thought.  You will always put your dominant thought into action.  So, worry, which is negative energy, will produce negative results. 

Most people have had more practice thinking negatively than positively.  It’s time to turn your thinking around.  Use your positive energy and have faith that your inner guidance; your intuition, will steer you in the right direction.  Learn to mold and reshape your thoughts to align with your ideal self instead of allowing them to dominate you. 

Negativity makes you tentative and reluctant to act on your deepest desires.  I want you to begin to act as if it is perfectly natural for things to go well.   Of course, you are a fit and healthy person, you behavior over the last 45 days makes it so.  You have been disciplined enough to get this far, the rest is easy because you have already tasted success.  Once that happens, there's no going back. It's already embedded into your cellular memory.  It's like riding a bike, once you learn, you never forget.  

Absolute Best "whole life warehouse" is San Pedro's finest wellness center.  We are committed to your wellness by optimizing the health of your body, mind, and spirit - together - all in one convenient location.

"Bridging the gap between you and your personal best."

Peace, Love, Namaste,
